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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. how bout wilco spotted while you're out and about, we ran into John at the Glenn Kotche show at Northwestern on Sunday. (and Andrew Bird)
  2. myself, blindgonzo, and foolinrain went to this. it was so great! i'll post more once i recover from my travels!
  3. anyone have an extra for this friday night's spoon concert in baltimore. i'd be forever greatful!
  4. phew! i just got home. i'm still trying to process it all. what an amazing night!!! i'll have to post more when i'm more awake and can fully comprehend it all. it was so great meeting everyone and sharing such an amazing experience together. RADIO CURE!!!!
  5. i found a question in trivial pursuit was wrong (and it was more than merely a typo). the trivial pursuit folks blew me off and passed the flaw onto a different division that passed it back. (they called salvador dali an impressionist, he's a surrealist). i also found a snapple fact on a snapple lid (something to the tune of koala bears are the only mammal besides humans to have thumb prints, wrong, all primates are mammals and have thumb prints). snapple responded and told me they verify all of their facts on the internet and therefore i was wrong and they were right. i thought that was rat
  6. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...toryId=87867518 this was on NPR this morning.
  7. interesting read: in the 1930s the majority of americans had no idea what pizza or quiche was.
  8. I thought for sure you'd pick "Turn to the right".
  9. probably not what you're looking for, but when i'm on the road, i need mindless upbeat stuff that i can sing along to. with that in mind i recommend: The Carpenters Greatest Hits any of the Hairbands and all the 80s metal Appetite for Destruction
  10. "are you a good witch or a bad witch?"
  11. whatcha tryin' to say there ?? when you hire the dog sitter and they already know it is so you can go to a wilco concert...out of town.
  12. I can't believe I am about to say this, but I agree completely with IKOL here and I don't think IKOL and I have the same political leanings at all. History has been made.
  13. I kinda like John Stewart's take on the Obama speech.
  14. it seems like these days the only days shows are scheduled is on a weeknight. so if i lived where you lived, yeah, i'd go see your band on a weeknight.
  15. but why he is taking the opportunity now to address this. why didn't he address it head on years ago when he heard the "controversial" sermons? why not at the beginning of his campaign? where is the effort prior to this speech to bring forward this dialogue with the minister himself and make someone obama is so close to aware of how much his actions are prohibiting the unity you talk mention? action, that's what i need, not simply a speech that talks about it. i have a hard time with the whole respecting someone that differs so extremely on such a fundamental core point of view. there are so
  16. chiming in a bit late here, and hummingbird might have more information than i do, but mikael did just finish a cd of his solo project (Pronto). and i must say it is really really great! very different from what you would expect. i've got it on regular rotation right now and love it. i'm not quite sure how the album is going to be released, distributed, etc. there indeed is a wealth of talent in that group we all know and love as wilco.
  17. here comes the firestorm, this thread needed a little stirring: what i don't understand about all of this is why he gave a speech in response to the question of why he attended a church for many many years and is aligned with a pastor that said some extremely anti-american things, and negatively racially charged things. why not be straightforward and speak to the issue at hand which is not about race and poverty or inspiring a generation or change. the question that needs to be addressed: why overlook that controversial aspect of rev. wright, the serious elements of disagreement that complet
  18. Tickets went on sale this morning and looks there are a few left still. Am quite excited to get the chance to see Lou Reed at a venue like the 9:30 club. I saw him several years ago at Wolftrap and it was a great show. I am sure the 9:30 club will not disappoint! Anyone else going???
  19. wow, that's even more painful. both of those friends are now cut-off from attending any and all concerts with me. they crossed the line with the wilco shows. and once you cross the line with the sacred wilco shows there's no coming back into the circle. both want my extra radiohead ticket...hee heee that's not gonna happen. oooh wait, it would actually be really hilarious if my bit shows up in the DVD and they see it... luckily there were plenty of folks trying to get into the show that i was able to sell the extra ticket. and make a true wilco fan a happy wilco fan.
  20. it's so true! and if you think orange cats are crazy, try tortoise shells, they're psychotic! it's a genetic thing. something about the wrong number of x or y chromosomes. as for the time change, it has me all out of whack! the extra sunlight is supposed to coincide with warm invigorating weather. don't get me wrong, i'm enjoying the extra daylight hours, it makes me feel human again, out of the dulldrums, but dear me, could someone please make this cold weather go away. i'm really tired of not being able to get warm. bbrrrrrrr.
  21. i didn't get interviewed, but was filmed while i was waiting outside the 9:30 club. my friend was very very late causing me to not get a good spot down front. while i was waiting for her to show up, i called a friend that was supposed to go to the wed night show with me. he bailed on me and decided he was too tired to go see wilco. i started bitching him out. and the camera crew took notice. i then called my boyfriend to vent about how ridiculous my friends were for 1) being so late to a wilco show and 2) deciding not to go to a wilco concert that was extremely difficult to get tickets for and
  22. i was going to suggest cd cellar as well. you can always cross the river into DC and go to the cd store in georgetown. i think it is called cd warehouse, but might be something different. it is on M street, near 30th i think.
  23. one word: MINI!!!!!! i just bought one. OMG! it is absolutely the BEST car to drive. so so so so so much fun. it gets up to 40mpg and is hatchbacky! they are quite roomie inside and if you need to transport larger items the seat folds down flat and make the back really spacious. if not a MINI cooper, the MINI clubman's are really sweet. there is a 2 month wait for a brand new MINI, but you can customize them like crazy, bonnet stipes, white tops...they're so much fun! did i mention that? do NOT buy a ford focus. i had a 2002 focus (hatchback) that got pretty good gas mileage. yeah, except
  24. mine was originally wonder woman (well linda carter as wonder woman) because wonder woman is awesome! and then one day someone started a thread because they were upset and believed that christians today are persecuted and have a very tough draw in life right now and can't practice their religion freely. it pushed my buttons and i got rather riled up and made mention of many religions being persecuted throughout history and made a reference to witches. someone got smart and pointed out that Linda Carter wasn't a witch. It inspired me to change to Glinda the good witch of the north. well becau
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