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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. happy happy birthday! hope you have a great day!
  2. i haven't listened to it in a while and it came up on the ipod last night (the full double album with the bonus disc) and i find it be a lot better now than when it first came out. last night's listen gave me a much deeper appreciation for it. i still hold to my stance that you need both discs for the album to actually sound complete. it indeed is a good album and definitely deserved all of its rave reviews and list topping. my thought anyway.
  3. i walked out on the Shins at merriweather. the sound was just awful. and i mean awful. painfully awful.
  4. i'm glad i'm not the only that had no clue who most of those folks are.
  5. anyone notice today's google logo? Jeff Koons piece. apparently they're teaming up with artists or to be more exact: "Now you can put the work of world-class artists and innovators on your personalized Google homepage. Then add your choice of news, email, games, and more for a page that's as useful as it is beautiful." I checked out the world-class artists and innovators and ummmm, i really must be living under a rock. I'm an artist, have a career as a designer for art museums, and well heavily involved in the arts. I really have no clue who half those people are. Chihuly, Koons, and Coldp
  6. hi everyone, just got the remaining posters i had made for the show in hand and it seems i have 4 left over if anyone is interested. in addition there are 18 artists proofs (these are slightly flawed in some special way) pm me and we'll work something out if you want one.
  7. wahoo! so exciting. not only will wilco be there, but andrew bird as well, . and the already mentioned bob dylan.
  8. isadorah

    New Shows

  9. it's up to $3.69 for 87 here in DC. it costs over $40 for me to fill up, and I drive a MINI cooper. Thank goodness for 40mpg. At least we have mass transit here (although the most expensive mass transit system in the country). That doesn't help me much because most of the people I adore don't live in DC. hmmph.
  10. ok this isn't wilco, but since i started the thread, . had lunch in a posh restaurant today and they were playing Tom Waits. back to the regularly scheduled programming.
  11. agreed. were you on the floor or in the balcony? i was in the balcony to the left of the stage and must say the VIP section was quite chatty and quite loud. that was my only complaint for the show.
  12. hey now...i just saw this... not a fan of the first song on that mixed tape i made for you then huh... i think a night of muppet movies is in order. hee hee.
  13. He played some new stuff last night. Sounded really good. Otherwise a fine sampling of all his stuff. i don't know song titles all too well. he did one song off his Raven album as well as "sweet jane" and "perfect day". last time i saw him he did those; it was when Raven was released. he did the song off the Juno soundtrack. did i mention the new stuff was really good and that i'm really bad with song names?
  14. i've got an entire list. every possible scenario one could come up with. that's what 7 hours in a car on day three of following wilco around produces...oh wait, yeah guess that means i'm obsessed with all things wilco...oh wait everyone knew that already though. how about, if you take vacation and all your colleagues ask where you are traveling to this time to see Wilco. (has that been mentioned already, it happened to me this week).
  15. thought it was a good show. you can never go wrong with Lou Reed live!
  16. 5 miles each way if i choose to drive (free parking in the city rocks on days when you can't get out of bed). i've been driving to work practically everyday for the past two months simply because i had the motorin' bug (MINI), but am back to being sensible. interesting enough i've managed to put 4000 miles on my new car in the past two months. guess i have really had that motorin' bug. as of today my commute has gone back to being 10 steps out my apartment door to the bus, 10 steps from the bus to the metro, cross the street from the metro to the office. repeat in reverse.
  17. ahhh wilco ticket sales season has begun. i love this time of year, we all log in and stress out as we frantically try to buy tickets. then folks freak out because they got locked out of the presale in 1 minute flat. then go through it all over again two days later. some get tickets others don't. everyone freaks out again. and then somehow magically everyone that wants to go finds a source for tickets. usually in the how to fight loneliness section. it's like the change of the seasons, washing and conditioning your hair, buying wilco concert tickets...it wouldn't be the same any other way.
  18. i guess it all depends on when you came of age/were introduced to metal in how you define your metal bands. i would call black sabbath and motorhead metal bands, but wouldn't pick them as the top two, but that's probably because i came of metal age in the late 80s when their time had already gone from the spotlight (although i would guess they should be the top two). i would instead say metallica and ac/dc, but that's probably because they were in the spotlight when i came of age. guns -n- roses is a hair band in my book, right up there with poison, def leppard, l.a. guns, and motley cru
  19. my mom loves wilco. she called me after the grammys to tell me that the foo fighters suck and that was wilco's grammy they had. she taped saturday night love and only needs A.M. to complete her wilco collection and ... well you get the picture.
  20. i have a ticket for the New Pornographers show at the 9:30Club tonight if anyone wants it. PM me.
  21. $3.49 for 87 octane here in Washington, DC. That's fairly cheap for this city. It is higher on some corner. it cost me $45 to fill up my MINIcooper. Thank goodness for 40 mpg gas mileage.
  22. Happy birthday !!! hope you have a great one! still floating i hope on your living room high!
  23. The Bee Gees: To Love Somebody The Beach Boys: Good Vibrations The Kinks: ummm, don't have one for this one.
  24. for anyone living in/near Washington, DC, there's this place: http://www.framersworkroomdc.com/ i'm going by there this week to start working on my concert posters (non-residency since i don't have the residency posters). i'll let folks know more details once i check it out if anyone is interested. ____ edit: i went by there, not worth it! they wanted $40 for the mat alone not counting the frame. by the time you added in the cost of the frame, glass, and backing materials, you might as well go somewhere else and pay them to do all of the work for you at the same price. disappointing.
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