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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. YES!!!! ok seriously, i hated this song before last night, but just now, it got two arms in the air and a loud YES!!!
  2. ummmm, how do we say this.... geeez this is tough....yeah they played about half-an-hour ago...
  3. there's a great pic of mike on my screen now.
  4. the horns are incredible. the tonal pros should definitely go on the road with them!
  5. awwwh!!! what light!!! ok, see I LOVE this song too! i want to sing this to my children (when, if i ever have any)!
  6. plenty of room for the B sides now like "one true vine" (i really want to hear that one) and "let's not get carried away" (not so much).
  7. brilliant! i call dibs! that would guarantee two songs, right???
  8. me too! ok, seriously, does anyone have a guess as to the song?
  10. hello to all the newbies and lurkers and yeah, everyone's coming out of the woodwork. this is so great!
  11. ok who said Nels was god???? i'm in total agreement! do you hear that??? breathless!
  12. phew! thanks! i didn't miss too much! and yah! JOHN!!!!!!!!
  13. i really like your avatar roby! very nice
  14. i got those for a second and for a fleeting moment i thought it was some crazy thing mikael was doing...then i realized otherwise
  15. ahh, i love this song. do i say that after every song. now that i'm back up and running, can anyone give me a quick catch up on what i missed between you are my face and pot kettle black????
  16. ummmmm, isn't this the song everyone's been waiting for?????
  17. damn it all to hell. some fucker crashed my wireless network and jacked it all up trying to steal service (i'd like to believe they too were streaming wilco) so i missed the first half our blast! gotta catch up! get pack into cheery party mode! i need a beer. that was stressful.
  18. aww man, i'd blocked them out of mind, now that bad memory has come back! those guys were lame! welcome to the newbies!! where's the stream. am getting anxious!!
  19. what if the page on the website about a stream is just a cruel cruel joke and there's actually not a stream.
  20. brad paisley almost knocked me over at the ryman last year at a patty griffin concert, he was talking to someone and turned around right into me, almost spilled his beer on me. my friend told me that was brad paisley, i looked at her and said who??? yeah, i finally figured out what she was talking about when i watched the grammy's last week. and all this talk about pee has made me have to pee. phew, thank goodness there's time before the show starts.
  21. am talking to bigshoulders while he's in line...he wants to know where's the coffee???
  22. I'll be there with ya! who needs to watch good bad tv when you can chat online about a wilco concert you can't be at????? see you tonight! [must come up with a more comfortable setup for tonight with the speakers and the laptop and the dog]
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