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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. i'd keep it, the first pressings are far more valuable than 2nds, 3rds, etc. or if you want, i'll order the new one and we can trade.
  2. look what i found: http://www.amazon.com/Yankee-Hotel-Foxtrot...8206&sr=8-2 July 29 now.
  3. yay photo contest! hey llynn, isn't there a rule that you can only win once or something? just kidding.
  4. so so true. hmmm, wait you might be onto something that would end all this squabbling. actually i'm all for keeping it in things that need it to exist, like soda, but crackers and baby food, not so much.
  5. but think about the amount of money that would be saved in medical costs from diseases such as diabetes and other illnesses that are being caused by the obesity and over consumption of sugar in this country. also, how much money would it cost to reformulate the ingredients of salad dressing or potato chips or granola bars. there are a lot of companies out there manufacturing foods that don't contain unnecessary corn products. if people stopped buying these products, that would force change. what a lot of people don't realize/know is that in recent history corn was introduced as cattle fe
  6. what doesn't make sense to me is why we don't re-evaluate our food in light of ethanol putting a dent into the food supply. perfect opportunity to get High Fructose Corn Syrup out of things it really has no business being in. Like the majority of food products most people eat. And we could start feeding cattle and pigs and chickens the food they're supposed to eat instead of corn which isn't actually part of their natural diet. It's such a novel idea. that would free up a lot of food for world hunger and this thing called ethanol.
  7. don't be lead into a false sense of security.
  8. sunspots are more magnetic than heat, they than explode creating a solar flare. scientist believe they occur because the sun rotates at a different speed at its equator than its poles. the sun's composition is plasma, think gel-like, it has magnetic poles just like the earth, since it is spinning (that has to do with gravitational pull vs mass) and isn't solid, the magnetic field is torqued, combine that with the extreme heat from the energy generated by the sun (again having to do with the battle between gravity and mass causing heat to build up, and then atoms split, or fuse, i always forget
  9. McCain has commercials running about, of all things, gas prices. It juxtaposes a gas pump with the commentary with something about those not wanting the US to have its own oil resources and perpetuating the US dependence on foreign oil and there are some that are responsible for the US high gas prices and they plop up a badly cut out picture of Obama, then go on and on about McCain being all for saving the US gas crisis with drilling in our own country. Are you kidding me? since McCain and his party are the ones that got us to the point that we need to consider if lifting bans of offshore dril
  10. I love that bit! When I was interviewing for my current job, it was at a Starbucks in dupont circle, my now boss and i had to clarify the one at the top of the circle not the bottom of the circle. I mentioned the Best in Show bit. Turns out, that's one of my boss' favorite movies. I got the job (not really because of the starbucks bit though).
  11. the washington post did an interesting piece on starbucks vs. local coffee shops. its premise was that one would think the local guys are really hurting if starbucks is hurting, but what the post found was that a lot of local shops have seen an increase in business instead of a decrease. one coffee shop is in negotiations to get an abandoned starbucks location even. it is all so fascinating. i never did quite understand 1) how a company could survive with 3 stores next to each other 2) that it was financially viable to build starbucks with drive throughs off of the interstate. 3) why their c
  12. thanks for posting this. impressive.
  13. i feel old, i didn't even know what Emo was. has anyone else heard that the ghetto is now called the Cut? yeah. i feel old.
  14. here's a pic of my dog maddie. she's part border collie part who knows what else. she's great!
  15. good luck! car problems seem to be the worst. hopefully it's something really simple and inexpensive!
  16. message has been sent.
  17. There's a great fondue restaurant in Montmartre. http://www.vcarious.com/Restaurant/France/...desFondues.html it was very affordable (ok it was 5 years ago when i went) and a lot of fun. unlimited wine, chese, and frozen sorbet in a lemon or orange. it's tiny and has so much personality. i would also suggest the catacombs. these are a bit creepy. when the plagues hit Paris, they had a to relocate the remains underground and the result is several miles of tunnels with bones stacked neatly in various ways. it's quite the climb down and quite the trek, and not for the faint of heart, becau
  18. I know I posted these earlier then closed the thread, but here is a bit of dejavou, the tickets need a taker again and would really like to find someone to buy them. Face value, $45 each, $90 total (includes all the fees). PM me or post. Thanks. -- they just arrived today, have them in hand. am sad i can't go, but really would hate to see them go to waste. Anyone?
  19. thanks! i'm always pretty awful with the search feature. although am surprised nothing has been posted about it since May.
  20. www.xfiles.com starts next Friday. (sorry if there is another thread about this already).
  21. We do have a lot of homeless here, but not a lifestyle to be recommended. PM me if you need any help/advice on apartment locations, getting around, etc. I've been here for a while and have lived in practically every neighborhood. a lot of places say they're near mass transit, but it is a ploy and they really aren't. some neighborhoods aren't the best to live in, others are hidden gems. Carefull PM-ing those Bobblehead/Caliber characters...they say they're cool, but...just kidding. they're good people and live here too. It's a good city. You should get tickets for V-fest, it's the weekend a
  22. it seems to have disappeared into the ether. anyone know anything on this?
  23. that's interesting that one of the shoes was primarily sold in India.
  24. I'm liking Evil Urges, but At Dawn is still ranking in as my fav by these guys. I think it's his voice on the slow melodic stuff that gets me everytime.
  25. I too am diggin' this album. although haven't had the chance to give it a thorough listen, what i've heard so far, I LIKE!
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