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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. thanks for posting the list of performersd go go, i've been keeping an eye on the web for days now for this. still haven't seen anything on the time, but a friend told me yesterday it would be 1:30pm (she's volunteering on inauguration day, so that might actually be a reliable rumor). as for the HBO limiting it to cable only, i'm pretty sure this time around HBO is making it available for free for stations to pick up and air so no one is shut out from enjoying it. Moby is also doing an all night stint at the 9:30club on Saturday night (if that hasn't been mentioned yet). and from what
  2. from what i've heard and been told, wilco will not anywhere near the Beltway for the historic changing of the guards. Andrew Bird will be at the Black Cat for the big shoulders ball (which sold out in minutes when that was announced). and there is an opening ceremony on Sunday at the Lincoln Memorial which for inaugurations' past has drawn free concerts from the likes of Bob Dylan, Ricky Ma rtin, and Diana Ross. see the inaugural thread for the line up, go go just posted it. there's an inauguration thread in the Tongue Tied Lightning section as well. -- oh and sheryl crow, citizen cope,
  3. just thought i'd repost this. it was a very reliable grapevine.
  4. oh please. why do people waste the government's time. that's just obnoxious.
  5. http://www.blackcatdc.com/ I'm simply PSYCHED for the Big Shoulders Ball to be held at the Black Cat on Monday night! OOOOooooh the excitement builds. the bird man AND special guests.
  6. that's great! pretty clever hidden punch line.
  7. yup, but even better, it is all dogfish head DRAFT which is much better than the bottled stuff. if not a special trip just for good beer, maybe make it stop while in the area for the next wilco show.
  8. I'm reading Son of a Witch right now, but am having a hard time getting any kind of focus going. So to add to that, I am going to count my new knitting book I got for christmas. -- I have a lot of books at home ready to be read. Must get back into that groove.
  9. I wonder if the 9:30club footage will be in there as well. I'm sure it will be. Should be fun to watch!
  10. ummm, bigshoulders are you holding out on me on that Dr. Pepper coupon you promised. Looks like folks have gotten their coupons already...
  11. We have to take 10 furlough days somewhere between Oct 08 and Sept 09. I have managed to take all of my furlough days except 1. Because I haven't used any vacation of sick leave over the past 3 months, I have a slew of vacation time and sick leave built up that I will have to start taking or risk losing, but I'm trying to be strategic about it to maximize on the amount of leave I get and if I can manage to stock pile vacation time to cash out if by chance I get another job in the next couple of months. Then it would be as if the furlough never happened. Short answer, I have a furlough day t
  12. I'm at work. Wasn't supposed to be. Was supposed to be in TN chilling out with friends, but change of plans. So I'm at work because it would be silly to waste a furlough day to lounge around on the couch. although i really want to be at home lounging around on the couch. Maybe I'll waste that furlough day tomorrow.
  13. I use Parallels. I had it running with Vista and it was buggy and tempermental. The IT guy switched the Windows system to be whatever came before Vista and it works great now. I would recommend it. There is supposed to be a Parallels 4 out now and we are supposed to get upgraded to that at the office, but it hasn't happened yet. I'll keep you posted if it does. The only weird thing I have experienced with my current set-up is that when I insert a cd, the Windows side hijacks the cd and the Mac side doesn't see it at all. I have to close Parallels, do what I need to do with the CD, then launc
  14. ah rats. the other desktop model at my office has mouse issues. they're not the same, but still eratic. regardless of what kind of mouse you have connected to it, it looses the tracking and jumps all over the screen. it unhinges me. i don't see how my freelancer works with it. i tried 3 different mice and it still does it. we've rebuilt that computer twice now (operating system wise, wiped clean) and it still does it. i wonder, when you connect the wired mouse, have you tried connecting it to a different port? although if the bluetooth is doing the same thing the wired mouse is doing, i w
  15. ahha. ok yeah, that's different. my instinct is to double-check your sharing settings in the preferences pane. only have what's needed for the bluetooth on. you might be getting a communication issue and less things for the computer to communicate with the better. also, try unparing the bluetooth mouse and then reparing it. that might help. do you have anything else around that has bluetooth activated? like your cell phone? it could be that the machine is searching for other stuff to connect to or is trying to establish a connection with your cellphone and that is interfering with the communic
  16. I can't seem to find it now in the manuals they have online. I'll have to check the manual on mine when I get home because I know there's a quirky track-pad feature that's different from the two finger scroll. I'm pretty sure is is if you tap the pad and hold the button down or some odd combination of this it activates the funky scrolling, i think a double-tap deactivates it. I remember reading this somewhere. does it still do it if you close it and open it back up. that might reset it. you can also go into the Keyboard&Mouse pane in the system preferences (the gear icon on your dock) a
  17. ooh, i know what this is. the mac mousepads on a laptop have special tap combinations to them. if you use two fingers on the pad, you can scroll without clicking on a scroll bar. there's a tapping combination that if you click and tap the pad it gives you the mega scroll feature where all movement is a scroll. to deactivate it you have to do that magic tapping combination again. i'll do some searching to see if i can find the combination. it's one of those bizarre things where if you hold your jaw a certain way and then click/tap it scrolls like this. it has nothing to do with safari.
  18. That's not a very nice or true statement. Last I checked no one with credit card debt is getting any relief, instead they are seeing their interest rates go up and the Fed hasn't issued any money to relieve the foreclosure crisis. Oh, sorry, wrong thread. Back to clever ways to save money and be thrifty this holiday season. It is nice to see that I'm not the only one that ditched the cards this year.
  19. I cashed in my visa rewards points for gift cards and presents. and am not sending out cards this year. I also did a lot of shopping online and had gifts shipped directly to the recipient to save on shipping costs on my end.
  20. it's going to be at least a 4-day long party!!!!!
  21. we all know what the top album of 2008 was: Chinese Democracy.
  22. oooh, i've heard Jazz fest is amazing! how cool!
  23. i'd heard through the grapevine that they were working on scheduling another residency, but weren't able to work it out for '09 and are going to revisit and try for something in '10.
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