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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. I tried to vote. it wouldn't let me. i'm a radiohead fan and a wilco fan. so naturally i would date a radiohead fan, but they must be a wilco fan, don't have to be a radiohead fan. didn't know there was a divide. maybe i have set myself up for the impossible.
  2. I never knew there was a second half to Eleanor's quote, very cool.
  3. I wonder if his other work is more closely to that first song. I really liked that song and I am glad Glenn added the first song. Although when he and David did the dueling drums (ok they weren't really dueling, playing together) that was pretty amazing. Am glad I'm not the only VCer that was there. yay!
  4. oooh oooh ooh i know, that is from the movie Freaks. it is a girl that has a birth defect often called Pin Head. as for april fools, SarahC perpetuated the rumor, nice job. i saw her facebook status and freaked. logged on here and then ohhhh. you both got me. for the record april fools is my least favorite day following valentine's day.
  5. that's awesome! (both the comment and the plate)
  6. oooh Freecycle looks very very cool. I've put in my request to join the DC group and can't wait to see what is out there. i do have an eye on a seller on ebay for the laptop battery, the power cord is the bigger challenge/harder thing to sort through on ebay. __ i can't believe it, but i got a power cord from someone on Freecycle. That's the coolest thing ever. Now I'm trudging through ebay to try to get a battery. I have discovered that it might be better to buy an iBook laptop from someone and harvest it for parts (and the battery), but OYI these ebay people are either completely clueles
  7. ok, i've been putting it off for months, but my iBook G4 needs a new battery and unfortunately now a new power adapter (because I managed to break that tonight). it is a brick until i purchase these things. thank goodness for work laptops. i was searching for said mentioned items on ebay, but have NO clue about ordering that sort of thing from ebay. there are lots of reasonably priced items, but everything is shipping from Hong Kong and that just makes me nervous. any suggestions on where i might be able to purchase a new battery and power cord without buying them directly from Apple? gotta
  8. Anyone else go to the show? -- I am surprised I am the only one that went. ah well. For those that didn't go and are interested, Glenn's portion of the show was great. If you ever have the chance to see Glenn solo do it! It is well worth it and something VERY different from a Wilco show. A friend went with me and she had never been to a percussion show or anything remotely close to that kind of thing and thoroughly enjoyed Glenn's set. Then we stayed for the second half of the show (the crowd really did thin out after Glenn's set finished). It was Terry Riley. I'm not sure if anyone her
  9. i have had indoor cats for as long as i can remember and never give them baths and have never been told by a vet to give them baths. i have also been through animal shelter training and volunteered at shelters (in cat care) for years and was never instructed that cats should have baths or told to instruct adoptees of this. the only time i've ever had to give baths is when a cat was outside and had fleas and needed to get rid of the fleas. if you brush regularly and feed quality food, your kitty should be fine without the bath. hope that helps.
  10. i've been avoiding this thread to shield myself from new album news, but wouldn't this image make a great album cover or some other something to follow-up to the sky blue sky image. it is not my image, i found it on the washington post website.
  11. did you guys see that they lip sync the group performances.
  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets the $65 haircuts, .
  13. definitely check it out. there's some interesting juxtapositions throughout the book. classrooms and waiting rooms that look about the same as prison holding areas. the photos are pretty stark.
  14. i used to have extremely short hair and went to an african american woman (think the movie beauty shop). she charged me $15 for the most amazing short hair cuts i have ever had, so i tipped her $15 because i thought her time was worth more than what she was charging. she stopped doing hair though and became a prison guard.
  15. that's cheap for DC!!! i know someone how pays $225 for her haircut and highlights. i kid you not. i knew someone was going to choke when they read that. the way i look at it, i spent half my life hating my hair (and getting bad haircuts). the self-confidence and happiness i get from a good hair cut is well worth the $65. and ahhh, the head massage i get when it is shampooed. i still have no idea what i should be tipping though.
  16. i usually tip 20% on the total bill (or double the tax to get the tip since it is 10% here in these parts). if the service is sub-par then i go the 10-15% route. tattoo artist i have figured out. give them a good tip and they'll be just as gentle and amenable next time, bad tip, not so much. i, however, have no idea what a proper tip for a haircut is or what the rhyme and reason to tipping on haircuts should be. or eyebrows. any women able to share their haircut tipping formulas. my haircuts run $65 a pop. what would one tip on that? oh and are you supposed to tip the shampoo girl separate
  17. the Museum i work at has an upcoming exhibition called Architecture of Authority and we're doing a Flickr experiment relating to the exhibition. Architecture of Authority Flickr group the snag is we're still trying to figure the whole Flickr thing out and are still trying to figure out how to reach out to people to get them interested in participating in the group and sharing their photographs. it's no wilco photo contest, but if you're interested, check it out and please feel free to add your own photos to the group of powerful architecture/powerful places/places of power.
  18. i think paula and simon really like each other and do the bantering thing just for show. they whisper a lot to each other that seems to be very cordial and professional. i think simon and ryan truly hate each other though.
  19. pictures???? i saw a baby miniature donkey once, so freakin' cute. cows would be even cuter!!!
  20. clouded leopard birth this is quite exciting for clouded leopard research and the species survival plan!!! what the write up doesn't mention is that these cats carry traits of small cats (and are believed to be an evolutionary link for cats in general) and proportionally have the largest set of canine teeth of all the cats.
  21. I used to work for Folklife which Folkways is a part of and got to have sneak previews of the recordings and helped with the design of some of the cd covers and catalogues. Folkways does a lot of good stuff. they get a thumbs up from me (even if the Folklife side of the organization was riddled with crazy). and hey, what's wrong with Pete Seeger, .
  22. have you guys heard the version by Over the Rhine? (i think that's the band name) very moving.
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