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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. I just have a few questions regarding this: 1) Who is going to be taking care of the 14 kids while she is in school and then while she is working to provide for them. 2) Who is going to be providing financial support for the 14 kids while she is in school? 3) Why have 14 kids and then go to school to get then get a job to support the kids. Why not get the education, then the job, then the kids? 4) Who is supporting the kids now? How are the medical bills being paid while the babies are in incubators. 5) Why did the fertility specialist implant 6 embryos when this is against the medic
  2. 1. Lady Chatterly's Lover * D.H. Lawrence 2. The World According to Garp * John Irving 3. The Poisonwood Bible * Barbara Kingsolver 4. Lord of the Rings * Tolkein 5. The Harry Potter series * JK Rowling not to sound sexist, but I wonder how many folks that listed Confederacy of Dunces are guys and how many folks that listed The Poisonwood Bible are girls. and i noticed no one listed Ulysses which is supposed to be the book of all books on those top lists. curious.
  3. Through a great grapevine.
  4. I have a Parallels question. Everytime I restart my mac (or have to shut down parallels and start it over again) I get this annoying "cannot connect to the network because the login account does not exist on the network. please try again later..." paraphrased. My IT guy has no clue how to fix it. I take it as a network error on the PC side of the machine or something set up wrong for the PC side to talk to the network. I googled the error message and according to a page on the parallels support site, to overcome this error message you have to toggle between the shared networking and bridged
  5. and what are the chances the weapon was indeed capable of doing any damage or injury? maybe the guy had to rob convenience stores to pay for the custom blade he had made for the newest addition to his star trek collection.
  6. that's very cool and very exciting. it is a great album and has a bit of a harry nilson feel to it.
  7. maybe it's just me, but i'd probably try to schedule my honeymoon around a wilco tour. what could be better than sharing the band you love with the person you love. and if this kind of scenario came up with my significant other and it was a band i wasn't as keen on, i'd still go because it is something he loves and it just seems like the right thing to do. no strings attached. then again, i go to a concert at least once a month (upwards of 3x a month) and music is an integral part of my life. whoever marries me will need to be very keen and understanding to that. and double-then again i m
  8. Anyone else go to this show or catch the stream on NPR. I loved it! And had the absolute best folks around me in the audience. It was hands down the most pleasant concert going experience EVER. One of my colleagues went and was in the balcony and was miserable. Weird huh. I also have to confess I haven't heard the new album and thought the show was a bit mellow, but he kicked it up when he needed to. the opening band was great too. down front it seemed like both bands had a completely attentive audience. it was great fun.
  9. i'm such a type neurotic. why, why does the wilco live portion of the text not line up with the edge of the A in American. its like it wants to be a tight flush grouping of typography, but then its not. and every other word is a different color. and there's a space between "ashes" and "of" and "wilco" and "live" but not the other two words. ooohhh, bad type bad. yet its so close to being the standard wilco perfect helvetica typography. type neurotic rant over. the image is lovely.
  10. i would have done much better had i been in on the second night. still not the jeopardy genius i thought i was though. oh well.
  11. yeah, everytime i think "chicago would be a great place to live, i should move there" i imagine the winters there and shudder. i am happy to be non-flinty and am definitely one of those wimps obama was making fun of. i think one day in that weather would put a not so average southerner over the edge, i limit my visits to my mom to spring time, and every few years i forget about winter and show up at christmas.
  12. There's an article in the Washington Post about it. and I dunno. I'm sorta with him, but living a few blocks from where his daughters go to school (and the VP mansion), I don't think the schools should have been closed, but a 2 hour delay yesterday and today would have been very helpful. the buses couldn't get to my part of the neighborhood yesterday until around 10:30am and today I had to watch a bus go by because I couldn't get to it (walking anywhere this morning was a risk to anyone the sidewalks were coated with thick ice covered snow). i don't think we have as much road and sidewalk e
  13. i am very sad that i had to cut out the concert tickets. and for anyone that knows me, that's a big deal, i averaged 2 to 3 shows a month, travel and concerts went out the window about 6 months ago. i go see Andrew Bird next week, that will be my last concert for a while. i've become much more efficient with my coffee (make it at home instead of splurging). my cable and internet run $50 together, so i am holding onto that until i absolutely have to give it up, mostly because i have a total deal that i'll never be able to get later on. and someone mentioned haircuts, yeah, at $75 a pop
  14. i saw gran torino this weekend and indeed Clint was robbed of a best actor nom. he did a much better job than brad pitt, but that's just my opinion. overall the movie was good, started out predictable, but once it got going, hooked. and in true clint eastwood form, half-way through there's that notion, oh right, i am watching a clint eastwood movie this isn't going to end happy. but i'm not saying if there's a twist in the end or not, . it is a movie worthy of the $8.
  15. I'm starting to wonder why we do this whole Inaugural thing outside. OK, i know it is all grandiose at the capitol building and there's tradition, but still...
  16. so far i've seen benjamin button, doubt, slumdog millionaire, changeling, and the dark knight. gran torino and the wrestler are on my list to catch this weekend, hopefully the reader (and to bigshoulders's dismay) revolutionary road will follow shortly. i am extremely surprised at the song nominations. both Clint and Bruce were ripped off for that. both of their songs were worthy for a nom. I think Clint was also robbed by not getting a nom for best Musical Score for Changeling. after i see gran torino this weekend, i'll pass judgement on if Clint was additionally robbed. It is as if the A
  17. at the Inaugural Opening Ceremony Celebration Concert at the Lincoln Memorial, before the concert started, they played pre-recorded videos and songs for those of us waiting to watch the show. "What Light" was played.
  18. Has anyone been able to find satellite photos of the area between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial? We know there were tons of people in that area and it hasn't been shown anywhere, I guess because technically it isn't "the mall", but there were definitely people packed in all the way to the Lincoln Memorial watching everything on jumbotrons.
  19. you've never seen anything until you have seen and actually been elbow to elbow with 2 million people all in one place. it was unbelievable today! it took bigshoulders and i 3 hours to get from my apartment into the silver section of the mall. we got extremely lucky to get in. many many people with tickets didn't get in, there were so many people. it took us from the end of the swearing in ceremony until the parade began to get home. we walked from 2nd and Independence (A in the grid) all the way to 31st and M where we were able to catch a bus the rest of the way. there was no dream or chance
  20. oyi! they've done this before, i'm sure they've got it down to a science. and actually each person has to pass through two different check points. My map shows a main check point and then once inside the perimeter a second check point. i'm not sure if that means there are actually 10 check points to process and half the folks in line are shuffled through to check point B or we have to get patted down twice. i have also heard that they will not start the ceremony until everyone that has a ticket has been processed through the security checks. i think it goes faster than you expect, ok that's me
  21. wow, guess there's lots of us that didn't know he was still around. i didn't. NC Museum of Art has a great piece of his. Worthy of checking out.
  22. i knew i had forgotten someone.
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