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Everything posted by YouAReMYface

  1. either way at least theyre releasing a song, its not impossible that it could be a new one...but if its not just be patient and shake it off. just dont go walken on & on & on looking for more...sooner or later you will see the light and you will no longer hate it here
  2. yeah ill never go to uno's again, not with such a great selection elsewhere, last time i had it they were giving it out for free when i was waiting in line for conan obrien.....but again Lou Malnati's deep dish sausage cannot be topped in my opinion they have the best crust
  3. Impossible Germany or You are my face should be the first single...for sure
  4. agreed...Uno's does kind of blow definitely OVERRATED
  5. i dont see them....where at on atease be more specific
  6. except substitute see a cubs game for....see a white sox game.. also i would recommend getting pizza at giordano's or Lou Malnati's (my favorite)
  7. "You are my face" just rocked my face off at first listen....i literally just got chills listening to it, fucking amazing song with a kickass solo
  8. im thinkin about going to the chicago show at park west....but i dunno i saw them open for jeff in champaign and wasnt all that impressed, theyre definitely not bad tho
  9. all you have to do is search "sky blue sky wilco leak" on google.....im listening to you are my face right now, the site i found only has this song and either way
  10. meh the only good thing was the departed winning best picture....that is it
  11. i just found out guster may be coming to play at my school in june (we have a concert in the quad every year its between them and the roots to headline the show) and i was thinkin about getting into guster a little in case they come.....what cd would you recommend to start with?
  12. i hadnt really listened to the band too much but i have been recently (last 2 days) and to be honest they really arent showing me too much...but having said that i owe them a little more listening before i can really judge them ive only listened to neon bible and apprently funeral is a better album so ill check that out. i like the song intervention a lot but other than that not much stands out
  13. how he loved that guitar just like a girlfriend but every good thing comes to an end now he just sits in his room all day whistling every note he ever played well there outta be a law with no bail smash a guitar and you go to jail with no chance for early parole you dont get out until you get some soul
  14. "Success of Sky Blue Sky puts Wilco on Cloud 9"
  15. i hope the version of impossible germany is even close to as good on the cd as it was when i heard them play it at auditorium theater....probably my favorite song on the new cd, although i havent heard like 2 or 3 of them
  16. i have a recording from the letters to santa where jeff covers walk on by himself...its amazing
  17. ive watched every season for the most part...missed episodes here and there but ive seen most of them...it was good the first two seasons and its just been going downhill for awhile now. i havent watched it too much this season kind of on and off but it seems like they have no more storyline basically
  18. how come they play late greats on letterman but when i went to the conan obrien show in chicago last year they played thanks i get which i was unfamiliar with at the time....i really wish they had played late greats or sumthing like that the crowd wasnt feelin thanks i get at all its more of a fan singalong that doesnt work too well when no one sings along
  19. wuts the deal with smoking/cameras in this venue?, im goin to tonights show and would like to kno
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