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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. I just got the Wii Zapper at Best Buy also. They had alot. I also really enjoy the Link's Crossbow game. Its fun, but it doesnt seem to have much depth. For $20 for the gun and game, totally worth it. I just ordered RE Umbrella Chronicles from Amazon for $35 new. Cant wait.
  2. iPod Shuffle is a good choice for your needs. There are many others also. Dont think ipods are any better than others because its more popular. iTunes is the free software that you can use on your PC without any issues.
  3. I did get the Comet Star and Question mark star, I guess there could be more than one comet per stage? I was wondering if there were stars hidden where it gave no clue how to get. I too now have more free time to really play. I am off work for the rest of 2007, YIPPEEE!!!!!!! I like the Bee Mario, Ice Mario, Fire Mario, but not the Spring Mario.
  4. I actually never finished OoT. Maybe I should replay it. I finished Metriod Prime 3. I thought that was a fun game too, but nothing too new.
  5. I really enjoyed Zelda. Especially the last boss fight.
  6. about as long as you spend cleaning your underwear of piss and poop.
  7. Doesnt mean he still cant direct it. I'm sure it has to be a considerable and likely option.
  8. It doesnt say he is only producing. I really cant see him only producing the hobbit. I believe he will have alot of involvement considering what he did for the LOTRs. Yeah I was kinda suprised by that.
  9. He's on board. YIPPPEE!! http://news.yahoo.com/s/eonline/20071219/e...a985NRwwGZxFb8C
  10. I have 89 now and stars are getting more difficult to find. How come I have all no more question marks or blank stars, but still doesnt say Galaxy Completed? Where do I look then?
  11. I agree. There are some of creative talented Rap/Hip Hop Artist out there, but alot of them get a bad rap cause of the other crap. I think same goes in all genres of music, but mostly in rap and country.
  12. Those are two seperate things, so I cant vote either way. I keep my registration in my car. I keep my insurance in my wallet.
  13. Sometimes you have to let bad team names die. Just because it has history doesnt make it any better.
  14. Still not good enough for me. Senators are even worse of a name, so at least they didnt go with that. They shouldve went with a all new name. Ohh well.
  15. So on the topic of most annoying or unusal batting stance. I choose Craig Counsel. If I was a pitcher, it would be hard not to plunk him in the head while he is standing there like a weirdo waving the bat. Also annoys me that he seems to somehow squick out hits. Craig, please just calm down and act like a normal batter.
  16. Couldnt be anymore average looking. Looks very cookie cutter. It's a baseball stadium. I guess its nice. Washington Nationals competing for worst team name with Houston Texans.
  17. I havent read in along time, but was a huge spiderman fan. I was there when Web of Spiderman started which was around the time McFalane was doing Amazing Spiderman which was awesome. Was a huge fan of Venom but stopped reading about then. There are so many good stories with Spidey, I hope they make more, but with a different crew, even though I enjoyed part 3, I felt it was getting stale. I do like Venom alot and dont really know much about Carnage but did read a little series about them when Toxin was born. I think its a nice spin off from spiderman.
  18. That sounds sick. I am talking about salmon cakes like crab cakes. They are very delicious. I assume salmon patties are the same thing except in patty form. I would love the grandma's recipe. I think the important part is using alot of oil. I heard Old Bay spice is good.
  19. I have alot of salmon that I caught awhile back that I wanna use up. Having some people over during Christmas and thinking about making Salmon Cakes. Does anyone have any good recipies for that. I've used Zataran's mix before, but it was only ok. Just wondering if anyone had any good sugguestions.
  20. You're right, we are getting screwed but scalpers wouldnt be buying up tickets for an artist that didnt have a high demand already. I am with you on hating scalpers/brokers. I am way on board with you on that one, not just from Wilco.
  21. Yes, I predict by days before shows, tickets will be at face value.
  22. wow. I've only seen the Director's Cut. Are they all pretty different? I heard there was 5. Any ones perferred?
  23. I agree. I am happy for the success of Wilco, even though it means that I wont be able to get tickets that easily anymore. They truely deserve it. Having scalpers rape tickets sales is a testament of their success.
  24. How about a Venom/Carnage movie? Any spidey fans out there?
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