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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Well except the fact that you can go to a Blockbuster store and get free rentals, they both rent dvds online in the same fashion. Just wondering why a person would need subs to both companies. Why not increase the number of rentals at one place? What am I missing?
  2. huh.... Why do you need subs to both places? Dont they do the exact same thing?
  3. Check out http://www.owlandbear.com The Collected Jeff Tweedy has a version. Also plenty more....
  4. I saw them twice and both times they went all out. Great elaborate shows. I know what you mean Mattz, I am in no hurry to see the show again unless they change it up. I saw the UFO one and also the Santa/Alien one. Pretty Crazy Fun!
  5. Anybody here in New Hampshire? Here they come. Hoping Obama rides his great wave through there. A win there would be more than huge.
  6. Well I am happy to see Hillary strugglin to start off the race, hope it continues. I believe she doesnt bring the change we need.
  7. Anybody else interested in Celebrity Apprentice? The only new show that I've seen commericals for that I have interest in.
  8. Anyways, Gore is better off not being a politican. Look at him now because he let that go. Much better.
  9. Cool thanks, I just put that on my netflix list. To be released on Jan. 8th. I am Napolean Dynamite fan.
  10. Go Obama!! Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll Obama was at 31% Edwards at 27% Clinton 24% Mike Huckabee 31% Romney 25%
  11. I say when you split the cable bill, it is only agreed to split the normal bill without extras. All extras have to be payed by the person(s) who ordered it. Same with long distance, it is split by the caller of each calls.
  12. Netflix has some kind of Instant Play Option on a small portion of movies where you can watch movies instantly through the internet. Alot of the quality depends on your computer and internet speed. The power to make it great isnt there yet for a conventional home. I never used it because I rather watch movies at full quality on a home theatre system. Discs will be around for many years to come to be replaced by memory sticks/cards, which is what in for us for the forseeable future. The next move is to elimate mechanics, which is the spinning of the discs. I believe this as the start
  13. Seems by the thread, the only freeloader is you in thinking the way you do. Everyone else seems to have the right idea. Hmmmm...........
  14. Seems like the owner of the house has got the best kind of roommate. Someone who pays rent and half for everything and is never around. I need to find me one of those.
  15. No way will it be that fast. Think about the bandwidth and speed needed to stream or transfer Hi-Def DVD quality and where we are today. At this point, Bluray or HD-DVD is the new technology. I see some type of memory card replacing discs as the next step in technology. It will be along time before internet speed and Harddrive space can be big enough to easily replace those things. Once you experience Hi-Def for a bit, you will realize how much better it is.
  16. Well the DOW just fell below 1300 and Oil hit all time high. Looks like a bad start to the new year. I would be careful with spending.
  17. YES. Whatever it takes to win the Superbowl is the point. Resting players in sports is needed sometimes. Sometimes too much rest is bad, so thats where you critize rest.
  18. HD-DVD, just because it is the more affordable solution at this point.
  19. Thanks, I started reading cheat guides to help find hidden stars and saw that I needed to beat the game to get all the stars. Did you find all stars totally on your own? Some I feel wouldve taken me forever to find if I was never told. I am 99 right now, I wanna get 100 before finishing. But definitely gonna get all 120.
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