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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Maybe we can lump you in with RemeberDBoon type. Old-fashioned thinking.
  2. I think RememberDBoon is a repressed closet Republican.
  3. That is expensive because it is a Combo unit playing both Bluray and HD-DVD. Once HD-DVD gets eliminated and people start buying Bluray, all prices will drop. You need a bluray player for the computer which is probably also expensive at this point. The storage capacity will be so nice once this becomes more mainstream and defined. I think they are still working on standards for Bluray.
  4. These new game systems have the capabilities to play movies so they double as movie players. 2 major ones are Microsoft Xbox and Sony Playstation. Multi-Billion Dollar industry. Look at the this news. I think this is the unofficial end to HD-DVD. http://news.yahoo.com/s/cmp/20080109/tc_cm...vQ891vsfzQjtBAF
  5. I dont know if it was posted here but saw the latest Batman trailer at the previews for 'I am Legend' and it was a huge cut from the movie about the Joker bank robbery. The movie looks so excellent. Dont know if this counts as a comic book adaptation but did you guys like 'Unbreakable'? I thought it was cool. Back when M. Night was good.
  6. If you have to convince yourself you are innocent, doesnt that mean you are guilty and lying to yourself. If you are innocent, there is no convincing needed. I really am losing all respect for Clemens at this point. It didnt matter much to me he did steriods, but to deny allegations and fabricate this stupid/ignorant plea is just embarrassing and low. Cmon face the consequences like a man like everyone else is. Why would a trainer inject a player with steriods without player consent and lie about what the shot was. For what benefit to the trainer? I dont see the logic in that.
  7. I dont think it will get too bad but alot more is coming. I think it maybe similar to what we saw with the tech bubble bursting.
  8. So you think Clemens actually got steriods injected in him thinking it was something else? Something about that seems very unbelieveable to me.
  9. So anybody here think Clemens is innocent?
  10. Dont look now, Dow just dropped way over 200 points further down. Bush keeps saying the economy is fine, really doesnt look like it.
  11. We get these feelings for a reason. Feelings that he will get the job done. We need to trust them. We need change and he gives us the best hope for change. It takes risk, I am aware of it and for it. I guess it comes down to what type of person you are. If you wanna play it safe, then Hillary is your person. She is safe, dependable, and predictable. She will not bring the change Obama would bring.
  12. Yeah that is true. I have used both services. Netflix has alot bigger selection, but Blockbuster growing fast. Good to have the competition for low prices. I am with Netflix at the moment.
  13. Alot has to do with feelings you get from a canidate. You cant deny what your body tells you. I'm sure Hillary will do an OK job, but I see big things happening with Obama. He brings a higher level of thinking IMO. I think you also have to look at the inexperience of Obama as being something good too.
  14. I cant believe how unbelievably dumb and retarted that was. If that was serious on your part, you have proven yourself as what you are. Anyways, he is part of your party system. Thats your man.
  15. It is broken and corrupt, but I love it still.
  16. People more concerned with their group winning and having control is all BS. Its why politics is looked as shady business. You fall right into the same category you hate and fight. Like Bob Dylan said, he is in his own political party consisting of only himself and he is neither left or right, just right in the center.
  17. I think there needs to be more independence in thinking. Why subscribe to a label of a political party and follow? Political partys dont matter, ideas and values do.
  18. Education, Healthcare, Environment, the state of America's minds in general. Just dont think you can blame a political party. Both Dems and Reps run and ran this country.
  19. Things change. There are cycles. Things will go up and down regardless of what party is in office. The real problems that need fixing has been building for a long time and moving in one direction.
  20. The "exclusive" titles have to be so rare, cant be worth it. But I guess if you watch a ton of movies, having both subs means you are able to get anything out there. Seems like overkill to me, but if you have the money to spare why not. Also the news about Warner going Blu-ray feels big. I hope this does it. Just want a secure format we can accept, prices need to come down.
  21. That means you like Hillary.
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