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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Tom Cruise 4 Prez!! He doesnt take vacations cause how could he when he knows.
  2. By not voting, you are also sending a message that you dont care about anything. It is not clear and doesnt solve anything. Sorry, but poor choice in making a statement. Instead of complaining about what you dont like, why dont you try to do something you do like.
  3. You should not stop the flow in mid-stream, some of the pee gets backed up into your system and your skin changes color into yellowish hue.
  4. See you guys tommorow night, suppose to warm up to the 30s tommorow. Hoping for a cool looking poster for the show.
  5. Once I had 3 seperate streams of pee coming out at once. 2 made it in the toilet, the other went all over the floor, it was messy, that sucked. There was no way to get all 3 inside.
  6. Because regardless of how many votes there actually is cast, there still will be a winner. What will come of a low voting turn out? Nothing. The deliver of your message doesnt make work for me. What do you want to happen if there is no attention to our government? Anarchy?
  7. This is impossible and doesnt make sense.
  8. WASHINGTON (Reuters)- Former President Bill Clinton said he might have gone too far in attacking Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton said on Friday, adding that both Democratic presidential campaigns should focus on issues. "So we're all going to, on both sides I think, you know, try to bring this debate and this campaign back to the issues that are important," said the New York senator, who would be the first woman U.S. president. How about our environment? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_rJh9b4kW8&e check this out: http://www.lcv.org/voterguide/
  9. Sorry, I cant join the club. It's not that I am a super clean freak or afraid of germs. I am a camper and easily can be dirty without care. I have a dog and have had puke, pee, and poop on my carpet, whatever. I use public toilets and port a pooties. I just think I dont need to pee in my home shower cause why expose the shower to that when I dont have to. If public shower, I would pee without care. You cant agrue that pee is clean. Who would want pee on them?
  10. I dont shower in the toilet though. The toilet is dirty and made for dirty things. I dont want to make my shower into a urinal. Sorry I just dont like to pee in my shower. Pee is not clean, keep it in the toilet.
  11. I have done it before to say I did it, but dont do it cause I feel it is not a clean thing to do. Why have pee in your shower/bath when you dont have to? No matter how hard you aim to get straight into the drain, its gonna be splashed around especially when shower is coming down on you.
  12. There is a distinction because it is a $300 check for any non income tax paying person as opposed to $600. Everyone will get money, not just the ones working. So if you are a couple with one working person, you still get $600 a person. It's a tax thing because you support two adults, you get treated as two income tax paying people.
  13. Wow, ction is one lucky dude, he'd better load up on the drinks.
  14. I wouldnt say that. That means they already lost. I think the Giants believe they could win. Why not?
  15. I understand. Tough situation when you are a fan of a team but think they will lose. Just got to believe. I thought the Giants would lose there first playoff game but they kept winning. They can win this, believe it.
  16. That is what the poll is asking. It is a question of who you want to win, so go vote Giants and support your team. They do have a chance, they almost beat them on the last game of the season. no offense taken.
  17. If it wasnt the perfect season, I would go for Giants also, but this is so rare. I also have no hatred towards New England too.
  18. Hmm.... why? Giants off to an early lead. I know people like the under-dog and I usually go for that too, but dont you guys wanna see the perfect season at all?
  19. I think I've seen you at concerts.
  20. How in the world did the Giants get all the way here? Really suprising to me. They have really stepped it up at the end. I think the Giants could give the Pats a challenge but in the end, Pats will win.
  21. Same here, I agree. Just whatever I feel like doing, maybe nothing. Valentine's day is a joke of a day. Everyday is Valentine's day for me.
  22. RIP Heath, I was just starting to like the roles you were choosing. The trailer bank robbery scene of The Joker in the new Batman movie looked great. Cant wait to see you in that movie.
  23. Some stats to show that it really is over. Good-bye HD-DVD, I wanted you to win, but oh well. http://gizmodo.com/347773/blu+ray-dominati...to-93-after-ces
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