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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. I have changed my mind on the idea of marriage. Although I have nothing against it and maybe one day I will be, I dont see it the same way anymore along with divorce. I dont believe in the whole "till death do us part" idea and that the commitment means you have to stay together. I believe people grow and change, sometimes people need to move on and it shouldnt be looked down upon in one bit if done for the right reasons. Marriage is a man made institution, unnatural and benefits society and not the heart. Marriage seems to take on an ownership of a person which seems wrong. I feel l
  2. Have you seen Inconvient Truth? Facts on that show it all. So you think the earth is just fine and we shouldnt conserve or preserve? You think chemicals and industry dont effect the environment? Was the ozone thing just a made up thing too? If global warming isnt true, then why is it a huge focus in our country and planet? I can understand if you dont want to take part in a greener life because you are uncaring, but to deny it is true is too much.
  3. What agendas or hype? Global warming is real as it gets.
  4. 2 years is along time, why? did they mention a long break?
  5. Kinda feel the same way, but they do have some great bands though. Just the big name are weak. I am hoping more get added. At least one big headliner and a few more middle tier names. Would love to see Arcade Fire. I still think I am going.
  6. Metallica???? Why Bonnaroo Why?
  7. Have you heard Jeff's version of Ripple?
  8. The best thing about George Jr. being Prez was that we can say we have Bush and Dick leading the country. Everyone here enjoying this slushy wintery mix? Lots of snow headed our way, then freezing cold, gotta love Feb.
  9. I dont know Fielder's stats but just because you have a winnging season doesnt mean that much, you can be 9-7 and have a winning season if thats what u mean and that isnt good. You have to have a high winning percetage and win in big games. I do think offense can effect the defense. A horrible offense can discourage a great defense along with wearing them down. I saw this all season long with the Bears. The QB still has the most effect on the game than any other one player in the game by far. Reason why Eli Manning got MVP and not the Giants Defense, Defense in my opinion was the true w
  10. I do think the pitcher and the QB are the most important positions by far in each of the sports. Yeah, its not all them and both are team sports and you need a great overall team to be a winning team. Alot is coaching too, everything plays into it. Still winning is important and a gage to how good a player is. Of course there are some exceptions like Marino, but for the most part, consistent winning is a good measure of talent, just like any other stat you talk about. Cant just discount winning percetage.
  11. I think mostly directected to jakobnicholas who I was directing to. Bobbob did always say that about Brady, which he will eventually start seeing differently.
  12. Your plan to shut Manning and Brady down is way too simplistic. It says nothing. With Brady, forget the superbowls then. Look at any other stat and where he is in his career. A part of being a great player is winning with bad players. Winning is the key.
  13. 3 Superbowl championships, Most TDS in a single season. Perfect 16-0 regular season. Wininng percetage just to be brief. How can he be overrated? He is one of the best out there. 1 Superbowl loss doesnt bring him down much at all.
  14. Just wanted to say to all the Giants fans that didnt even believe in their own team. You know who you are. I told you so. Always believe.
  15. Yes there were already some remastered versions on cd, but most of them have been out of print for awhile now. Now all will be back in print with bonus tracks, which also I agree with you should just be put on a diff disc to perserve original album. I wonder if these new remasters are better than the previous ones. In any case, I had trouble finding some of Van's albums such as Avalon Sunset at a decent price so I am really glad these are coming out. I am finally gonna complete my collection of all his studio albums.
  16. I just saw this movie and liked it. This part cracked me up so hard. http://youtube.com/watch?v=hXHCc-__wyM
  17. Totally agree with the encore thing. It shouldnt be a planned thing. The thing that comes into effect is the time limits on certain events. There are hard time limits that a performer needs to stop by. Does the performer play till the very end leaving no possible time for encores?
  18. I always thought that would be the case for people recording.
  19. Actually I liked Denver and Portland alot. I like mountains too.
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