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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Besides the obvious effects of the stock market, I guess it's gonna take a little bit of time for economic problems to get into the main street of america. Should be interesting to see how everything works in the coming months.
  2. So anybody here feeling some big impacts of the economy now?
  3. Ok, I'll go there, please close this one someone.
  4. How low will the DOW go and how fast? 9447.11 at time of post. Where's the bottom? Looks to go under 9000. Just wondering when we will see the bigger impacts of Wall Street on Main Street. You guys effected by the economy like loss of job or decreased income yet?
  5. I think that solution is somewhat ok. We should tax the rich more in general and thats what Obama is saying in his campaign. I agree. When it comes to the bailout specifically, you cant lump all the rich people together and say they were the only ones responsible. Also is that 10% surplass tax add up around $700 billiion? I just think people need to pay for their irresponsibilities themselves. One thing I know is I dont want that bill to pass. I would like to see more time given to see what the market does. Lets let the market fix itself. Less government the better.
  6. Longoria putting on a show! 3 for 3, 2hrs so far
  7. So what you guys think about this 700 billion bailout?
  8. All the experts are saying government intervention is needed so I think it will most likely happen eventually. Probably the only question is in what form and how soon. We are headed for some changes and hard times in our country regardless of anything. Just hope we dont get dragged down too low.
  9. If you let the environment go, so do you. you are part of it.
  10. Hey just thinking about buying a shirt off Wilco's website. has anyone bought a shirt and know sizing. I am a guy and always run between Medium and Large. How do these shirts size up. Little larger or smaller than most on the sizing?
  11. Well 2 Justin Morneau voters win, although Josh Hamilton stole the show. WOW, what a show!!!! Now how can anyone say that wasnt exciting? HR Derby is just good old fun and last night was one of the best ones ever. Hope you caught it or else watch the highlights today.
  12. First I laughed, then realized how mean that is. Sometimes fans can go overboard.
  13. An option that could be likely is that Green Bay trades him off to a AFC team like Tampa Bay that would pose the least competitive threat. I dont see Farve sitting on the bench and GB has to look to the future with promises made. If Farve really wants to play, he wont have his pick of team.
  14. I really like the HR Derby and the Dunk contests too along with the all-star games. The only thing I have little interest in is the Pro Bowl although I watch the NFL.
  15. I dont think there is any clear break aways or favorites this year. I chose Ryan Braun just because.
  16. Just would like to see the polls and compare to real results. Also include TOTAL # of HRS from all 3 rounds for your winner for a bonus. Also a topic is why isnt A-rod in the Derby? C'mon, A-Rod, be a sport. Arod to Big for HR Derby?????
  17. Number of pickoff made wont tell the story, maybe percentage wise it can say something. In any case, a slight advantage like that doesnt mean much just like for baserunning to first. Yes there is a slight advantage, but it is so slight that I wouldnt even count it. Only in hitting would I say there is a some sort of advantage.
  18. Those are all reasons why it can be beneficial to be a lefty and any good baseball fan already knows those reasons, nothing new. Its why lefty pitchers, hitters, and first basemen are nice to have on your team. Given all that, you still have to have tons of talent. There are many lefties that suck. I cant wait till something like this gets in the majors. Switch Pitcher
  19. Its an old-time chicago rivalry. There is alot of bragging rights in these games. You gotta take it when you lose and gloat when you win. It's all part of the fun.
  20. Sweep, Sweep, Sweep!!! 14 WINS in a row at home for the Cubbies. You CANT win in our house!!!! GO CUBS!!! See you next weekend SUX!
  21. Breast milk is good for coffee.
  22. JHamm is the best! For some reason, I always thought JHamm was a girl. JHamm's a dude huh. Anyways, he has alot of good stuff and shares everything for free. I've gotten plenty from him.
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