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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Got back from lunch. So it seems pretty 100% Obama here or at least the McCain people are afraid to speak up. I guess if your are a fan of Wilco, it is very likely you fit the Obama campaign. I gotta another question. Any people here normally Republican is jumping over to vote Obama?
  2. I'll take that as a YES. So who here is voting McCain?
  3. Just jumping in here, so where is most of the votes going here? My guess is that you guys are Obamas.
  4. How about some predictions on good stocks going into the recession. I figure no matter how bad the recession gets, people will always buy food and medicine. KR 25.37 - Kroger WAG 24.59 - Walgreens
  5. Holy Shit! Over 900 points in one day. record setting. lots of money being lost and made here. The recession is yet to have effects on my streets, I'm sure thats to come.
  6. Not too impressed by Obama's proposal today. Just delaying the inevitable doesnt really help.
  7. Is this the prequel to Spike Lee's "X"? Have to give credit to Steven Colbert for that joke.
  8. McCain is pretty much like having Bush serve another term. Why would anyone want that? No way McCain wins this election.
  9. I think the fact that the Europe and Asia are now helping out along with the fact our near trillion dollars is coming is creating more more confidence. This will brings things back for the time being. I guess if we go down in the future, we will bring Europe and Asia with us.
  10. So you think we are still in an overall downward motion still? Could the DOW go lower than Friday's low? I know there will be fluctuations to come, but isnt this the upturn you wanted?
  11. Gotta watch out cause the market could rebound really fast. It dropped at such a fast rate, the rise will be fast. You can easily miss the rise and find the market stabalize somewhat. This is why I just dont play the short term. Very risky, leave that to the professionals.
  12. It should recover cause we will inject the economy with close to a trillion dollars. Once that runs out, then we are in bigger trouble, we need a bigger bailout, eventually leading to super-hyperinflation. Crash the dollar. Could we be like Zimbabwe? I think it can be likely if we keep up the pace. Invest in foreign stocks not involved with the US.
  13. Yeah, that sounds good. Just right now, the market is moving way too fast for your average person to do that. Well if you just bought, I think it was a good investment. The fact that he sold weeks ago and bought back in was a good move, but that's playing a short game. Thats great if you are a professional and know what you are doing.
  14. A professional investor plays both sides, selling and shorting and also long and short term. If he is making money then he's know what he's doing. I am just saying for a non-professional, its better to sit on your long term goals and ride this downturn out. If you have more to put in, this is the time. Dont sell, but buy more.
  15. We saw some green today. Could we have hit bottom? The fact that people taking a loss is reason not to sell. The main point is that there are deals out there. Good companies with real value that have suffered a panic sell-off. Searching for a bottom is a big risk. You buy at low prices and expect it will not be the best bargain but that it is a good bargain. You will never see a sale this big again. The panic going on now will be unmatched.
  16. "Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett Warren Buffett is buying right now, I think thats a sign to buy, not sell.
  17. Your actions aren't of a long term investor. You are playing short term if you wanna find the top and bottom and of peaks. The idea is to minimize loss is a short term investor mentality. A long term investor stays the course of the original plan and ignores temporary fluctuations. This is USA in 5 to 7 years. Dont say you weren't warned.
  18. I am saying long term. If you are playing short term, its different. You dont lose unless you sell at a loss. If you sold at a loss 3 weeks ago, you lost.
  19. Both McCain and Obama will not fix the economy. It is doomed under their plans. But even still Obama is much better than McCain and there is no doubt he will win.
  20. In a way, YES. Alot of the downfall of the stock market is panic selling. Some companies will fall and go out of business, but there are companies that are sound and good that are losing value because of the panic. The biggest sale on stocks is going on now. If you are invested in long term, DONT SELL. Thats the worst you can do.
  21. That guys is awesome. Straight from the 70's. I love it.
  22. You mean house prices cant go up forever? I dont believe you!!!
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