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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Revenge will only leave everyone dead. Either way, as long as the death penalty exist, murderers will exist. It is the law, so whatever.
  2. I dont believe in the death penalty. Killing someone doesnt solve murderous crimes.
  3. All votes should count equally. Forget delegates system, every americans vote is the same. Just keep a running tally as you go along from state to state so every vote counts towards the canidates equally. No thresholds of votes to earn delegates or winner take all. I want the person with the most votes from a tally of all votes in all states to win. Not earn the most of a state and then get all delegates for that state. This is just a vote to see who is better. The majority votes wins.
  4. Being on the message board all day isnt worthy of trouble, just as long as your not on porn huh. Just giving you a hard time, I should work more myself.
  5. I meant war issue in respect to the candiates not war itself. So it seems you like McCains view of the war and the US President is just a puppet on strings.
  6. I dont think terrorism is a war between America and Iraq. The thing is, it could go on forever. There's got to be limits. When is enough, enough? We cant police the world. We should have never even gone into Iraq.
  7. Sounds like the war is a non-issue with you. What issues do you think are of concern? So who you like in the canidates or is it all the same to you?
  8. Sorry, I like to think there is a difference especially with Obama.
  9. The basic stand is that McCain supports the war and should stay there till things get finished. Hillary/Obama oppose the war, they will start moving troops out as soon as possible. There is a definite difference in thinking. I dont know the details of their plan, but their ideas will make a difference in how things are handled. If regardless of canidate, things will be the same, whats the point?
  10. Then all the stuff they are saying is just BS? I dont believe that. Whats the point of all this, what makes any difference between canidates if they do the same thing.
  11. Yeah sounds like he is really for being in Iraq and that trumps everything. I have totally opposite feelings as him. We need out of war asap. McCain cannot win.
  12. I do have a problem with the delegate system though. Especially in the winner take all places. Why is it still like this? I never understood the reasoning behing delegate system. Cant people agree that talling all votes equally is better and more fair? Who ever has the most votes at the end wins.
  13. Yeah, McCain's got it pretty much in the bag anyways.
  14. It has everything to do with marriage. Yeah, I'm went through that too
  15. Yes, exactly. When people only lived till 30s or 40s, there was less time to grow and change as there is now. You live you die. Not saying it was the best idea then but it just worked better then. The fact is life is about being free and growing who you are, if it works out you can do that with one person your whole life, you are lucky. But if it doesnt, movin on is normal and natural. The time you spend with a person is all that matters.
  16. Exactly, Like most things, marriage is not part of nature we adopted. Marriage wasnt around since the beginning of mankind. It came about when human life expectancy was alot shorter therefore it worked then. I believe in the future, as people get more advanced and enlightened, marriage will have different meanings to what is the popular belief now. It is what you make it. You can see even now things slowly changing.
  17. Yeah I agree. Heath had big probs no matter how you look at it.
  18. You are my exact opposite. Hello Bizzaro ZenLunatic.
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