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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. I'm actually suprised that the 5-day passes sold out that fast with still alot more demand for them. I didnt think they would draw that much so quick. I get the feeling scalpers were a part of this.
  2. Yeah, I know this feeling. It happens so many times, we've had such great looking lineups in the past that seemed so great but never amounted to much. Here we go again. Cant wait for another season. Go Cubs!! One of these years, we will do it.
  3. So they probably have like 250 as of today's presale. Hard to imagine at 2 a person for 5 day passes, it could sell out that quick. Maybe its just too busy.
  4. Good. This can reduce scalpers.
  5. Anywhere near 30 is fine for me as long as he can consistently hit over .300 and he plays solid defense. Just bat him in front of Derrick Lee, and watch his batting avg shoot up along with Lee's RBI. Soriano, Fukudome, Lee, Ramirez, etc.... It all players clicking, thats could be DANGEROUS.
  6. Ohh yeah I read it wrong. Wow, all the way from England. With the American dollar so weak, it should be a drop in the bucket for living expenses.
  7. Well I am hoping for 34 and hitting over .300 and 34 HRS. Why not assume good? We've spent money way worse (Sosa). FUK-U-DO-ME!!!
  8. I'm not sure what part of Wisconsin you are in, but most likely you are just a drive away. I drive to Wisco all the time, where are you at? It's not downtown so you should be able to find decent prices.
  9. $48 million for 4 years. We'll see if it was worth it but I am happy about the news. Excited about the new pickup. We could use a left handed bat that could hit for average and power.
  10. I get an error while opening the torrent file. Maybe I am just way late on this one and have to go to JHamm on this. Anybody know of a current Torrent file? Thanks in advance. I never saw this.
  11. sign up at XRT website. you can also enter a contest for free tix that way and you will get password. Someone also posted the password on this thread.
  12. I am actually only planning on going saturday but welcome people that need a place to sleep fri or sat night. Also I live in burbs but will be going down and can provide ride for saturday show thats assuming I get tickets for it before it sells out.
  13. Wow so thats that. Smoking thing seems to be an old fad. I grew up thinking smoking was cool. I think the newer generation will not see it that way with all that is going on. I consider it a good thing even though it had to be forced onto us by unfair laws and propaganda.
  14. So what is the actual law? Is chicago smoke-free on 2008 on every establishment? So every bar and restuarant is smoke-free? What about other places, any exceptions?
  15. Thats a pretty nice set of songs, I really like the production value put into the insert. I usually just use a magic marker and scribble something.
  16. Honkee is on the north side of the street closer to the train station. I walk past it all the time going to the train. I always make a comment when walking with my white friends. Are you familiar with the street mc on the corner. The guy with the mic?
  17. What about Honkee Resturant! never been in but like the name. That Vientnam strip is the place for PHO lovers. There is actually a great new sushi restuarant by the Borders. I forget the name, but great for people who like sushi. Then you also have the late night authentic mexican restuarants for you all burito lovers.
  18. haha... you gotta do something. I have tickets to go to the Benefit show cause I really like Jeff solo acoustic. And I plan to go to just the saturday show cause I work all other days and would be too much to try to make the show in time. That should be enough for me.
  19. Ok so more devices support AAC now, but MP3 is still more widely used. When have you heard of a AAC player? Lot of standard cd players now have MP3 playblack. You gotta watch out for DRM with AAC. I guess AAC is trying to compete with MP3, it will take alot to take over.
  20. Kosuke Fukudome, I love that name. I hope he comes to the Cubs.
  21. I have a sugguestion. Dont use iTunes or AAC. I have an iPod and use anapod for software to load music. Here is the link to explain more - Anapod site The thing with AAC is that is can only be used on iPods. You cant share it. iTunes doesnt want you to share at all or use the music anywhere else. The thing to do is only use MP3s, it is universal and widely supported by every company. Just use high bitrates. I use 256, but you should at least go 192. You have to pay for Anapod, but well worth the money. It lets you easily drag and drop onto iPod like a harddrive. Also, you can
  22. Green Mill is nice. Very classic Jazz place. Broadway is starting to get some business to it if you havent been there in a year or so. Just need that Theater to open up and some more restuarants and bars. I can see that area coming. The crowd is very mixed according to what may be playing at Aragon or Riv.
  23. Great dvd, I bought it. I never really liked Joan Baez, I always felt her voice was way over the top, but always amazed at what came out of such a small little girl.
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