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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Sometimes scenes in certain movies are so funny, you just laugh uncontrollably till close death experience. I gotta say I lost it when I saw this Funny Scene. I saw this on dvd and had to rewatch it and laughed just as hard the second and third time around. You have to watch the movie to get the full effect of the scene, because you have to know the character. His whole character was great. By no means would I consider Van Wilder a good movie, but this tops my list in funniest scene of a movie. Another good one was Jim Carey in the first Pet Detective movie, he was so fresh back then a
  2. Hard to believe things are like that there. I hope she gets off with no lashes. I dont see why they are so protective of the name and if so, how come the teacher wasnt more aware of this fact. Was the teacher knowingly doing something? Is she more of an idiot or just innocently unaware?
  3. I thought killing her was good, I was disappointed she was even in the movie. She was the biggest mistake of part 3. I disliked her role and her involvement with Andy Garcia's character. I didnt even like Andy Garcia's character. The passing of the torch to Andy Garcia didnt work. I did however was intrigued with all the happenings to Micheal. The development of his character into old age made the movie worth it for me.
  4. Godfather 2 is just as good as 1 if not better.
  5. I thought Godfather 2 was just as good as 1. 3 is when things fell the wrong way. And as to comparison with Back to the Future, not even close.
  6. The Apu Trilogy. Not yet available on Netflix.
  7. The Apu Trilogy. I must check out this great story of the Kwik-E- Mart clerk. Its going on my Netflix.
  8. I was thinking about adding the Bourne too, I do enjoy it a lot. Also forgot Lethal Weapon, Die Hard and the Mad Max, and I dunno what else. Pirates, Spiderman, X-men, not so much. They are just ok at best.
  9. 2 years ago, I bought my parents a brand new Nissan Altima for a Christmas present. I decided to buy them a car anyways because they needed one and it was close to Christmas so I thought I would use Christmas as an excuse. I drove the car to them on Christmas eve and handed them the keys. They didnt believe it, I had to keep saying it was true. My mom cried. Usually I dont make a big deal with gifts but sometimes it makes sense. This year I am thinking about getting them a snow thrower cause they are getting too old to shovel.
  10. There was never nothing. Something always was and always is. Energy.
  11. Science explains all that. It's pretty boring in my opinion Info on Big Bang
  12. I have similar feelings, but I wouldnt go as far as sucks. I did dislike some of what they did, but still enjoyed Al Pacino in it a lot.
  13. I think the answer is already there. People just cant accept it.
  14. If any of these have a more than 3, then ignore the anything extra. Just the original 3.
  15. I loved the opening of Jackie Brown, probably one of my favorite all time openings to a movie. The whole part with Chris Tucker. But the best opening sequence of all time goes to From Dusk till Dawn. All the way until you see them driving off while George Clooney is drinking Jack from the bottle while yelling at Taratino while duck taping a hole in his hand. That was great too, along with Natural Born Killers.
  16. Only full length movies that Quentin Tarantino wrote and directed are the choices. I have a feeling there is one obvious one that will dominate. There is talk he is working on Inglorious Bastards, a war movie.
  17. Seems like you guys are getting into discussing semantics more than ideas.
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