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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Yeah. I think the game last night was a shocker to everyone. I expected another blowout. No more gigantic spreads for NE. They've come back to earth.
  2. I know I am late on this one but I am watching Schindler's List now. I saw like half of it yesterday and planning on finishing it off today. Gotta say it is truley a great piece of filmmaking. I can see where the story is going but even more than the good story, the movie captures the times so well. I feel at times I am watching a documentary with real footage. Laim Neelson, sorry if spelled wrong, does a great job. Cant wait to finish it, its so long.
  3. I didnt take it that way. Yeah and if Death Proof was from an unknown person, I wouldve made note of it. I feel my expectations for Taratino are pretty high so I am critical about it. He is supposably making a war movie, should be interesting. He is my favorite director amongst some big names.
  4. Big Boy's version of the Big Macs are much better.
  5. Well I dont agree with Freddy, he just didnt do it for me. Maybe I remember Six Feet Under character too much. This was a stretch. I will give death proof another watch cause maybe my expectations were off. I was expecting an actual story, it had no story. Still think this is tarantino's worst director/writer work to date, but thats tough competition.
  6. I didnt see that part but anything that a movie claims is also as questionable as what the news claims. So a reporter claimed that WTC tower fell when it was standing up right behind her? Thats more stupid mistake than any conspiracy. Why would you go as far as to plan news reports?
  7. Jimmy Johns has the best fast food subs. Is Jimmy Johns IL local?
  8. Sorry for the deversion. To get back on topic, some of the movies Ive seen about 9-11 being a inside job are way over the top. I like them cause they make people think and question the government and I do believe there are some coverups for whatever reason. But to believe that we would do this to ourselves or let this happen is too much to believe for me. Case closed.
  9. I however enjoy the BK and Wendys commercials of late. The weird BK ones are sometimes really good.
  10. Yeah it was a joke. Like do you know what time is it in India right now? 7:11 on the dot. Thank you, come again.
  11. I dont normally eat fast food anymore but know it well from my growing up. Alot of times, I will eat fast food for the convience. Its near and its fast. I am sick of McDonalds & Burger King, havent had that in a long time. Wendy's is always the better option of the 3. I do however end up going to Taco Bell every now and then especially after drinking. Rarley ever sober. But I voted for Arby's cause its more rare around where I live. They have the best fries too, the curly ones. I think Subway and White Castle is gross.
  12. Planet Terror made the biggest mistake with the main guy, I think Freddy Rodrigez. Am I suppose to believe that little guy is the bigtime badass? Totally didnt get that feel from him. I like him as an actor, but not these roles. Also playing opposite of Rose McGowan didnt work.
  13. As a HUGE fan of Tarantino, I was greatly anticipating this movie. Therefore I was disappointed also. I rank this at the bottom of his list of great movies. Still has some coolness to it and some exciting action at the end but expected more. I felt like I was waiting for something to keep happening. There was no story just cool girl dialog then some action. I like stories. I am unfamiliar with this genre but I thought that Taratino would make an enjoyable move regarless, maybe you had to have been part of the genre to understand this. I liked Planet Terror much better even though it h
  14. If you are like me and love Futurama, here it comes. New Futurama with original cast and creators. Cant wait for this. Bender's Big Score
  15. I'm talking about the public humilation of all your stats being tainted and all the fans seeing you as a cheater and fake if anything decent is accomplished. That is the deterrent. Exactly what alot of people on this board thinks of anyone who gets caught. They will be go from hero to zero instantly, no thought required.
  16. I have never seen two more beautiful people so right for each other. Congrats and hope you have many babies.
  17. I really doubt this. I think it would be stupidest thing a baseball player can do. You'd have to a nutcase to do it.
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