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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Last thing Red Sox needs is more talent. I hope Santana goes elsewhere. Red Sox is starting to turn into the Yankees.
  2. ZenLunatic


    I looked up Ripple at Wilcobase and saw that Jeff played it 5 times in his career, all in solo tour. I have a recording of one of them and think it was great. Seems to be a rare one but a very cool one. Do you not agree? I wish he would make that song less rare.
  3. YES. It didn't sell out quickly last year. I remember I saw it and contemplated for days and I think it took awhile to sell out cause of the price. I didnt go, but I think this year it will sellout faster, maybe not right away but faster. The high price keeps it from selling out right away which is somewhat of a good thing I guess cause at normal prices, we would be lucky to get a ticket.
  4. So you are one of the people that won? I just like to hear details if you know of any for your group. Like where will it be and is there anything special you plan to do. Like some of the previous ones had people play with Tweedy. Were you apart of any last year? I dont think of it as gloating, I am curious on what goes on. I have cds of all 3 last year and think its so cool. Always wondered how much interaction with Tweedy went on besides the recordings. You were at last years and again this year? Which one?
  5. What do you have to work with?
  6. Cool. Hopefully the members could share with us the excitement and experience of the coming shows.
  7. Wow, thats like $670 a person divided evenly. I assume that the VC group didnt win cause there wouldve been alot more posts here. Thats alot of money to pay.
  8. I like to play with my Wii in hard levels also.
  9. Although I think It's a Wonderful Life is the BEST movie, my favorite is A Christmas Story. just kidding
  10. Yeah I understand the overwhelming part. I think the key is to take things slow. Dont download too much at once. Try to download an album or two and listen to it for awhile before getting more. It's easy to get turned off when you have everything at your finger tips. I still buy cd and listen to cds and vinyls cause its the best way. I keep my cds in booklets so it doesnt take up alot of room. You can easily store a hundred in a regular size book.
  11. Damn, I was hoping it wasn't true.
  12. Hoilday Inn?? Never heard of that one. I voted A Christmas Story. Seen that every year so many times and always a treat.
  13. That was you? How long did you wait in line to be that close? That song sounds wimpy on an acoustic guitar, very immasculating. hehehe.
  14. I had to see FF movies cause I grew up collecting the comics. There's alot wrong with those movies but worth watching to see your heroes come alive, the action is still good. Same with Superman Returns, some really cool looking scenes but ultimately not good overall. You know what I wanted ever since the first X-men movie is a dark and gritty adult only version of the Wolverine story. Also another Nick Fury, not hasselhoff, story with all kinds of Marvel Heroes mixed in. A new Capt. America!
  15. 2nd to last game is when they meet. Could you imagine if that was the game that both broke the streak? Should be an easy for NE. After Pitts, its easy sailing for NE.
  16. I am a big fan of Ed Norton. I see that William Hurt is also in it which I like too. I dislike Liv Tyler. I hope for the best but it seems like a totally new thing from that last HULK which I thought was good. Louis Leterrier did Transporter which I liked so I feel he can bring some good action to the movie but wonder on the story telling which was what made Ang Lee good.
  17. So which you rather see. Undefeated or Big Gooseegg? I actually want both, but rather see NE go 16-0. Has 0-16 ever happened? 12-0 NE 0-12 Miami 4 games left, very much a reality for both teams.
  18. Is there going to be a sequel? Same actors? Ang Lee? I havent heard anything.
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