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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. I dont really celebrate Thanksgiving like most so let me live off you people. Anybody have anything special that they make for Thanksgiving dinner. I think the usual is Turkey, Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Cranberries, Green Bean casseroles, etc... My friend just told me she has Lasagne every year, I thought that was a nice addition. Whats your favorite food of the season? Any specials only someone you know makes?
  2. Got this yesterday. "Wilco are playing their last show of 2007 tonight in Dublin. Thanks to all of you who came out and supported the band with such enthusiasm this year. We enjoyed almost every second of it." Looks like no Thanksgiving Auditorium Shows this year. Maybe replaced by Millienum Park now. There is Jeff playing Second City and Folk Festival for the people in Chicago.
  3. Just caught up all the way on Heroes, last episode really explained alot. So why do you think Kensei/Adam is doing all this? I am also getting tired of the wonder twins now.
  4. I just joined the group. We are now 77 strong. I also have a myspace that I neglect.
  5. Does anybody know what the private concerts went for last year? I always wondered how much the living room concerts costed.
  6. I am disappointed in A-rod going back to the Yanks. A 10year deal, not bad for opting out. $27 million will still be alot in baseball for years to come. Looks like Boras is out da door. I agree that he didnt set this up, doesnt make sense to.
  7. me 2, he's still good enough to play. I want to see him rack up some more HRs on his total. Where is he at now?
  8. That article is pretty wacky. Not sure if it was a plant by Boras, if it was then it would mean the offer by the Yanks is not true and the facts can be easily disproven. I really hope A-rod doesnt go back to the Yanks. Take a pay cut and play for a friendlier team. Just do some more endorsements if you want more money.
  9. Just called them and they dont offer the 30 day risk free. I ordered straight from Dish Network and maybe the guarantee is from a third party seller. Anyways, I did talk to them more and got what I wanted. All I wanted was to cancel the DVR service which they gave me a hard time for. I guess I was talking to the wrong person. This lady gave me no problems.
  10. Can you tell me more about the 30 day buyers remorse, i dont see anything about it on their website. Thanks.
  11. Watch Suicide Kings, light fun. I didnt like Crash, so unbelievably unrealistic, way overdone. But I guess watch it cause it gives you something to talk about.
  12. I just saw TALK TO ME starring Don Cheadle, I think thats his name, he is the black guy in every movie. He is actually great in this movie about Radio Talk guy Peete Greene. Great movie and recommened to all. True story of a convict that became a radio and tv star in Washington with his personality.
  13. I really liked Traffic and Syriana.
  14. Mostly around the 5,6,7 spot. He isnt that bad. Not a superstar, but a good OF person.
  15. They both played at SF together and somewhere Neifi earned a gold glove. Never showed playing for Chicago. He probably had one good year in his whole career that Dusty cant forget. Glad Niefi is gone along with Dusty. I am liking Lou alot here in Chicago. Just a likable guy. Interested to see how things will go next year.
  16. HA! Neifi was from the Cubs and I hated him. He wasnt good at all and he kept getting playing time. It was like he was Dusty Baker's favorite pet. I was happy to see him leave. Cant believe he got caught for steriods, all of all people him?
  17. I also quit cable/sat a long time ago and dont miss it except for maybe some sports games, but overall feel better without it. I have something better than rabbit ears, I still have one of those roof attenas in my attic. And ever since I got my HDTV, I have been getting digital reception. Blows away analog by a mile. plus i get 3 diff versions of 11 which is PBS of chicago.
  18. Minor detail coming from a Cubs fan. Jacque Strap did have a struggling season with alot of trade talks. I guess we finally unloaded him. He was on his way out. We are overloaded with OFs and he seemed best to trade. Will tell you he never got that comfy here. The fans didnt give him a fair chance and he struggled. At times he did go on some real good hot streaks. He is a decent player and maybe he will show that in Detriot. I always stuck up for him cause I thought he got alot of negativity from Cubs fans. Last year was bad for him, but I feel he could have a few more decent years
  19. So how many Chicago fans are somewhat happier that Rex is back. I wanted him back ever since the first Greise game. Not saying he is good now, but I always thought he was better than Greise. Just wanted to see if Greise had anything. I dont expect much from Rex except inconsistent play, but would rather have him playing cause he is young and could still learn plus he could throw long if he wanted.
  20. Bicycle, Bicycle, I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike. I used to sing that until my friend torn me to bits on my singing voice so I never sing anymore. I agree, I suck at singing. Queen has tons of great classic songs.
  21. Thats a great attitude darkstar. I think you got it right on the money. Live a better life now, you werent happy and now you are. Corporations suck, all of them, counting on them is a mistake. When it comes down to it, its all business. Find a job more to your liking.
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