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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. If people with cell phones are annoying, just annoy them back. Then you're even.
  2. What a time for Boston for sports. Just won the WS and now Pats going undefeated so far and looking very good. I'm jealous. I am getting sick of the Red Sox, but I am a big Tom Brady fan though. Arguably the best ever.
  3. Well it's interesting. I guess this is the what its come to. What is the price of a tv show writer? We'll soon find out.
  4. Why dont they writers just charge more or else go write for someone willing to pay? Isnt it all supply and demand? I guess it will be interesting to see how this strike plays out.
  5. Thanks for answering my questions. I am getting spoiled with my digital and HD reception, I dont like low res anymore. I cant believe I now look at my dvds and say, "man the quality is kinda bad". A few years back, I thought it was about as clear as can be. I only have a Samsung 1080i LCD too, I wonder how much better a 1080p is. The $98 hardware happened on the Walmart secret sale and seems like Toshiba has an under $200 HD-DVD player out which is totally affordable for the quality you are getting. I think software is no problem. Discs are can be created so cheaply especially when ma
  6. Skips? Something must be wrong with your turntable. Mine plays 180 and normal just fine. I like the 180grams, plus now they are rereleasing alot of classic albums so you get the old albums brand new and better than ever. I just wished they were cheaper, but seems like its all very limited runs, so it runs the cost up. I do see also there is 200grams and dont see paying extra for that versus 180 grams.
  7. OMG! I cant believe this is a true story. Some people are just plain screwy.
  8. Maybe the people in America could use the Krell enhancer. Why do we keep change at a minimum. Dont disturb the machine, we fear change, our minds are too weak. Could people even handle the enhancer? Maybe Hillary is the change of speed we can handle. We move slow. It's fine, at least she will be better than what we have now and be the first woman prez. My vote is for Obama for now.
  9. Thanks for the helpful info. Its what I thought. I have questions. I have a 720p/1080i set. So you are saying that a HD-DVD/bluray player that is 1080p would look better on my set than a 1080i player? I thought an 1080p player would not do anything more cause of my set. So the sound would be the quality of SACD/DVD-A? So any guess on what format wins? I'm kinda going for the cheaper solution which is HD-DVD. If pretty similar, why not go with the better priced one. Sorry Sony you lose again.
  10. The difference between Hillary and Obama is bigger than Democrat and Republican. Screw the political parties.
  11. Then go support more of the same BS.
  12. I played Resident Evil 4 and gotta say its one of the best games I played ever and although I dont play much anymore, I grew up on games. It's really saying alot. Forget the rest of the series, RE4 is on a whole new level. MUST play it. Buy it, I think its cheaper than the other games cause its an older game. I am looking foward to Mario Galaxy. The new Simpsons game caught my attention. I am slowly playing and enjoying Metriod 3 now. It's cool.
  13. OK, get ready, its starting. I feel like with the prices so low, HD-DVD may take it. Secret Walmart sale
  14. Summerteeth and Meet the Beatles. I dunno the one with the trees.
  15. Nice black crowes amorica. So whats the one with the mole?
  16. I was wondering how many Tex Avery fans there are here. I grew up watching up him but I dont think they play him anymore. Seems like stuff like that could be played forever for generations. I was huge into Tom and Jerry also. I just got a 5-disc full collection dvd of his stuff to relive the fun and it was well worth it. Do you guys have any memorable Tex Avery's? For those not familiar with Tex, he is most recognized character is Droopy but did alot of work with no defining characters. I loved all the Things of Tommorow ones, especially when they slammed on the mother-in-law. Also li
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