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Everything posted by CortezTheKiller

  1. Quickly becoming my favorite Dylan album.
  2. Hard to get excited when there's so much confusion.
  3. What do we make of the fact that Tweedy is being beat by a 3 to 1 margin on a message board dedicated to his band?
  4. I just read an article about these girls yesterday.
  5. Did the same yesterday. Passed the lawn-mowing test. Isn't BAGIA or AKM, but it's very good.
  6. Had that (among others) on the turntable on this lovely Sunday. NP:
  7. LouieB - A couple of books I just finished that you may want to check out (if you haven't already): Guerrilla Minstrels Rhythm and Resistance: The Political Uses of American Popular Music
  8. I actually own a copy of The Little Red Songbook. I belt out "Overalls and Snuff" on a nightly basis. I'm in the process of designing a course examining 20th century working-class protest music. I've read quite a bit recently about Joe Hill and the I.W.W. From a scholarly perspective, they sort of fell off the radar during WWI. So I was surprised to see a reference to them. Good stuff. Thanks for posting.
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