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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. So I've decided to NOT settle and go it alone and see what else may or may not be out on the horizon. I'm too passionate of a person to settle. Whatever is meant to be, will be...
  2. Last night I went and saw this amazing band perform at the All-American Rock Cafe (formerly known as The Pour House). It's a trio led by the great Jim Walsh an accomplished drummer. He shares vocals with his bass player, Jeff and guitarist, Tom. They are a great bunch of guys. They kept everyone's attention with mostly original work with a couple of covers thrown in (Zeppelin and Cream). I'm not so great at describing music so your best bet is just to check out their MySpace www.myspace.com/merricksection My personal favorite is 'She's An Angel' which is one of Jim's tunes If you're g
  3. As I will never refer to the Southside ballpark as anything but Comiskey. I did. So far 3623 (including my vote) for the old name and 152 for the new.
  4. Why do you come to VC regularly? To get the latest on Wilco, world/local news (I can't tell you how many times I've said "Yea, I know. There was a link on VC." and check in on the peeps. What do you get out of coming here? Some laughs, news, interesting tidbits and friends. How did you get into VC? I actually 1st found it in 2001 but only hung out here for a very short time. Then I re-discovered it the night SBS came out. Do you consider yourself a Wilco fan, even if you hate AM/SBS/BT/MA/MA2/whichever album blew chunks? I love Wilco and everything they are associated with.
  5. Thanks everyone! I have an interview tomorrow so here's hoping. Oh, and one of those rat bastards (former boss) had the nerve to try and call me this morning. I didn't answer. Oh and the news is posted on Facebook as of last night. Thank god that grill cook called me! FFS!!! Thanks again and vibes to rest of you in this "club". Oh and my possible new boss' name is Eric. Maybe it's a sign
  6. I just got the call from one of the grill cooks (a friend) NOT one of my bosses. Our restaurant was shut down today (presumably by the bank).
  7. Yea, that was my old camera...sorry 'bout that.
  8. The girls love all Wilco really but their favorite by far is 'Walken'. Here is an example of their air band abilities The little one is pretty much solo until the 3 min mark but after that they both go WILD The also recognize Jeff anywhere. And they think it's craZZZY when their friends tell them they've never HEARD of Wilco
  9. I work with teenagers that look like Drake. They're pretty pervy in their own right. I tell them to stay away from me until they're 18...lol
  10. This freaked me out as well. I guess it's a better image health-wise but I really wish they had written it into the story.
  11. Ditto. I would choose this or Josh & Drake over any of the shows they watch.
  12. Yea, see in some ways I don't think I EVER will. I guess it's just part of growing up, eh?!? Still sucks...
  13. Well, I am trying my best on my first seemingly successful attempt (six months now) at the latter. I know someone said above to not look back but I can't help it. Just being on this board does it. This person brought me my passion for Wilco, Chicago, baseball and music in general. There is so much over eight years that has become a connection to him. I work every day on shaking it off and trying to not let it affect me. I wonder if the pain from the many failed attempts with him and knowing I'll never have what I "truly long for" will ever disappear...
  14. Oh, the choice has been made a dozen times over. I just always wonder if it was the right thing to do...for my heart, ya know?!?
  15. ...do you settle for love and give up when true deep love isn't working out because that person isn't working out?!? Case in point over many, many years you try to be with someone who has depression, anxiety and social issues but won't stick with any kind of treatment...medication or therapy. You have young children. You've never loved anyone before or since like you loved this person not even the person you were married to. So finally after so many attempts and offers to help and overextending yourself...do you just give up and realize you're just going to have to settle for some kind of
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