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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. And that is why (secretly) I'm glad then only exist in Jersey or Chicago for me
  2. There ya go...that's all I was saying. P.S. Nice try Ryan Tho, the one thing that stands out in my mind is how did the BBC get info that WTC 7 fell before it did?!? She was reporting that while it was still standing up just fine right behind her. That part bothers me quite a bit. Just a question, NOT an accusation...
  3. No, I just meant don't believe everything you hear and see...question authority (in ANY case, not just about this) especially people who are proven liars. Just leave room for other ideas. I haven't decided where I stand on this. I'm just gathering information and asking questions, that's all
  4. They've never heard of me, but I pretty much knew that already. There's just me and my family
  5. You know you're not helping, right?!? Freud should check YOU out, my friend...
  6. Well, people, like I said I was just asking what you thought...I never said who did what or anything. I was just questioning it was all. If you want to believe everything you hear and read without question, go right ahead. I just watched something from the victims' families and I definitely believe (conspiracy or not), that these poor people, as well as the public, were lied to. That you can't really question. There were cover-ups of very dumb decisions. And by covering things up, changing their answers and not directly answering questions they only make themselves LOOK more guilty. It's a d
  7. My two, beautiful A-MA-ZING girls...for if it weren't for them I would truly have nothing to be thankful for this year... Oh, AND all the joy that Jeff and friends have brought me this year!!! And e-meeting (and some in real life) all of you crazy, wonderful, incredible people!!!
  8. Let me make one thing clear. I am NOT stating who's right or who's wrong. I'm just going by what I've listened to, viewed or read and questioning it. I am looking for other people's opinions/feeling or thoughts. If you read what I started this with...I'm NOT accusing anyone of anything!!! Btw, one more thought...$100 million spent investigating Clinton's blow jobs, but only $3 million allocated to the original investigation of 9/11 and then raised to a whole $14 million...conspiracy or not...that just sickens me!!! Ummm...I'm well aware, hence what I wrote!
  9. While your statement certainly makes me chuckle and is quite true, the information I've been viewing dates this event and others to well before we ever head of George Dubya. IF ANY of it's true, it falls on the shoulders of much bigger, richer, more powerful men than are in our government or ATTEMPT to run our country.
  10. I know this may very well be a touchy subject. I've never really discussed it with too many people. I know there are a few of you on the board who were very much personally affected and for that my sympathies and prayers go out to you and yours. I myself had four friends who lived and worked in the city on that day. They were very much affected by it obviously and that day still haunts them. I have a new friend who has sent me a ton of footage that I am slowly working through. My first two questions so far for those of you who have seen/heard this much... How do you propose the reporter fr
  11. I personally would bottle that stuff up and savor it, if I could
  12. A friend of mine told me he was watching the Blackhawks game on TV last night and just when they were down 3..."Can't Stand It" was played
  13. I and both my girls (now 9 & 11...2 & 4 when they 1st heard it) have ALWAYS thought that, as well!!!
  14. I'm home and I'm not in jail...yup, that's what I said JAIL!!! Even though everything had been dropped in our civil suits against each other back in September, my local police department still decided to charge me with kidnapping. I was not aware of this until a few weeks after the ex and I had settled everything. He came today in my defense. But I think what really swayed the Magistrate was the fact that my lawyer through his paralegal told me NOT to contact the police. He told me just go get the children and then call Child Services. Case dismissed...let life resume and may we all ma
  15. Thank you all! I'm on my way to take care of things. Hopefully, you'll hear from me before the work day's end, otherwise...
  16. That's EXACTLY what I was thinking
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