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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I'm with you all on Blitzen Trapper's new one. Really liking it. I haven't heard any of their previous. Is it in the same ballpark?
  2. If these things are true, it may be that final nail in the coffin that people were talking about earlier today.
  3. This is true for personal income. Although, as I, and many others in similar threads, have pointed out that it is over $600k that the personal income is actually significantly more impacted by Obama's tax plan. I can't speak to his business tax plan.
  4. And I would very strongly disagree. And I would very strongly agree.
  5. exactly... I'm guessing that his little business is not making a profit of $250k or more. They may have revenues in that area but not net profit/income.
  6. We broke the conspiracy wide open!! oh, and this guy's views on things are a bit underwhelming. Hilarious to see him become a 'media' focus.
  7. these guys seem to have found him pretty easy: MSNBC video - interviews with Joe
  8. That picture isn't far off from how I truly see those guys. Obama is cool, calm and collect. The "new" McCain is like a crazy robot.
  9. This photo is now assigned to my Dad on my phone.
  10. what the hell is he doing? I haven't seen this.
  11. Not really. McCain was definitely more aggressive but Obama laid back a bit and remained calm. The issue for McCain is that he likely didn't win any new voters yesterday. I'm sure he maid everyone in his camp happy but I don't see him picking up many new votes as a result. I didn't watch the entire thing but what I did see was a angry guy. He would avoid questions to focus on propoganda around Obama.
  12. according to the "data" on Chicago Tribune's poll, Obama won 85% to 15%. The parts that I watched were pretty much a toss up. Obama is clearly more eloquent (McCain accused him of being eloquent as well ). I still stand STRONGLY behind the fact that we have two much, much better candidates than we had in 2004. For that, I am thankful.
  13. I won't disclose household income but I know that I would do better from an income tax perspective under McCain. That said, I am voting for Obama as the macroeconomics data indicate that stock markets flourish under Democratic leadership. My personal experience is the same. Big picture - when the country does better, the economy, employment, etc. does better. It's also a matter of the percentage of people that make over $250k and $600k as opposed to those under $50k. I think this all needs to be tempered but I believe that if you make more, you should pay more in taxes, donate more, etc.
  14. Is his name Al? We're brothers!! I wasn't necessarily referring to you as I haven't seen you reach across and bitch slap the other side for voting republican. I just don't see any reason why a non-politician couldn't feasibly prefer someone moderate on the other side. Depending on your hot-button issues, who is the stronger candidate? For me, I have never voted for a Republican nominee but could see a time where I would. I am a pro-eductation, anti-war, small government type. I choose my issues rather than a party choose them for me. That's all. You're the rub. In all seriou
  15. The amount of shit that I blow his way over the chain mails is quite astounding. He tells me that he doesn't even believe most of the stuff. Most of his decisions are based entirely on tax rates. Despite the fact that the stock markets do significantly better under Democrat presidents, he doesn't care. He's pulled most of his money out of the market because he's old and retired.
  16. apparently... I'd like to think that I do. There are many on the Democrat side here that I wouldn't hitch my wagon to. While I can understand a passionate need for change right now, I can't understand how anyone would stand up and say that they would never vote for the better candidate if he/she is across party lines. I'm an independent thinker though. I don't think you were necessarily addressing this to me but I don't feel that anyone is evil. I have family members that will definitely vote with McCain. Fortunately, their votes don't matter as Obama will win Illinois. My Dad
  17. I find it irresponsible that a "democrat" or "republican" would ever say that they wouldn't vote for the other party. Again, I understand confusion about why folks refuse to move away from the McCain/Palin ticket... but it becomes increasingly clear why they wouldn't if a "democrat" is stating that they would never vote for a "republican" candidate. Hypocrisy running amok?
  18. Andy is a highlight on a show full of highlights. He's genius. This was one of the wilder episodes they have had. Great stuff.
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