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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I'm an enormous Maher fan but he is as militant in his atheism as the most fervent Christian is in theirs. I find it a bit annoying and condescending to those that are ardent believers in one religion or another. If I find it annoying for the religious, I find it equally as annoying for the atheist.
  2. RIP - definitely one of the greats and he never compromised himself artistically.
  3. much better than his first solo album...
  4. major vibes Jules... absolute horseshit it is. I hope everything works out ok.
  5. yea, some are just folks that enjoy sticking their head in the sand with toe the party-line politics. side note - This thread has been much less obnoxious than most days. Hats off.
  6. I believe what we are seeing is that he is ill-equipped to become the President. I like John McCain and think he would be a good option as a cabinet member, etc. He is not presidential material... particularly at this point in his life. He is more than visibly uncomfortable with the issues that he is talking to.
  7. very tough... at the moment Dead Confederate - Wrecking Ball
  8. Happy Birthday Kevin! I'll see you next time I'm in Madison. Hope you have a great birthday.
  9. Completely agree... I am generally not one for reissues but I had to pick up the most recent Replacements ones. It's so good. The alternate versions sound better than the album version in some cases.
  10. yea, the right are known for their wicked sense of humor.
  11. very well said... let the mocking commence. Hell, this may even make SNL watchable for a couple of weeks.
  12. Let's try it this way... what did you like about the 50's? Not mcarthyism, not segregation... which part was it? The sock hops?
  13. I'm not anti-conservative... I may not agree with the policies in all cases, but I am an independent thinker. I am anti-horseshit and that is what the GOP is running out there right now. Rather than spin this to Obama, can you tell us what you disagree with? Bush is an atrocity, McCain is old and ill-equipped for this run, and Palin may have been the worse choice they could have made. You think she's solid, huh?
  14. Are you saying he should have 'dumbed it down' for her a bit? She's very clearly unqualified - lacks knowledge on the overall economy, foreign policy, etc. You don't see this?
  15. I don't disagree... however, I can somewhat understand why Letterman himself would be annoyed. However, still funny.
  16. I don't think anyone is blowing the Letterman thing out of proportion. It's simply funny. The issue that is really being raised in McCain wanting to push off the debates and his campaign. He is very clearly trying to stop the bleeding. His running mate is nuts and totally unqualified and he is ill-prepared to debate himself.
  17. My question is somewhat bi-partisan though. At any point, do these people just think that they aren't qualified to do the job?
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