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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. You didn't lurk around here just waiting for us to mention her, did you? I really like her... just picked up her most recent album this past weekend. May be my favorite. I saw that she was playing Old Town but couldn't make it. She's a talent.
  2. Justin Townes Earle - Daytrotter sessions GREAT cover of the 'mats -Can't Hardly Wait.
  3. I like it quite a bit... not my favorite but many great songs on it. Mr. Wilson and Better Days come to mind. The album is definitely a bit of a stretch for them but some of it works pretty dang well.
  4. I don't know too much about the story as of yet but my first impression is that the guy is going through a very tough time. It's easy to say "poor multimillionaire" but it doesn't seem fitting in this case. Ricky Williams is an asshole. Vince Young, to my knowledge, doesn't have any history of being a pampered superstar. I don't feel sorry for him being booed as that is part of the game and fans are obviously why they make a silly amount of money. However, if he's hurting related to depression or anything else, i hope he finds solace. Being wealthy doesn't eliminate all of your problems.
  5. this is true... Republicans are notoriously good at spinning non-issues into issues (i.e. swiftboat, Clinton BJ, etc.) It is a catch 22 if the Democrats try and take the high road. My feeling is that the dems should avoid any negative campaigning but feel free to go on the offensive if they are attacked. There are a lot of ignorant voters out there and the republicans prey on them.
  6. Vince Young may not want to play football anymore. He may be struggling with depression or some other issue... Vibes. The dude has a good deal of promise from a pure talent standpoint. Pretty hard to walk away from a game that pays you millions... ask Ricky Williams. Tribune article
  7. no, sorry, I was just unsuccessfully trying to mock the godfather of alt-country
  8. no... and the minimum monthly payment for the iPhone is around $80. I love it but I can understand why someone would go a different direction.
  9. this is true... except add obama being a muslim as well. I'd love to see a campaign based solely on ideas and policy.
  10. No, but if he was, I'd still vote for him.
  11. Yes, I was actually asking about the Kronos Quartet but I think I may have confused by having Sigur Ros referenced. I have Sigur Ros new one but haven't spent much time with it. I would like to check out Kronos Quartet. Any recommendations?
  12. It's morning Lou... and it's just the one troll. Orkie loves alt country and orkie loves him some early Jayhawks.
  13. Fuck, is that Dane Cook? Why would he do something like that?
  14. You'd really have to ask Bill Fay what he intended but you won't likely have a lot of luck there. My thought is that it is encouraging someone to get over regret/pain, etc. Be not so nervous Be not so frail Someone watches you You won't fail Be not so nervous Be not so frail Be not so nervous Be not so frail Be not so sorry For what you have done You must forget them now It's done And when you wake up You will find that you can run Be not so sorry For what you have done Be not so fearful Be not so pale Someone watches you You won't leave the rails Be not so fearful Be not so pal
  15. Not sure if you guys have heard this one. This is an absolutely essential album. Fall somewhere between alt-country and alt-Rock with a capital "R".
  16. Damn... they are an obnoxious bunch of pricks but violence isn't the answer there. Security reacted pretty quickly. Great to see Liam go after the guy once he was secured by security.
  17. Based on what I saw with the RNC and DNC, it is very clear that the Republicans are much more interested in slanting views with negative campaigning. The flip side of this, and what is clearly different from previous elections, is that Obama is not afraid to punch back on the Democrats side. I dislike negative campaigning on either side. Ideal world is the candidates put out their respective agendas/ideas and people vote for who they want to.
  18. If it turns out that Obama is a 'freedom hater', this will change my vote. I'm keeping an eye on my inbox to solidify this.
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