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Posts posted by fatheadfred

  1. Also he wants to buy this business, but there is no way to guarantee that the business will still be profitable next year with the condition of the economy being what it is.


    Welcome to the real world Joe. There are no guarantees in small business. While there will be some niche markets that prosper in an economic downturn most will not. Blaming your ability to not open a business on taxes? Yeah, maybe partly to blame, but not in and of itself.


    If you are turning a 250g profit in a recession and you are complaining? WTF. As Barack said, what about your employees? What he didn't say, "what about your current and potential customers?" If 95% of them get a tax cut they will be more apt to afford you service. Instead of coping with shitty plumbing problems like a dripping sink, poorly functioning water heater, etc. they can fix this shit and allow you and your employees to keep the till going. If no one has money, you don't have money either, dickjob Joe.

  2. I think you misunderstood my point. Attacking a strawman means you present the other side's argument as a weak caricature of the actual argument (eg McCain supporters only want to fund the war and nothing domestic, Retardicans, McDumb, etc.) and then attack that instead of their actual argument. "Declaring war on strawman" was just another way of saying "attacking strawman" and has nothing to do with your foreign policy positions.

    Well it sounded like a great analogy for our war in Iraq, forgive me for my interpretation.


    And maybe I am siding w/ Obama because I perceive McCain's argument as weak.

  3. It can be argued that the pragmatics that our system of government is heavily weighted towards pork and lobbyists, ultimately

    make for very little difference between what one party can accomplish over the other as regards your laundry

    list of things that should/shouldn't be approved based on which side of the aisle one agrees with.

    I'll take that little difference of what they will do and couple it with what one party won't do as well.

  4. I benefit more personally from McCain's plan.


    Edit: What exactly is the "Top 5%"?

    Is your vote contingent only on how your finances are affected? Do you not care about people that are struggling or are already homeless? What about foreign policy? Do you prefer more war? Do you want to continue to be dependent of fossil fuel? Funding for education?

  5. It seems like the Reps are even more to the right this time around. Maybe because they've galvanized their base to a point where it is polarizing them. I understand they needed a jumpstart, but picking Pallin (around w. terrorists) was the dumbest thing ever. The fencesitters are overwhelming siding w/ Dems. The 'vote for the man god wants' sentiment appears to have been revived in my area since her pick. I was planning to vote for a Rep for a local seat but knowing he subscribes to this shit is making me think about a Bobbob no vote. Our AG and state senate Dem candidate switched from Rep 2 yrs ago.


    I wonder what the future of the Rep party is? Their numbers appear to be dimishing greatly and unless they do something drastic they will be raptured.


    I think I could vote for a democrat......if he was like a republican.

    we have 2 in our state race for AG and Senate, turncoats.

  6. Sign of the apocalypse? Or just a dumb ass letting people know he's a dumb ass?




    ELIZABETHTON, Tenn. -- A new father has secretly named his baby girl Sarah McCain Palin after the Republican ticket for president and vice president.

    Mark Ciptak of Elizabethton put that name on the documents for the girl's birth certificate, ignoring the name Ava Grace, which he and his wife had picked earlier.

    "I don't think she believes me yet," he told the Kingsport Times-News for a story to be published Tuesday. "It's going to take some more convincing."

    Ciptak, a blood bank employee for the American Red Cross, said he named his third child after John McCain and Sarah Palin to "to get the word out" about the campaign.

    "I took one for the cause," he said. "I can't give a lot of financial support for the (McCain/Palin) campaign. I do have a sign up in my yard, but I can do very little."

    These dudes sure have a hard on for the crispy women of god with hopes she may suck their cob.


    You all see the nerdy Rep. WSJ dude on Maher last week? When it came down to revealing his reason for voting for Palin (not McCain) he said she was hot.

  7. Medical, though psychiatrists also go to the same medical school, they just do a residency in psychiatry after they graduate. I don't have a lot of experience with pricing so far, but I think there are many factors. The newer the treatments and drugs are more expensive because they haven't reached a large enough scale to be produced cheaply and because there aren't generics. Malpractice insurance and the lack of tort reform is definitely a factor. It encourages doctors to order unnecessary tests in an attempt to be thorough and avoid lawsuits and higher premiums also probably increase costs. That kind of varies from specialty to specialty, with OB-GYN probably being the worst. I haven't yet had much experience in practicing economical medicine as I've mostly been at the VA where everything's already paid for -- which means we order a buttload of unnecessary tests with no regard for cost.

    That's sucky. Why OB so high, wan kanobi? I always wonder what effect insurance companies have. I guess I'll look it up on the google when I get a chance.

  8. Really? I could agree with no 100% connection, as in hard work does not guarantee success and lousy work does not guarantee failure, but no connection at all? I guess I can stop studying. I'll just float through the rest of med school and any success or failure I have will be completely determined by luck.


    And just to correct a couple misconceptions floating around: Obama is cutting taxes for 81.3% of households, not 95%. And the tax rates for those making over $250,000 are in the 30's, so Obama is not raising taxes to 25-26%.


    Hey, you're in med school? Medical or Psy? What is your take on the effect that insurance companies have on medical pricing? What actually effects the cost of medical care and drugs? I am aware, well from 3 or so years ago, that liability or malpractice insurance was stifling the physicians to a point they were moving around the US to find the best deal.

  9. I would love to revisit this thread in the distant future when some of you become moderately successful or when you reach retirement age and you start to spend your retirement funds at a time when you have limited tax deductions and most everything becomes ordinary income.

    Maybe in the distant future we won't be strapped due to warmongering and the discussion of who to lay the burden on will be a thing of the past.

  10. I suppose I find many of these type of conversations to be a lot of chest

    puffing with not too much substance. Unless one is willing to put hard and

    fast definitions on terms such as 'rich' this all remains abstract. So who

    is rich?

    Ball players or movie stars get paid obscene salaries It's true. But they only get paid

    so much because we flood their industries with cash. No one makes us.


    This is a challenge when we do not consider cost of living. However, if they threw that into the campaign people would really shy away from figuring out all those damn numbers.


    In my region, the Obama plan seems pretty close (200 and 250), however in NY, Chicago, San Fran, etc. it would seem like 300 and 350 should be the cut.


    I agree w/ the rock star and athlete wage. People feed the obscenity. What I don't agree with is taxpayer supported stadiums.

  11. Can you honestly tell me you'd rather be sure you can buy an RV when you retire than help me pay my bills if I find out tomorrow that I have a brain tumor? I may have worked less than you due to my age, but I can't believe I've worked less hard. But that is what this is about, this is what we're playing for in this election. I'm bankrupt or dead if I get sick. You get to go to one less football game or buy less albums or whatever it is that you like to do if I get health insurance.


    This is how I see pushing more taxes on the wealthy. The reality of us po folk is this. Personally, my financial liabilities are education and medical debt. The medical debt is b.s. and stems from 2 things. 1. Not being able to afford coverage 2. Even with coverage the shit didn't really cover the huge ass inflated bill for the service thanks to the insurance jack up.


    RV or death, a new Benz or white bread instead wheat?

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