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Posts posted by fatheadfred

  1. It always came across to me as cause & effect. Jay's railin on Jeff, Jeff can't take it, Jeff barfs.


    Much like the way the cut reality shows to make the peeps look they way they want.

  2. I tried to comment on p 12, then again on p 19. Don't know what to say, this just sucks. After attending a funeral on Saturday, thinking about Memorial Day and all that goes with that...then this happens. I can't even understand what RIP means. Happy trails, Jay.

  3. So last night a 'Mom' pulled a punk move. We talked to this gal & her 15 y.o. daughter before a show. She was pimpin her daughter out as a cool kid that likes cool music. The nonverbals were telling me the daughter would've rather been cruisin' the strip looking for boys. Anyhow, the show is closing down. Corby Shaub, geetarist, is handing the setlist to my wife, this broad lurches from 4 rows back and takes the motherfucker. I see the broad a little later and ask her if she was aware Corby was giving the setlist to my wife. She replies, "yes, but my kid wants it." What a ho! The friggin kid could probably care less, but to the mom her kid is so important that she sees that behavior as ok.

  4. I have seen tons of kiddies at Shelburne and Tanglewood, just keep em off your shoulders. At Shelburne, Jeff commented on all the children, then had a dance competition. FYI all you parents and KEVING. Our general dumb asses will be at Portland and Lowell smoking tons of chronic and drinking beer because thats what we like to do when we listen to Wilco. Also, don't forget that Jeff was a "pot head" too, he just coudn't handle edibles. Don't be a hypocrite!


    smoke em if you got em!

  5. ahhh, the beauty of social norm creation. "I'm right, no you're wrong, no, yes, etc." It is really disappointing to see norms turn into rules at a rock show. I guess that is the evolution of norms. The older I get, the more rules are created. In the spirit of following the Beatles' influence Let it be. Or since the Beatles seem to annoy me lately, let's go w/ Rage's, "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me."

  6. Well now...I have to say, I'm quite impressed with how articulate your friend is. He uses such vivid adjectives and creative nouns. He sounds like a well-educated adult. I'm also impressed that your friend goes to concerts to get hammered. I thought for sure that someone would want to go to a concert to hear music and remember their experience the next day; however, I must be wrong. Who knew? I would love to encounter this friend of yours at a concert. My child, to whom he is referring, will most definately be accompanying me. I really hope he can live up to his dreams by drinking more than his body is capable of digesting and giving my daughter a proper lesson in how to use interjections, adjectives and creative nouns. My daughter will be the model student and completely absorb his lesson about proper concert going skills and figurative language. I must warn you, however, when your friend falls down in his drunken stupor, most likely, it will be *my* daughter who will be the one that is concerned with his well-being and offer him assistance. She is extremely tenderhearted like that. I hope your friend will not be offended by her compassionate behavior. You're lucky to be able to call this person your friend. He's a real winner.

    point proven

  7. My kid is better behaved and more respectful of people around her than drunks.


    Drunks do things like dive off stage on to innocent bystanders and screech at the top of their lungs into the ears of people there to hear music. All she does is dance.


    Otis never screamed, nor did he stage dive. He calmly walked into his cell.

  8. I took both of my kids to ZZ Top about 6 months ago. It was good for them to see how crazy a concert can get. I thought the old band would draw a more laid back crowd but I was in for a surprise. By the end of the night my children witnessed a fist fight, a girl passed out with medical attention and a couple of BIG bras thrown on the stage. They took it very well and I was proud of them. These were the very things I got to see when my mom took me to concerts with her when she was 21 and I was 5. Today not much surprises me at a good concert.


    Dude, taking a kid to ZZtop is cruel. Why would you do that? Poor kid.

  9. They Might Be Giants positively do NOT want kids at their shows, which is why they only sell tickets/play to an 18+ crowd. However, I don't understand this because, you're right, they definately cater their music to a younger audience.


    I instigated a friend of mine into this statement:


    "You know, I don't hate kids and someday I would even like to have one, but why in the f*** would you bring a little kid to a Wilco show? Concerts are not a place for 5 yr olds. That one douchebag was bragging that his 9 yr old had been to 30 shows, better not put that kid next to me at a concert. And another thing, why is it that people on VC consider you an a-hole if you get drunk at a concert? Isn't that half the fun of going. I think these VC f****** are a-holes because they are the douchebags at these shows who just fuckin stand there like dam tree and then give you the evil eye for having a good time. I hate these people. Next time I see them with one of their kids at a show I am going to get as drunk as I can and curse up a storm, just for hell of it. Thanks for a great start to the day.


    Am I wrong here, what do you think?"

  10. here is the thing, 50% of the crowd will be there not to listen to the music, but to drink beer, smoke pot and be general asses.


    Clint: What did you just say?

    Mike: What?

    Clint: Just now, man. When you walked past, what'd you say?

    Mike: About what?

    Clint: You said, "Someone's tokin' some reefer."

    Mike: No, I meant somewhere I smell some pot, you know? It was just an observation.

    Clint: Oh, an observation, huh? Well who the hell are you, man? Isaac fucking Newton?

  11. Just don't put them on your shoulders in the front rows. Some dopes were doing this at Lawrence, KS last year. Still can't understand why you'd bring a half pint up to the front at a rock show. On another note, saw MMW at Lawrence (indoors) and like any MMW show the 'indo' was thick. Some ol gal had a 2 mos old in there cuz " my kid is gonna be cool, she likes this music" wtf is up w/ that?

  12. hahaha! great thread topic! My daily commute is about 95 miles mostly highway (round trip). I usually pick Wilco on my player, and play the music in alphabetical order. Lately I've been listening to the extras from the DVD, and reliving the live shows. If you're ever up in Cleveland on I 90 going from Avon to Mayfield, and see a crazy blonde in a Civic hybrid and it looks like she's at a rock show -- that's me!! :dance

    If you are driving that much, might as well be rockin out.

  13. Nels Cline has ruined Wilco. Why don't they just get Santana to join? Why all the flash? Play from the heart not the head. Jay was a much better creative partner.


    Being There, Summerteeth, Yankee Hotel and Ghost are my favorites. No wank.


    The new album is enjoyable but you can hear Nels suck the life out of it. Much different vibe and not in a good way.


    I will listen some more. I am trying to dig it but it is trying to break my heart.


    suck it; he rulz

  14. The science of creativity? Of art?






    By your theory, we should be listenting to some incredible masterpieces from Jay Bennett. Where are they?

    collaboration; putting the pieces together, much like effective sports teams, offices, etc.

  15. Someone just compared Nels' wankery on SBS to Bitches Brew. Now I've heard it all.


    One thing I do like, however, is the pedal solo on "Solitaire". More of that please.

    I wasn't referring to SBS and BBrew; clarification, the music on YHF and AGIB and live recreations of older songs, e.g. VC, uses music to create a sense of agitation, being uncomfortable.

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