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Posts posted by fatheadfred

  1. All of this "critiquing" and "demanding" you're seeing, I think most of us are seeing as discussion. What, exactly, on this board is here to improve the band's artistic value?


    If you're not interested in participating in this particular discussion, there are other threads on the board that are currently active that you could participate in.




    "The cancer" comes in many forms on these message boards, including a variant that causes one to be abrupt and dismissive without offering anything of value.


    I thought there was great value in championing Wilco to provide their craft to us, not for us to cop the consumer has rights plea and demand they change to fit us.

  3. I read the first page of this shtuff, scrolled the rest and almost barfed. Go read a book or something. Looks like the cancer has returned to VC. Let's all talk shit about the band for awhile? Yeah, later.


    Keep doin' whatever the hell you want to do Wilco!

  4. A beautiful memory burned...standing at the back door of Grinders, Sarah grinning ear to ear eating a folded slice of pizza (Me: "Where did you learn to eat pizza like that?"), the door surreptitiously propped slightly open with my foot and seeing my favorite song from the album waft across the mulch. Sigh.


    Sound check is full of surprises.


    Surprised they didn't boot you. The last Wilco show at CRoads was a little more chill. We hung out, listened to soundcheck, no biggie. This year, they slammed the garage door w/ authority.

  5. Now that everyone knows Nels overplays he can't catch a break to show his skills. He seemed a little left out of the show. The setlist didn't seem to flow very well but I give em props for mixing it up a bit. I think they sold a few too many tickets last night. Never been that crowded at a show there...including the last Wilco show there. Aside from that, it was good to see them again. Sonny Feeling and One by One were the highlights for me. Oh, and I'm a Wheel rocked.

  6. Man, they ran those bands in and out pretty quick. We were there for the farm stuff, Bingham, Wilco, Neil, & Willie. Bingham begged to play another song, which would've made 4 songs and they yanked his ass. Shitty. Wilco was a bright spot. I was glad that shocked the old coots with BBN. Casino Queen rocked. Overall we had a good time. Long day.

  7. the 6'5 tall guys who decide they need to be front and center


    I'm not sure how or why this would be considered rude. Tall people don't have a right to stand up close at a concert?


    (For the record, I'm 6'0")


    yeah, no shit, my friend is 6.7. He has to sit in the back. Yeah, ok.


    How about the question, "Are there too many people with a stick up their ass at Wilco shows?"

  8. in the comments following the review


    ...$10? pfft. I'd pay $60, I think tix are $80ish. Willie can play, Dylan is good inside in a small venue, dunno about outside. Saw him outside in 01 and that was good, 07 outside notsomuch. Sounds like Mellenhead is better now. I saw him in 97 and it was awful. He was taking smoke breaks during the songs. He sounded like shit.

  9. I am not cheering for Lance. I think there are at least two better riders on his team, and they should not defer to him just because he's the big media story. I'm hoping Contador and Leipheimer both leave him in the dust as they get into the mountains, and maybe Klöden too.


    As for today, it's all about team. Astana and Columbia ought to have quite a battle, maybe SaxoBank too.


    I am cheering for him and he kicked some serious arse today. Mucho work on the front. He may seem like an asshole to the public but he knows how to motivate his teammates.


    His team won the TT, Astana has 5 riders in the top 10, and he is within 1 second from yellow. Contador has a shot if his head is working, Levi peaks too early, and Kloden is kind of the unknown quantity right now. He used to be a contender, could be a surprise.

  10. I looked for you at the party house as we drove by but did not see anyone outside. Maybe the rain drove you all inside?


    I think folks were milling around at the house around 6pm. The dude that lives there was supernice and gave us a ride to the frontgate. There were several 'new' Wilco fans at the pre and post party and we helped convert them even more by playing some bootlegs.


    What a show. From behind the sbd it looked like there was a fire down below from all the smoke rising.hahaha.


    Misunderstood was rad, as was Spiders.

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