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Posts posted by fatheadfred

  1. I think it was in the Scorsese's documentary where Baez was pretty critical on Dylan and his involvement with the Civil Rights Movement (as well all the other 60s causes) during the 60s, after he became popular/electric.


    It would be kinda cool if she does a duet with him for this show. Can't see it happening, though.


    I can't recall Baez being critical. She seems to maintain respect for his ability and the time they hung together. Now, on the other hand, some in the press and some rigid fans were none too happy about his evolution as an artist.

  2. Having recently defended the use of Wilco's music in VW ads (by comparing them to Shakespeare, Rembrandt and Mozart who all had wealthy patrons) -- I was musing to myself at which point I would consider Wilco/Jeff Tweedy to be sell-outs.


    Three points of no return might be:


    1) Jeff Tweedy (or any of the band members) launching a "celebrity scent."


    2) Any of the band members being a guest judge on American Idol. (Although, depending on their judging styles I would likely forgive this.)


    3) Any of them starring in an MTV reality show. ("Meet the Miller-Tweedys," a la the Osbournes.)


    I'm NOT saying that any of these wouldn't be commercially viable, of course...


    I'm curious to see where everyone else draws the line. (Or whether that line was crossed long ago, but you still love Wilco anyway.)


    None of the above and would still listen to their tunes even if someone casts the stone.

  3. Jeff always seems freaked out, but why wouldn't he? Anxiety'll do that to you when a bunch of freaks are staring out you. Nels, cool as a cucumber. We had his full attention at a solo show in Columbia, MO awhile back...due to there only being 25 people there. Met the others too. Just said, 'howdy'.


    Coolest cats I've met after a show has to be Ryan Bingham & the Dead Horses. We snuck back to the drinkin' room after the show. Bingham gave me his last dixie cup of Jim Beam. After we helped them load their shit up, they bought us drink across the street at a bar. A great memory...and I didn't even video tape it..hahaha. Got some fuzzy, shitty, disposable camera pictures though.

  4. Maybe instead of GA and assigned seats Wilco should have separate seating for VC members and non-VC members?



    yeah Segregation is always the answer.....sorry i want no part of elitism.


    I forgot to add the sarcastic smiley thing. I agree with your statement.

  5. It is difficult to compare a Phish show/crowd to Wilco.


    Different drug type and intake amount

    Many more people

    Different idea of how to appreciate the band

    Extended jam = the hippie dance


    What we have here are different norms. VC attempts to define norms and non-VCers are oblivious since they aren't in on the communication.


    Maybe instead of GA and assigned seats Wilco should have separate seating for VC members and non-VC members?

  6. well, unfortunately, bands (as well as anyone who puts themselves out there) really become lightening rods for 'our' psychological projections. this is true in all of our relationships, but some of the deeper stuff (not the deepest) comes out on those not so close to us. it's fascinating. i remember seeing two wilco shows back to back in '04 i believe. one i went by myself and it was excellent. actually, i was excellent. the next show, i was with my pregnant wife and was tired from travel. i was not feeling it. it wasn't the band at all. it was all me. (as i write this, i'm coming back to one of my big questions about life, 'do we ever have any genuine interactions with people, or is it all projection?).


    the other point is that bands can only play the songs they can play. myself and other musicians know that some songs just don't ever work out, some work for a while, some work all the time, and some come back. my musical partner and i worked up about 3 new songs a month ago, only to never speak of them again. the impetus is just not there.


    just some thoughts.


    Some other PSY related ideas could be Tweedy's life struggles and subsequent writing allows folks with a similar struggle to relate. Now that he has moved out of that set of challenges and some of us might not be, the new stuff isn't ringing true.

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