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Posts posted by fatheadfred

  1. Seriously. He and Brett Favre should get a place together.


    One could argue that Armstrong is not even the third best rider on his team this year.


    Relative to their sport, Armstrong is a gajillion times better than Farv.


    We'll see. Cycling is a sport of timing. Levi's peak may have happened this season. Contador is in better physical shape but his brain doesn't always work correctly. In a mental & physical race as tough as the TDF, I will not be surprised to Armstrong in the top 3. Not saying he will, but it would not surprise me.

  2. I recommend just getting it over with. I've done that drive so many times that I have nightmares prior to such trips. Texas can be boring as hell too, but KS takes the cake.


    Love the request for a joint, if I have one, not just in my avatar, you'll smell it. hahahaaaa

  3. Getting excited for the show, but not the boring ass drive through KS and E. Colorado.


    Blues Traveler is playing Sat. but I don't care. I do care that Black Joe Lewis is opening for him. Might hang out and eavesdrop that funky ass shit.

  4. Why is it so frowned upon for someone to sit at a concert? The way this forum is making it seem, you're not enjoying the show unless you're on your feet the whole time. Not everyone shows excitement the same way. I can enjoy the show just as much sitting down as somebody else standing up. I don't think the band looks out at the crowd, sees people sitting down, and feels like they aren't being a good enough live act. Let people enjoy the show however they want to. Someone sitting isn't possibly a problem to the people around them, so who cares?




    I think the point is you can't have both sitters and standers. The standers could give a shit less unless the sitters are squawking at them.


    I almost had a douchebag incident as well, but I switched places with my wife so things didn't get out of hand. It's funny how sitting in the second row, I was still surrounded by A-holes and people who didn't seem like Wilco fans.


    no, those are the 'other' Wilco fans that aren't moved to stand and show their appreciation/excitement for the band

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