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Posts posted by fatheadfred

  1. the big shit and assembly, until the U.S. gets serious about mechanical controls. Maintenance is difficult to export, I think. Nuclear ain't quick and requires waste handling. I agree that it should be a portion but not exclusive.


    They already call him a socialist and this isn't socialism. We have a similar setup in MO where students with decent HS GPA's tutor elementary kids while in HS and receive state funded scholarships. It could expanded or push some money to states to help fund it, maybe matched dollars.


    the base budget will undoubtedly remain the same, but hopefully we decrease our overt attitude to decrease robbing from domestic programs to pay for military operations.


    ethanol is just part of the problem, the USDA needs to back off of their mandates to allow free markets in agriculture (see New Zealand). Allow trade w/ Cuba. They make it illegal to grow real food, let alone not encourage it.

  2. So rather than trumpeting it as the answer to our economic woes, shouldn't we look to it as an example of an emergency safety net? Are things bad enough where we need it yet? I don't think so. It should be kept in the back of our minds if things get so bad that we are dealing with double digit unemployment and massive food shortages, but I wouldn't be very optimistic if Obama tried to revisit the New Deal it as a way to stimulate the economy, as FHF suggests.


    I'm not very confident in either's abilities to get the economy going again in their term. But I also don't think either will have much of an impact. It's going to do what it is going to do.


    I think we should view it as a piece of the pie. I think we should be proactive with it. We all agree that our infrastructure is crumbling.


    Alternative energy component manufacturing, installation, & maintenance.


    Someone said healthcare, in terms of reducing our burden in this area. I know next to nothing about healthcare, so it's a piece of the pie, but one I can't speak to.


    Education. Pay to play. The Kennedy era saw a push for civic duty. Obama sees that as important but understands how different our time constraints are nowadays. Invest in civic duty, get an education credit for college. Great idea.


    I know Obama believes in Defense but I am guessing, hoping, assuming his war expenditures will be less than Bush's.


    Krugman was discussing on NPR that our debt is big, but as compared to our massive economic system our ability to turn the economy around is doable, if directed correctly. The economic summit in a few weeks may show us what they have in store.


    Food. Gut the Ag office. Pollan discusses a transition to solar agriculture instead of fossil fuel agriculture. This will reduce our fossil input and carbon footprint meanwhile producing food we can eat instead of process (more input) that has been shown to make us unhealthy. Neither campaign was that interested in Pollan's proposal. Obama eats arugula, but voted for the farm bill so I am uncertain here.

  3. There are going to be a lot if disappointed people when the economy isn't fixed 6 or 9 months into Obama's first term.


    Or a lot of surprised people if it does? The new deal revisited is a good first step. Energy, infrastructure, jobs in the US.

  4. Yeah, I would say the Democratic House and Senate balance out Bush.





    I was only half joking. When it comes time to apply for a residency, I'll definitely be looking at places in Chicago.


    Prior to 06? I agree with your current assessment though.


    You got your work cut out...IL is up 29 points in Pres. poll, today.

  5. I'd say that is right.


    I finally saw celebrities behind Palin at a speech she was giving last night - Hank Williams Jr. and Lee Greenwood (wearing his American flag jacket, of course).


    While this board is laced with the importance of subjectivity...both of yer fancy celebs, Hank and Lee, suck. Jr. had a few good years, but he clearly sux ass now.

  6. I started to get the feeling that the campaign excitement is going lead us to a huge let down once it is decided. We won't have all the campaign hoopla, we'll just be left with an enormous task of digging out of the hole we are in.


    And holy dog crap, y'all seen the polls today. I was thinking Big 10 was wack but Quinnipiac is 2 pts. higher Big 10 poll in Ohio. Gaaawlyeee:


    Ohio Big10 Battleground Obama 53, McCain 41 Obama +12

    Pennsylvania Big10 Battleground Obama 52, McCain 41 Obama +11

    Michigan Big10 Battleground Obama 58, McCain 36 Obama +22

    Minnesota Big10 Battleground Obama 57, McCain 38 Obama +19

    Wisconsin Big10 Battleground Obama 53, McCain 40 Obama +13

    Iowa Big10 Battleground Obama 52, McCain 39 Obama +13

    Indiana Big10 Battleground McCain 41, Obama 51 Obama +10

    Illinois Big10 Battleground Obama 61, McCain 32 Obama +29

    Pennsylvania Morning Call Obama 52, McCain 42 Obama +10

    Ohio Quinnipiac Obama 52, McCain 38 Obama +14

    Florida Quinnipiac Obama 49, McCain 44 Obama +5

    Pennsylvania Quinnipiac Obama 53, McCain 40 Obama +13

    California PPIC Obama 56, McCain 33 Obama +23

  7. I understand what Biden is saying and it rings true his candor; however, in terms of a presidential campaign it is ill timed. Just hold on a little longer Joe. I appreciate his inability to be completely dishonest due to his passion for politics but in this case it bit him on the ass, again. Good thing no one pays attention to him anyway. He could probably say something even more outlandish and it wouldn't get any play. Thanks Sarah.

  8. So you are willing to give him 100% of the credit for his success as a candidate, despite practically everything going right for him over the past 18 months. Cool.

    He has done a great job of finding people to manage his campaign. He has done a great job of handling difficult situations. For instance the North Carolina woman that shouted at him in the cafe today. I see his quick thinking and ability to manage people as key to his success. On the other hand, John has not been so cool and had fits with both his primary and general campaign staff. We aren't even sure that he chose his VP. While some can say we are in love with Obama's rock star image, you can also say we admire his charisma and wit. Either way you say it, his campaign is knocking the socks off of the GOP campaign in terms of organization and public relations.

  9. I know you're trying to be funny, but that's so Demorat of you to point that out.

    As was it so Republican of you to not understand Jon Stewart does political comedy and you were offended by it. Now, on the other hand, when Pat Buchanan or Rush Limbaugh makes a derogatory statement we understand they are not comics. Well, I already know they are comics so it doesn't bother me, but in your example Stewart's identity as a comedian is a little more cemented than the other two clowns.

  10. If the Democratic nominee has as much charisma, intelligence, and political savvy as our current one...and if he was also good looking and WHITE, he would be destroying McCain. We all know that many people in this country agree with him, but simply will not vote for a black man. Personally, I think he is destroying him now. The effects of voter purging and actual turnout are yet to be quantifiable. What percentage of newly registered voters will turn out? How many voters will not be allowed to vote?


    1 month ago, Obama didn't have a chance in MO. 175,000 person turnout in one day? Wow. The polls are tight, now. Today McCain is delivering a speech at a private school in the KC suburbs to a crowd maybe 15% as large.

  11. Jon Stewart to Sarah Palin: '[Expletive] You.'


    Speaking to a college audience in Boston, Mass. Friday, "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart used his stand-up routine to respond to Sarah Palin's comments about "pro-America" parts of the country, shedding the profanity restrictions that govern his Comedy Central show.

    "She said that small towns, that's the part of the country she really likes going to because that's the pro-America part of the country. You know, I just want to say to her, just very quickly: [expletive] you," Stewart said to raucous applause.


    Go Jon go. I still haven't decided whether to vote for Barack or Jon. I'll probably side w/ Barack since a victory in our state would be a mandate, as W would say. Man, the rally in KC was awesome. Like most effective politicians when he looks in your direction it feels like he is looking directly at you. Powerful. We have some pics and patm will post later.


    We'll be going door to door next weekend in our little college town following our homecoming parade. It will be a huge political weekend here in preparation for the 4th. Exciting times.


    Another reason I think Jon Stewart is a dickhead.

    comedy, pal, comedy.

  12. My main point is that I know many liberals who played the role of Chicken Little in 2000 and 2004. I would agree that the Bush presidency has been a big bust, but don't act surprised when conservatives have the same view of a potential Obama presidency.


    But to the same extent that Bush's has been seen as shiat? Time will tell. Lowest approval rating ever. The bar is low.

  13. Anyone else going to see Obama in KC tomorrow?

    Duh, I am. So is Sal (en route from the state that ignited the whole shithouse) And my parents, lifelong Republicans, 'cept for the brief Ross Perot thing, my sis the hippy church goer, and maybe my bro the bible thumper who used to say Bush was God's right hand man. He has since seen the light, or the dark should I say?

  14. John should've realized Dave reserves those interviews for people with whom he agrees.

    A comedian, not fair and balanced like the media folk on cable news. It would interesting to see how much influence Leno and Letterman have on people's vote. I read a story several weeks ago that mentioned it, but no 'real' data.

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