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Everything posted by SeattleC

  1. So am I. What are three distinct reasons to vote for McCain? Bring um' on (where did I hear that before?)
  2. It is not an assertion, it is a question. They are not mutually exclusive, I just find it hard to understand. But then again, I really don't understand much about this country. I've usually been on the other side of popular opinion.
  3. That's it indeed. YHT always was about the money wasn't it
  4. Somehow, in my gut (and I rely on my gut, not my brain, the gut doesn't lie) I find it hard to believe that you are a Wilco fan. Why would you support a band that is clearly endorsing Obama? Write that 100 times before you go out to recess.
  5. Oh, there is alot of power there in the free markets, no doubt. It is not a black and white issue though. Too many or too few regulatory constraints are problematic. Obama may not be the solution, but he certainly isn't the problem. I hope for my children's sake he is part of the solution. I truly believe McCain will continue 'the problem'. I'm very willing to take the chance on Obama, and trust that he has the wisdom to get smart people to help him. McCain has certainly shown his cards in that respect, given his VP selection. I hope I never get a chance to see his cabinet.
  6. Don't anyone think I voted for Ray-Gun. Didn't happen. I voted for several losers for president over the years, but look Bushies, you voted, and in theory won (especially 'in theory' the first term), and got a loser instead. only problem is, the country has lost alot as well.
  7. and for the last several years, we've gotten our little taste of how facism works as well with Bush/Cheney (where did that guy Cheny disappear to anyway?). Fortunately, most of us didn't get to experience the direct effects first hand, having not been whisked off somewhere for torture, so we are, as a country, mostly oblivious. So were most Germans in the '30s.
  8. Yes, why indeed? It's true I couldn't vote for Goldwater, but I was alive then . He was the first Republican my father ever voted for. I can imagine what they'd both think of this fiasco. Jon Oliver said it well a couple of nights ago on the Daily Show: 'Bush could still, if he works hard enough, be the last president.'
  9. The liberal media isn't, what a myth. The conservative bias in our media is obvious. Even the New York Times isn't the liberal paper that some claim it to be. William Safire and David Brooks as editorial columnists. C'mon. Rupert Murdoch is winning, isn't he? I'm a centrist, but I challenge you to give me three good reasons to vote for McCain (don't even mention the war hero stuff). Anybody who associates themselves with the party that had eight years to run things and left us with this, most of them with the congress and the the Supreme Court on their side, doesn't deserve anyone's vo
  10. She's not pro-life, she's anti-abortion. Pro-life people do not support unnecessary wars.
  11. This reminds me of hoping the snowstorm would cancel school so I could finally study for that math exam..... Good luck John, the dog ate my homework too!
  12. I was on a flight to Denver from Seattle that left at 6AM that morning, so 9AM NY time. We turned around near Mt. Rainier after we were about 20 minutes out and headed back on a very low flightpath, and then the pilot came on and said we were returning and all planes in the country had been grounded, and that they didn't know much, but apparently a plane had hit the World Trade Center. The route that plane took back to the airport was unlike anything normal for commercial air traffic around here, and the plane was very quiet on the way back. I got out of the airport, to my car, and home as
  13. You have got to see this one folks. "What's that Wailin'?" by Sarah Palin The Stranger does it again..... http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Content?oid=662468
  14. And on a more serious note: NEW ORLEANS (CNN)
  15. God's just trying to remind America what a great president we've had for almost eight years. It's his way of saying "heck of a job Brownie" - Opps, I mean "heck of a job Georgie". God works in mysterious ways.
  16. Indeed. This is a serious storm....
  17. Indeed! Or, one uterus, two votes for Obama, if you have a similar minded spouse who also helped you raise your wanted kids.
  18. I know one dad in particular, who I highly respect, who raised his kids for years on his own and did a great job. Good on you for doing the same! This whole theme shouldn't be a question of choice for either the man or the woman, it should be question of choice for both, and usually, both are thinking alike about the situation, rather than disagreeing. But not always.... Given the history of world, and in particular, female oppression, I don't think any laws or customs should have absolute authority about allowing no choice for a pregnant female without regard to her situation. That's whe
  19. If you don't want one, don't have one, and if you don't want to listen to Wilco, don't, as I always tell my father-in-law, who at 70+ is hip and a helleva skier, but who hates Wilco .
  20. I respect your opinion on that, but I think the anti-abortion crowd should leave those who don't agree with them alone, to live and die with the choices they made for themselves in their lives on this issue. There are very complicated situations out there, and some people don't think that aborting a fetus after a few months is the same as killing a baby. Reversing Row vs. Wade will be about as successful as Prohibition. People still drank; desperate very young women will still end up in desperate situations trying to have an abortion.
  21. Ideally it's a mutual agreement, and ideally the decision is to raise a happy healthy child in a loving partnership, but in a poke and dash situation, for example, clearly the woman should be able to make the final decision. McCain and Palin do not want that right to continue to exist, for either of the parties involved, whether it's a mutual decision or not.
  22. If you are allergic to dust mites, like me and supposedly 20%+ of the population, consider a latex mattress. The buggers can't live in the latex, and they are really comfortable mattresses. Also, no need for a box spring, just a platform. Since I went over to bedding with latex,cotton, and wool, my sinuses are way better. Unfortunately, although down is also a natural material, it is a dustmite haven.
  23. Agreed, but unfortunately there are alot of creationists out there who do believe they are mutually exclusive.
  24. Reposting my pics from this show after removing my earlier posts while getting a location for them sorted out: More at: http://www.PictureTrail.com/gid20381003. I'll try to get more up there as well. BTW - Moxie was a great find for dinner. Best duck in decades in a wonderful stirfry.
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