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In a little rowboat

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Everything posted by In a little rowboat

  1. terrific story, great job... amps...doesnt bigwagonwheel have a fender pro jr? Maybe he can comment on that...i know its a great low wattage recording amp...course, i like the Blues Junior a lot for the money (as a practice/small gig amp)... On a side note...fuck some plumbing. Ive had to replace 2 burst pipes this week...memphis was not built for 10 degree weather...
  2. Will I be the first dork to beg for a pic?? Nice score, youll love it!!
  3. sounds like a great guitar, man...and you are totally correct on the electronics, but i love CIJ/MIJ fenders as they are usually great players... A mastery is an awesome upgrade, but not cheap...folks use mustang bridges on teles with bigsbys and jazzmasters as well...rollers work well too...as well as the standard T bridges like in this thread: tele forum Teles are exceptionally easy to install bigsbys on to, so once you get a deal on the tele, then consider adding one on... Speed racer: make sure you get a fair amount of playing time on a Mustang before committing...a lot of folks i
  4. that an old epi casino, or a gibson 330 with p90s??
  5. Ghost is right about the amp...almost more important that the guitar in a lot of respects...guess it depends on the kind of music you play... As I mentioned earlier...Fender Deluxe Reverb...really hard to beat. Find a used one, retube it, even better. Around $400, the Blues Jr is a great home/small gig amp...Vox ac15, peavey classic 30 other good options...Im a tube guy all the way, and while one tends to pay a bit more for it, its usually worth it...also, if you dig reverb, tube reverb tends sound a lot better than digital... What have you looked at?
  6. My drummer works in a GC here in town...somehow he has not yet been reduced to douche status. And, boy do I get the inside scoop. They do in fact work on commission, as well as earning a paltry hourly wage for cleaning the bathrooms (generally) and vaccuuming and such. They are assigned sale quotas which are generally unachievable but a sense of desperation and competition exists regardless. I am told that the manager at this particular store actually gives 'gold stars' for fast closes and detention (cleaning the ciggy bowl) for being slightly late. Most of the folks who started there wer
  7. :lol OMG i read that as GAY porn thread...im tired... :lol
  8. Oh why do i even... fucking great moss, he has a 2K budget for a guitar and amp combo and you suggest a $2600 amp...helpful! is it any wonder the 'what rig should i get' thread is always a disaster...??
  9. Ive owned a couple rics, including 360s...they are not the one trick ponies most think they are, however they cant do everything. The single coils can sound thin--some people are looking for that. Also, Rics have pretty slim and narrow necks, not to everybody's taste... As far as just sounding like Hari, consider that Radiohead uses them a bunch... I have 2 Deluxe Reverbs, one customized...they have my endorsement, but again, they cant do everything...most folks dislike the lack of a gain channel or master volume, not I... The angle on the pickup is strictly a tonal thing...adds brightn
  10. 2K budget is nice...Ill wait to get into the fray where everyone suggests their personal favorite guitar...ive seen too many of those threads go horribly wrong... please remember that when going electric, the amp is AT LEAST half the equation...you simply cannot skimp here, and many guitars act very differently depending on what amp they are paired with...oh, as posted... FWIW, many acoustic players find the most natural transition is to an archtop/semihollowbody type guitar...for guitars, best advice is to play as many as you can til you bond with one... Come back when you have specifi
  11. I gotta be honest...im pretty sure its tape on that guitar... so, i suggest...tape...
  12. Yup...great guitar, nice and heavy, cool electronics...i just havent fallen in love with the thin neck, but it sure is a fun guitar...better built than most american builders of that era, and a super bargain...
  13. I havent updated this in a while...my live setup: Kaoss pad is for samples and on the fly effects/synth, and is usually on a stand, as it is covering up a boss ps2 in the pic. The Aphex and DD-5 are for the guitar, the rest of the pedals are for vocals/Kaoss pad. Im running in to a personalized Fender Deluxe reverb with NOS tubes. Volume pedal actually controls the ecko rate on the space echo. Mic of choice is the Blue enCore 200. My drummer uses a Kaoss pad as well. Im using a '63 Guild T-50, '88 Gibson Les Paul, and a '70 Martin D-18 with K&K pickup live for guitars, Fender Jazz
  14. 100% correct...compression can be a tweak, or a full on effect. most of them ultimately sound different from the others... only compressor i use live anymore is the EH soul preacher...very good at what it does, but wont do everything...
  15. first thing id try is black tape over (actually UNDER looks better) the f-holes...get some distance from the amp and face away from the thing at all times...i bet that pickup sounds pretty sweet though, looks like an old version of a p90 rail...I had an epi Casino that i had to put foam inside to keep it down, but that killed it acoustically...
  16. No, the thread is about why there is a no video rule, and people's questionable reasoning for trying to justify breaking that rule...and Ill again propose that cellphone vids of wilco are not the culturally relevant records people are trying to make them...the thread is trying to assign too much value to a practice used mostly to establish proof of experience, and not as a means of intense reflection or study...if they were 'notes' where are the books, documentaries, and essays that should have been written as a result... As a regular concert goer, I cant imagine even taking my attention awa
  17. no sure on that other than they are terrific guitars ask here
  18. Very interesting indeed...I guess I didnt consider that you might have a decidedly non-american background, and so I might have considered you original post more of a complaint than an interrogative...where did you naturalize from? I applaud your natural inquest and academic interest in the subject. I understand the need to reference the past and one's roots, but there is a difference between scrapbooking and the current practice...there is something a bit too self serving with the majority of the filmers posting...and Ill admit my guilt for enjoying such videos, bootlegs, etc...and I am a
  19. I was not trying to provide fodder for debate, more trying to express my understanding of tweedy's response...and personal preference...however... I would argue that producers of 'ethnographic' films are spending money and pondering ramifications in regard to the impact of and reflection on the work...to compare the drunk bitch with the cameraphone in memphis to them is laughable. Also, if you are talking about cultural documentation similar to Nat Geo, most of those 'culturally relevant' arts are considered public domain in other cultures, and do not deal with the very complex and justly p
  20. in a nut shell, i think jeff realizes the distraction and disruption of the connection with an audience that occurs when a sizable section of the crowd is simply holding up cell phones to record instead of actually listening. Being a performer requires an interaction with the audience, which is somewhat personal. Its also incredibly rude and insensitive to fellow audience members when folks do this, and the price of a ticket is representative of the right to witness the show and be part of the group dynamic...ticket price does not entitle one to document or 'own the rights' to the music perf
  21. have it and LOVE it...first gig with it friday!
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