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In a little rowboat

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Everything posted by In a little rowboat

  1. Nice guitar, Im an archtop kind of guy myself id start here---> archtop pickups and decide what kind of pickup yoou are looking for...i can personally recommend K&K for sound board, although I prefer magnetic pickups for archtops, particularly floating pickups because the require no cutting... Installation depends on the pickup type, but I can help advise you once you pick a unit.
  2. I told Jason that if he took the job, Id have to start looking for another drummer, because either he'd be going to jail eventually for killing some douchebag with a drum stick to the throat, of he'd end up deaf or have a break down from the incessant racket in the background...I got him some ear plug, we'll see how it goes... We must be at the uncool GC because we are both shaven headed
  3. Heya sporty...I wasnt jumping on YOU for your suggestion, or your opinion. simply pointing out that until 'you' (SOMEONE) actually tries a unit out for themselves, they arent giving themselves enough to work with in the research dept. Oh FWIW, ginandcigs, I my drummer works at GC and I do tech work for them on occasion...no one is going to have an issue with you bringing in your own rig to demo a pedal...they are all about sales, period. However, you will never get any kind of GC endorsement from me...they are the devil... I have considered that in my case, I play mostly vintage/eso
  4. Enjoyable, cool vibe...thanks for sharing j
  5. its a 1963 Guild T-50 (Granada)...one of the last models with the Franz pick up (like a p90, but crisper)...i got a steal, you can find Guilds cheap all over because they dont have the name recognition of Gibson, buy they better built guitars...
  6. Im using the OCD its been my number one (next to my klon of course) for about a year now...the trick is to not run it at 9v...it can be run anywhere between 8v-18v. I run it at 14v, a bit more clarity and headroom, much more touch sensitive. I dont think the OCD is all that big bucks, around $150 isnt it?? So many people dont know the difference between OD and distortion, and expect too much out of an OD...i think if you are listening to a clip online, you are already getting a compressed sound even more compressed by encoding and generally crappy speaker that go with most computer set
  7. well...i mean it might be an easy fix...at least have someone look at it...provided theres no labor charge...
  8. A few possibilities...one is you have a massive ohm mismatch with the speakers you are running, causing the amp to overload/freak out, possible the reverb circuit is going bad and killing the dry signal, muting output...possible a speaker jack/s going bad or shorting, or a bad mic cord (did you swap cords?)...hard to tell without inspecting myself...i think if its none of those things, youll be looking at getting a new one, because what youll likely pay in repair/labor is close to the cost of a new unit of that type...it could be a transformer going bad (which could come from, i dont know, a s
  9. Well a week in to it and the Guild is clearly the best buy Ive made in years...it just what i needed, really great tones and construction, very playable...and a bargain compared to some others i looked at... Been few months since i brought this up...but im simply not a jazzmaster guy...and i tried really really hard to like mine, even after bridge and pickup upgrade...it will be up on the ebay this week, if anyone's in the market...
  10. yeah we talked abou this one back after the memphis show too...but still butt ugly
  11. I do in fact own a PnC... it is a very INTERESTING beast...basically a 2 stage drive circuit where the second stage adds a heavy harmonic overtone. which can sound like a filter or compressed fuzz, depending on settings and attack..it is designed like no other thing ive come across...very cool, but you cant really use it often. Two gripes...first the 'guitar' setting can be really thin unless added to other effects...also, it can be really unpredictable, because it is touch sensitive, meaning to get a consistent amount of effect, you have to have exactly the same attack on the string...it
  12. Haha...some blanketed flattery there...thx BWW I interpreted the original post as : How to get things STARTED...if i were to even try to begin on the subject of songwriting as a craft or a process, I would overwhelm the constraints of this MB and fry all my braincells in the process... And with that in mind, Ill only put out three thoughts, floodgates up, on my songwriting habits...first, concept: Lennon was brilliant as he took ideas from every possible media (film, notes, TV, newspaper, Ringo's malapropisms)--learn from this. Next, lyrics: the thesaurus is my best friend, and I have
  13. your approach to do things you never do is a good one...i go thru lulls as well, but you cant right a decent song unless you have lived some to have something decent to write about... i always have textpad going in the background on my laptop--->highlight, copy, paste, repeat... for lyrics...there are all kinds of word games i play to generate stuff...i read a TON, that helps...recently finished collected works of William Blake, the wordsmithery there is mind blowing... for music...NEVER have a guitar/keyboard more than an arms reach away...i like to play with new tunings, quickly try
  14. Yea...grizzly bear, oh man, love them... its a 1963 Guild T-50 (Granada)...one of the last models with the Franz pick up (like a p90, but crisper)...i got a steal, you can find Guilds cheap all over because they dont have the name recognition of Gibson, buy they better built guitars...
  15. oops...momentarily forgot where i was posting...:
  16. i am holding my breath until this arrives...my new number one i believe can you guess what band Im listening to alot lately?
  17. Jeff used one to close out he memphis show....on 'monday' as i recall
  18. There was at least one taper (a friend of nels) and i spoke to him...i doubt we'll see his recording however...sadly, he was a bit of a snob...
  19. no, i saw it, he gave it back after the first encore to the girl's male friend...girl left without it... also, haven't seen this posted yet...so...
  20. I was there, and respectfully disagree with that entire statement
  21. just like everything else...you learn as you do... send me a link or soundfile, im curious to hear the issue...
  22. FWIW in Memphis sat, there were ALOT of people taping...you can tell the difference between a few snaps, and people simply holding their cameras up for extended periods...im 5'4' and it does suck when even though yo have great seats, you cant see shit because everyone around you has their LCDs up about their heads...he is right, however, its a battle that can't be won... however, once jeff made his first request, and explained (sort of) himself, almost everyone adhered to the rule, except flask girl of course...matter of fact, when jeff jokingly asked people to film his rant about video
  23. damn good point Also, a bit off point, but consider that in a theater that holds thousands, how many people in attendance ultimately have the respect and love for the band as we VCers do...in any large group of people, there simply will be plenty of assholes and idiots...in this case it had nothing to do with being in Memphis, or any particular city... The Memphis crowd was leaps and bounds better than the truly rude one in Oxford back in April...
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