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hardwood floor

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Posts posted by hardwood floor

  1. I do think a greatest hits is weird...but I'm surprised by the negative comments Golden Smog gets on this board.


    I just don't think the songs are there, other than a handful. Just seems like they really mailed it in, and I guess that was the whole idea, but considering the people involved, the project could have been so much better.


    Plus, the worst live band I've ever seen, bar done. And that's out of over a thousand bands. Just a pitiful live show

  2. bob.jpg


    Uncle Bob! :beer


    God bless GBV


    I'm seeing Bob in NYC this fall, but it ain't the same.


    It ain't GBV.


    disarm the settlers

    the new drunk drivers

    have hoisted the flag

    we are with you in your anger

    proud brothers

    do not fret

    the bus will get you there yet

    to carry us to the lake

    the club is open

    the club is open

    come on, come on, the club is open

    come on, come on, the club is o-ooo-ooo-pen

    yeah, yeah ... yeah yeah!!

  3. Hardwood Floor, I doubt you would like this, judging by what you do like. It doesn't seem your thing.


    interesting comment!


    not sure how you know what i like but i guess maybe there was a "what are your 10 favorite bands" thread or something?


    actually, i like everything from yes to times new viking to the monkees to gene loves jezebel to the chi-lites to uncle tupelo to gordon lightfoot, so i like to think i'm kinda open to everything!

  4. glad you started this thread


    i haven't listened to the record in years but do occasionally play Scenes from an Italian Restaurant and Ballad of Billy the Kid on the piano - fun songs to play.


    It's easy to dismiss Joel because his later stuff sucked so profoundly - i mean, we didn't start the fire? holy shit is that wretched. but he had a nice little run there with the first three records


    Plus, I once won $50 at a college talent show playing Root Beer Rag on the piano!

  5. I've never listened to that show and don't know if I ever will. Seems like the kind of thing that would be nice to have a copy of just for historical purposes, but I just can't listen to it. Its a shame if the "Black Muddy River" was lifeless, cuz that would have been a fitting end, otherwise, too. But "Box of Rain" is a pretty inspired choice. It's arguably my favorite song in the world, although I don't know that I've ever heard a live version that I like very much. (sorry, Phil) Still, the sentiment of that song......yeah, it just feels like the right way to end.


    yeah, box of rain may be the only song in the GD canon that doesn't have a live version that approaches the studio version.


    many many years ago, before i had given the dead a moment's notice, somebody i worked with was raving about the dead, and me being a total music snob, said something like, "really, well what the hell is a box of rain then?"


    and this quiet little girl who i had barely noticed before went into this explanation of how two peoples' perspectives of the same thing can be so different and how much we can learn from that, and how when one person looks out a window and sees rain falling, maybe another looks out the window and sees instead a box of rain. i'll never forget that moment and that girl because it was such a key moment in me starting to understand what the dead was doing and starting to realize that if i stopped being so fucking close-minded about music maybe i'd have more great shit to listen to

  6. Soldier Field, 13 years ago today - the last show. Honestly, I'm glad I wasn't there. It was nice Phil stepped up and delivered the final tune - Box Of Rain. "Such a long long time to be gone, and a short time to be there."


    Strange that I got the new Road Trips today in the mail. Looking forward to digging into this one.


    wow, didn't realize the date ... i shoulda listened to some dead yesterday


    what was the story with box of rain -- phil suspected it was the last show because of jerry's condition and he didn't want the whole thing to end on a lifeless black muddy river?


    hard to believe it's been 13 years

  7. In the stack of Circus magazines I have from 74/75, there are several features about Bad Company.


    great magazine


    circus + circus raves!


    i still have a stack of 'em somewhere in the basement

  8. tad bit unrelated buy i'm way into their cover of Heart It Races on their MySpace. Hate the original song and AiH in general, but I'm crazy about this cover.


    ah, yeah ... AiH ... right ... yeah ...


    ok, i give up


    what the hell is "AiH"


    hate fricking abbreviations of impossibly obscure bands (and if "AiH" is not impossible obscure i apologize, but i'm batting like .000 on abbreviations)

  9. No question the early stuff. Whatever and Ever Amen is a classic. Those early shows were incredible. The bass and drums made it a rocking piano trio with a lot of humor. After that they lost their luster and he went solo and now sounds like a bad Joe Jackson imitation. They caught lightning in a bottle for about a three-year period.


    what he said


    edit - sorry, didn't realize this was a bumped thread

  10. The Press, based in nearby Neptune, N.J., these days, got the last interview with the 94-year-old Castello -- who got busted in the song by the cops for "tellin' fortunes better than they do" -- less than two months ago. So when she died Friday, and word broke today, the Gannett paper posted the lengthy May interview by staffer Bill Handleman online.


    bill is a hell of a columnist, one of the last remnants of asbury's once-great paper

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