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hardwood floor

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Posts posted by hardwood floor

  1. Sad really....




    just a fucking shame


    depressing as hell


    i don't know what the hell kind of society we've become where there's no room for a magazine as routinely brilliant as No Depression


    then i see kids walking around or sitting in restaurants and coffee shops staring like fucking zombies at their cell phones and waiting to be told by corporate america what faceless piece of shit MP3 to download next and i guess i understand


    it sickens me what we're becoming


    i'll miss No Depression, but more than that, I'll miss a world where a magazine like that can thrive

  2. Patti Smith is a total no-talent who has parlayed bad poetry, dirty hair and a fluke song co-written by bruce springsteen into legendary status


    Patty Smythe > Patti Smith


    Berton Averre's guitar solo in My Sharona is better than anything Jimi Hendrix ever played


    I wish Bono would just fucking shut up


    I would rather have major dental work than sit through a Dave Matthews Band gig


    Clap your Hands Say Yeah blows


    The Kinks > The Who

  3. Damn...was excited about Wilmington but then I realized that the R2 doesn't go there on Sundays...


    you an hop on an amtrak from philly on a sunday though ...

  4. Well, it's back up but the DVD Project torrents are gone. Anyone know where I can find these?


    people have been gradually re-upping stuff


    it looks like two of the Wilco DVD Project (volumes 40 & 41) have been posted, and both have several seeders right now


    hopefully, many of the ones that were previously up will slowly reappear.

  5. OK ...


    Big Star is overrated


    Led Zeppelin never wrote a good song


    Bon Jovi's first single, Runaway, is actually a pretty good song


    I find the Monkees' music far more interesting these days than the Beatles'


    Grant Hart's Husker Du stuff overall is better than Bob Mould's


    REO Speedwagon > Jeff Buckley


    The Doors are the worst band in the history of popular music


    I liked Wilco more before Nels

  6. the name matters ?


    ya know, it's a good question


    to me, the name of a band has always mattered


    if you can't think of anything more clever than, say, limp bizkit, there's no way your stuff is worth listening to


    by the same token, when i see a record by a band i've never heard and the name blows me away, i'm buying it.



    7 Mary 3 may be awesome, but i'll be damned if i'm ever buying anything they put out

  7. Do the Collapse may be underrated, but it's also not that great. Doesn't even come anywhere near their top 5, IMO.


    doesn't come close to my top 5 either, but i love it


    1. Teenage FBI -- great little pop tune

    2. Zoo Pie -- meh

    3. Things I Will Keep -- all-time top-20 gbv track with phenomenal gillard solo

    4. Hold on Hope -- don't hate it like most gbv fanatics. live version was awesome

    5. In Stitches -- meh

    6. Dragons Awake! -- again, live version totally better than flat studio version. cool song

    7. Surgical Focus -- all-time top-20 gbv track

    8. Optical Hopscotch -- meh

    9. Mushroom Art -- meh

    10. Much Better Mr. Buckles -- fairly cool track

    11. Wormhole -- decent track

    12. Strumpet Eye -- i dig it

    13. Liquid Indian -- love it

    14. Wrecking Now -- all-time top-40 gbv track

    15. Picture Me Big Time -- tremendous track

    16. An Unmarketed Product -- cool closer


    now ... earthquake glue ... there's a GBV record that's really underratged!

  8. Agreed. Todd's production, instrumentation, etc is getting real old. It's been collecting dust on the shelve along with Coast to Coast and Standard Gargoyle Decisions. I couldn't get into those either.


    I'm joining the chorus of fans begging him for something different. I am so burnt out on his stuff that I really haven't bought much in the last year. I didn't get the circus devils album or the psycho and the birds one and who knows what else. I didn't pick up crickets because I have most of that stuff anyways.


    god, i couldn't agree more brianjeremy ... nothing since FaCE has blown me away. he really started losing me at normal happiness and it's just gotten progressively worse ... but as much as i'd like to blame todd tobias for the rut bob's in, i think the big thing is he just isn't writing good songs anymore (with occasional exceptions like Supernatural Car Lover or Miles under the Skin)


    the psycho and the birds record is awful


    sgt. disco is unlistenable


    standard gargoyle decisions might be the worst record ever made


    coast to coast i thought was OK but just OK


    hope he gets it back together but i doubt it. i heard his last solo record sold like 1,500 copies total. nobody's ever had a run like Bob had from Devil between my Toe's to FaCE, but it just seems like it's over

  9. I don't download because I don't like to listen to music on computers and I don't know how to get it from my computer to my stereo (I assume that is possible).


    it is possible, but it's tricky





    open itunes







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