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Posts posted by kimcatch22

  1. I will give Who Framed Roger Rabbit? the love you people are so sorely denying it. I adored that movie when I was little. And as long as we're talking about Mary Poppins, where's The Incredible Mr. Limpet? :stunned


    Toy Story has be near the top because it was so revolutionary (although I don't get how the sequel beat out the original, by that same logic,) and Snow White because it was the first feature-length animated film. I'm surprised Finding Nemo didn't come in second or third for Pixar movies -- basically everything Pixar did up to that point was perfecting the animation for Nemo (turns out water is HARD to animate!)


    Beauty and the Beast's ballroom scene was one of the first extensive uses of computer animation in a hand-drawn movie, as was Aladdin's magic carpet escape from the cave. Plus those, along with The Little Mermaid and The Lion King, are a second golden age of Disney films. That said, I'm surprised at least one of those wasn't higher on the list.


    Glad to see The Nightmare Before Christmas cracking the top ten. LOVE that movie!!


    I agree with Lammy -- Charlotte's Web needs to be on there.

  2. Vibes to the Cubs fans. I take no pleasure in seeing the Cubs lose. I agree with your assessment above. It would be great to see Dempster get another chance to pitch as he would more than likely amp down a bit.

    Of all the pitchers it's weird to feel the most confident in Ted Lilly, but that's how I see things right now.


    I will be drinking heavily as soon as work ends. No night class to muck things up today.


    I did stay at the bar for the Red Sox game. That made me feel a little better, but not much. I think I was too smug about the Brewers losing and karma bit me in the ass. I'm sorry, Cubs. I screwed things up yesterday with my cocky strut around my cubicle.

  3. My head hurts from all the beer I pounded at Bruno's after class last night. I shouldn't even have bothered trying to be a student last night, I was fucked from the start. Jittery, legs bouncing, hands drumming all throughout class, not hearing a word anyone said and the only thing I said all night was that marriage in Jane Austen-era England terrified me. I was getting score updates from 3 people and the other huge Cubs fan in class has a Blackberry so we were signing scores to each other while my former-nun, gender studies-loving prof was unaware of the happenings of the real world and kept droning on about the book we read. We got out of there in time to see the 8th inning. Did Dempster throw a single strike last night?


    Z is Jekyll/Hyde, so we'll see if he kills our season tonight. I don't see us climbing out of a down-2 hole. But if we win tonight, I think we'll take the series... eventually...

  4. I live in central Illinois and it seems like north of 1-74 it's mainly cub fans. Between I-74 & I-72 it's a mix of Cubs/Cards while south of I-72 it is primarily Cards. Sox fans are scattered here and there. There are lots of Rams fans here, lots of Packers fans and a smattering of Colts fans but primarily Bears.

    Ok I give up, how do you end up with lots of Packers fans down there? I'd think more Colts, especially after the Super Bowl that I like to pretend never happened.*



    *go Bears. :ohwell

  5. Damn straight!





    I like when the 1990s Bulls used the term "threepeat."


    GO CUBS!!


    pretty much, but nobody around there is a fucking rams fan for chrissakes. pick a state!

    The Rams are a relatively new team to that area. Cubs, Cards, and Bears all have a lot of history.

  6. Yesterday I participated in the 8th annual PAWS Chicago Run for their Lives. PAWS is the city's largest no-kill shelter and this event is a major fundraiser for the shelter's programs. This year we had over 3000 human participants and several hundred canine participants. As of Saturday night's count we had raised over $277,000 for the shelter!


    I want to send a big thank you to all of the VCers who so generously donated to this cause. Thanks to all of you, I raised $611.66 to help save the lives of homeless cats and dogs in Chicago!! :hug


    Thank you so much!!!!!!


    picture: Bailey, my dad, Belle, me, and Jack waiting for the walk to start

    (all of the dogs are shelter pups!)

  7. Banned Books Week starts in a couple of days!


    During this week, libraries and book stores across the country showcase and celebrate challenged and banned books while reminding us of our freedom to read and creating a dialog about censorship. So grab a copy of your favorite banned book and stick it to the man!




    From the American Library Assocation:

    Banned Books Week


    Celebrating the Freedom to Read


    September 27–October 4, 2008

    Banned Books Week: Celebrating the Freedom to Read is observed during the last week of September each year. Observed since 1982, this annual ALA event reminds Americans not to take this precious democratic freedom for granted. This year, 2008, marks BBW's 27th anniversary (September 27 through October 4).


    BBW celebrates the freedom to choose or the freedom to express one's opinion even if that opinion might be considered unorthodox or unpopular and stresses the importance of ensuring the availability of those unorthodox or unpopular viewpoints to all who wish to read them. After all, intellectual freedom can exist only where these two essential conditions are met.


    More on banned and challenged books:

    The Forbidden Library

    The 100 most frequently challenged books, 1990-1999

    Fahrenheit 451 blog



    Oh, and the most frequently challenged book of 2006 and 2007? And Tango Makes Three.

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