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Posts posted by kimcatch22

  1. I gave up on Heroes 3/4 of the way through last year, yet I have the last few episodes from then, as well as all from this season, dvr'd. I still haven't watched them but can neither bring myself to erase them or to sit through them. I call it "Hero Purgatory."

    After loving Freaks & Geeks so much I gave Undeclared a try and felt the same way about that show as you do about Heroes... watching an episode was like doing homework. Anyway, Heroes... I'm still hanging in there, mostly on faith that Tim Kring was gonna correct the major problems with season 2 (which I think I gave you the link to: his apology. May contain spoilers, I forget.)



    And we even have a spoiler font on here!

  2. The 420 Pale Ale is amazing. Great balance of taste and drinkability (is this word now?). I try to drink as much as I can when I'm in ATL. Next time I'll have to hit up the brewery.

    I had this when I visited a friend in ATL and remember it being really good. I wanted to try some of their other brews but they have those crazy Sunday drinking laws there.

  3. again, that was my original point. i had the opposite experience and enjoyed the film just fine. it's also why i'm now second-guessing my enthusiasm over rodriguez turning mike allred's madman comic into a flick...i love that comic so much that i'm worried there is no way a film version could ever work.


    also, i had no idea you read comic books. sooie, nice catch. if she says she's up for a M/F/F threesome, marry her right away.

    Completely pulling this out of my ass without doing any research, I think the faithfulness of the movie to the book has a lot to do with the director's willingness/ability to consult with the comic's creator(s), to share creative control, whose hands are tied and how, budget, film company, target audience, etc etc. Sure, some things may never work as a film, but I don't think directors would set out to completely trash a book's vision on purpose.


    I do read comics once in awhile, but not as much as I used to. I'm not terribly well-versed, but I did force the library to buy a lot of the big graphic novels (Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, V,) and was prepared to argue them to both the art bibliographer and the literature bibliographer until someone ponied up the money from their book funds. I figured the collection's gotta start somewhere.

  4. absolutely, i neglected to mention that as an example yesterday. look, the reality is you will NEVER have a fully-realized adaptation of a comic book w/ live actors. 'sin city' was great, but there was no way you could truly replicate what the amazing frank miller art brings to the charachters/story. as long as you go into these films w/ that level of expectation, you have fun with them.


    in other news, i'm reading marvel's 'civil war' TPB. it's enjoyable.



    I had mixed feelings on Civil War but I won't say a thing until you're done.


    Your avatar reminds me, I saw Ghost World before I read it and I think to an extent the movie ruined the book for me.

  5. so, i finally bought 'watchmen'...new hardcover version that was on sale for 40%. i'm not going to read it until after i see the movie though...i feel the other way around will just be dissapointing.

    I'm reading Watchmen right now at my brother's encouragement. He was really excited when the trailer came out because he said it looked and sounded true to the book.


    fwiw, I thought Sin City was well-adapted to the screen.

  6. Vibes and luck, MrRain! You volunteer at PAWS, right? I saw they have a couple positions listed online that don't require vet training. Mostly just receptionist work at the neuter clinic, but if you're desperate it might be worth looking into until something more what you're looking for comes along.

  7. Thanks to my great-uncle, who was captured in the Battle of the Bulge and endured one of the harshest winter campaigns of the war.

    Thanks to my grandpa, who served in Korea.

    Thanks to my brother, who is balancing college and ROTC.

    Thanks to my cousin, in the Navy and just back from a tour in Iraq.

    Thanks to all my friends currently serving, especially those currently in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    And thanks to the millions of others who have served and who continue to serve!

  8. Vibes to all those job-hunters out there. My best friend moved from Chicago to Atlanta back in July and despite having 10+ years of academic library experience (including work in circulation, cataloging, and serials acquisitions) has yet to even get a phone interview from any of the university libraries he's applied to down there. These aren't even librarian jobs either -- they're support staff. :ohwell

  9. FWIW, Rahm has reportedly been offered the job, but has yet to accept.

    The headline and the article suggest two different things:

    Democratic officials told NBC News that Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel was offered the job of White House chief of staff, and that he had accepted. A spokesman for Emanuel, however, was unable to confirm the appointment.
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