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Posts posted by kimcatch22

  1. I couldn't get through two innings of tonite's NLCS game. The manny love was just too much. Thankfully the office is on.

    I felt the same. :cheekkiss


    You haven't forgotten that he's good have you?

    And he gave me this same sass. :rolleyes


    PS, I thought for sure you'd comment on Manny's new 'do.

  2. Just so you kids know, I broke out my old Trot Nixon jersey T-shirt last night. ( I actually still have it on. It's one of those kinds of weekends.) I like to think My favorite number 7 somehow channeled the Red Sox's current number 7 last night.


    Thanks, Christopher Trotman Nixon.

    You know DeRosa's my favorite, so feel free to share the number 7 luck tonight...

  3. Or, it could be the Cubs just ran into two strong starting pitching performances from LA, and a crap one from Dempster and a good one from Zambrano which was torpedoed by horrible defense. It will be up to Piniella to get their heads straight and win one game at a time.



    I'm going to use this as an inspirational quote and carry it around with me for the next couple days. No "don't count us out" logic I've read on any of the fan blogs have made me feel as hopeful as your words.

  4. I like the optimism Lammy.. C'mon Cubs Fans, pull yourself up by the bootstraps and root for these guys.

    I was rooting for them. Problem was almost no one else in the park was. You probably could've heard my roommate and me starting the "let's go Cubbies" cheers on the broadcast, everyone else was so quiet. Oh, unless they wanted to boo someone -- then they were loud and proud. :no

  5. I saw that dude. I wish i had known you were near him, i would have looked for you more closely!

    Well after we got in we had to wait for all the rich people to get bored and leave, so we didn't end up in seats until the 7th. But that guy was hilarious. He was dancing around a lot and I could totally picture that idiot Manny dancing like that in real life.

  6. Re: Jodi Piccoult, I don't know that the guys would like her books.

    Hell, I wouldn't like her books. This isn't gender-exclusive.


    When are we thinking of starting up this round?

    edit: nm, I see.


    Give me titles, folks! Either of those sound good to me (although at the moment, Oscar Wao is looking like a lock...).

    re: Murakami: After Dark

  7. Yeah. The crowd was terrible last night at Wrigley.

    I wonder if people were "taking for granted" that we'd advance or something... I don't get it. Don said tickets were going for face value on the street right before the game. WTF.


    I will be down there tonight, doing my part to save the world and turn the energy around.

  8. The guy in charge of Bleed Cubbie Blue is trying to cheer us up:



    Since I missed most of the game, I can't really comment on anything he says, especially his first point about the atmosphere. But it's interesting if that was the mood in the park last night (which I'm sure it was, he has no reason to lie about that.) I wonder how the crowd's energy will be tonight, since Big Z is such an energy feeder.

  9. Man, it's only 1-0!

    Cynicism runs deep when you've been let down this much. You know that.


    This reminds me of exactly how I was feeling in '04. I was taking a creative writing class at the time and couldn't stay focused on it for two seconds, especially during the ALCS.

    I might go home sick. I seriously expect to hurl before the day's over. I can't even think ahead to the NLCS right now, especially after last night's performance. I imagine being a total wreck if we make it that far. {{huge knock on wood}}

  10. I hate to break it to ya, but only the Red Sox come back from no-wins-going-into-an-elimination-game-and-going-on-to-win-the-series type situations.

    So, go Cubbies!!

    Yesterday Brad tried to use that example as a reason why the Cubs might come back. :ohwell


    also: I have not yet puked, but the game is still several hours away. These nerves are insane.

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