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Posts posted by kimcatch22

  1. Looks like they're kicking off Little 500 week again. They put on a great show here 3 years ago. (Man, has it been that long?) Jeff had some classic stage banter with the crowd. Even referencing a tread here on Via Chicago about rowdy drunk students. Hilarious.

    My brother's competing in the Little 500 this year! Can't wait to take him to this show.

  2. Franny and Zooey / J.D. Salinger

    The Things They Carried / Tim O'Brien

    A Rumor of War / Philip Caputo

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / Douglas Adams

    A Tale of Two Cities / Charles Dickens


    Honorable mention to O'Brien's If I Die in a Combat Zone, which fills in some of the gaps in TTTC. And also to anything Salinger wrote, ever.


    Speaking of Salinger, I'm curious how many of you who listed Catcher in the Rye have read any of his other stuff. Specifically his stories about the Glass family.

  3. I don't. Classic red herring. Daniel's mom is in Oxford. Mrs. Hawkins wasn't in Oxford, she was in LA with Ben.

    You're thinking too linearly. There's nothing that says the chronology of all the stuff we saw was a normal timeline.


    ALthough last night's episode seemed to hint that Locke really does die, I still think they may have faked his death with the spider that made everyone think Paulo and Nikki were dead. It's possible they just simply dropped their storyline completely when people bitched, but the spider would give their existence SOME meaning.

    I listened to a podcast with Cuse and Lindelof last week where they said they wished the time travel rules of Lost made it possible for them to go back and erase Nikki and Paulo from the show, but alas, they still exist on our DVDs. :lol

  4. then there's the ominous bookstore on wellington & clark. nowhere else does my bookseller personality come out stronger then walking into that joint. he's got books stacked everywhere waiting to be shelved & the prices are really good.

    Oh yeah! What does the window say... something about well-done and rare books. :lol


    There's also one on Belmont between the train station and Clark, south side of the street. Another one of those cluttered, stacks of books places.

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