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Everything posted by solace

  1. no outdoor options for that date?
  2. 2.0 is way faster here on OS X what extensions do you have installed?
  3. correct. i'm re-building the site
  4. i've got some $$ in my paypal account i can offer up for my share...
  5. i understand Bob's vocals in 2006 more than i do Caleb's...
  6. that was great stuff, well played A-man
  7. Regina is great check out Soviet Kitsch, her best record.
  8. he's a good singer, no doubt, but he didn't fit the band whatsoever. plus he's a hardcore pro-life right winger, i'm sure that didn't help his status w/ the rest of the band either.
  9. i'm halfway through so far and i can say that this is DAMN good considering the 28 year gap... his voice has held up insanely well... if he played a full concert again, even if it was in the UK, i would likely fly over for it...
  10. i previously used Tab Mix Plus, which had the restore/session saver option (it's implementation is still a bit better than FF 2.0's, but i digress), there's also been the Session Saver extension too.
  11. yeah, Opera is fast as hell no doubt, but i just don't like the way it looks/feels to me, hard to explain it. plus i'm now highly indebted to extensions
  12. what's there to explain? i like maybe 3-4 songs on it, that's about it, sorry. honestly. i don't think it sucks, and for what it is, it's not THAT bad, i just have very little interest in listening much further (heard it about 5-6x so far) i'd prolly give it a higher score than Pfork did, but not much higher than a 6 something that's for sure glad you like it tho
  13. while i have no doubt that this wackjob not only bought and did drugs through this guy, and probably had some sort of sexual relationship w/ him (beyond a "massage"), i just read more about it, and the accuser found out his identity back in May and the more he read about him, the more he decided he was going to out him... now if i was him, i would have tried to get a bit more bait and evidence before i outed him. a photo, semen sample (gross i know, but still hard to argue DNAA), etc. wonder if he's able to identify any unique things about Haggard's body, etc.
  14. might experience some DNS downtime today/this weekend while our domain is transferred to a new registrar
  15. damn, if only it was on the 21st...
  16. what, like you've never gotten a massage and bought meth from a gay prostitute before.
  17. watch this: http://wm.kusa.gannett.edgestreams.net/new...-interview-.wmv
  18. they were widely rumored and supposedly close to doing it
  19. same, i worshipped 'em (and Ed) from like '85-92, now they're almost as big of joke as the current "GNR"
  20. i've heard it. and while it's not a bad record, it wouldn't be too high up there in terms of Paul's solo records (compared to the latest few, sure it's a lot better). and def not one of the better albums i've heard even in the last year. sorry
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