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Everything posted by poppydawn

  1. You're gonna pull the wrong teeth, aren't you? Slim Jims are forever.
  2. And that's why I'm going! I'm sure we'll find out before that weekend's over, what with all the beer, soft-shelled crabs, and horse-jostling. I'll give a full report.
  3. Bikers like pretty. I'll be sans Clara Jane and Brian that weekend. Just a bunch of city girls, riding horses, getting drunk, and poisoning the mosquitoes with their bloodstreams. I want an autographed Slim Jim.
  4. One of them gave me about $100 worth of goodies from Teavana for my birthday and another did free portraits of Clara Jane for her fourth birthday. They kinda win this time around. Besides, Nels never gave me no damn cake. Not even a Slim Jim.
  5. Well, I actually have other friends who are expecting me to join them in the woods for my heavy drinking that weekend. And I'm not missing my chance to go to the Root Beer Saloon.
  6. Are we calling you Skeeter now? The best man in my parents' wedding was named Skeeter. Which explains a lot. Like why my inheritance is wrapped up in Nascar collectibles and ill-bred quarter horses.
  7. Well I'll damn near be in Arkansas. There's a store in the nearest town that sells 25 kinds of jerky. This sounds like an STD.
  8. Thanks, but my presence is required in the woods. Those mosquitoes aren't going to feed themselves.
  9. I'm so glad you took the photo as I intended!
  10. Yep. Vile poison that'll make your intestines escape via your throat. Probably shouldn't have drunk half a bottle in an hour. Ah, to be 23 and completely stupid again.
  11. Ahem, your invitation is implied. Duh. This makes me want to ditch my weekend in the woods. A little bourbon primer: Good - Will make your innards outtards: Some lessons are learned the hard way.
  12. Kentucky Puppy - I'm so making that a pervy euphemism next time I talk to my friend Marybeth, who's originally from Lexington! Or beer. Coming to Kentucky next spring?
  13. Just as long as I'm awake by 9 PM the next night so we can start over.
  14. If there's bourbon, I'll definitely be sleeping.
  15. And I thought my sleep patterns were screwed up! I just want to stay up until 3:30 AM every morning and sleep until 10 like I did the days of the shows.
  16. I'm still a little mentally hurt from being danced at by Meat all night. Oh, who am I kidding? It was a blast! Of course, he didn't have me in a headlock at any point.
  17. You bathroom girls pulled me out of my comfort zone, and for that I thank you. I'm going to stitch a sampler that says "Bathroom friends are best!"
  18. YES!!!! :yay Best pictures EVER! I had a great view of this guy. We had to be sitting near each other. I love the body language of the woman on his left.
  19. 'bout damn time! I'd love to be able to bike my kid to school next fall. It's just far enough to be a long walk for a 4-year-old, but not far enough to drive. I've been paying attention to the route and even though we live in quiet little neighborhood it's just not quite bike-friendly enough. I'm going to try to figure out alternate routes.
  20. What really pisses me off is I booked a flight to Detroit on American last month. For what date? June 22 - one week after they start charging.
  21. Holy crap, I forgot about that! In that case, I'm even more delighted that you introduced yourself to me this time. Next time, can we assign her to chaparone Meat?
  22. He inspired Brian, that's for sure! I think we were there about three seconds before Rob shoved a beer in Brian's hand.
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