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Everything posted by ction

  1. You know what? I've got both index fingers in my ears and am screaming "la la la, i can't hear you" really loudly (to answer the inevitable question - yes, I'm typing with my mule). P.S. I don't even know who this Ann Hathaway broad is...is it Mr. Dreyesdale's secretary from the Beverly Hillbillies?
  2. It's good, but you can totally tell he was in love with Jawbreaker (if the "Kiss the Bottle" cover didn't already make it clear). Not that I blame him...
  3. Hey, wow, like here's an idea, Mister Stevens...when you finish that cover letter of yours, how about silkscreening it on a XXL pink t-shirt and overnighting it to me? Huh? How about them apples?
  4. I'm fairly confident I could bench press upwards of 70 pounds.
  5. Wasn't that the girl in the bushes, talking to Kate?
  6. Red 40 discography (Ben Nichols' pre-Lucero punk band)
  7. If this thread was 3 o'clock high, there's no doubt that Famous would be the Casey Siemaszko character. P.S. So, Ben/Henry can monitor pretty much the whole island from his little video room?
  8. The last two are pretty damn good. Brett Gurewitz rejoined the band (at least in the studio) and his songs are usually pretty great (and better than Graffin's).
  9. That was very well done. Subtle, yet biting. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being best, I'd give that a solid 9. Could you upload a video re-enactment of you posting that to youtube?
  10. I'd have to see a video re-enactment of the call (your side only) to truly judge how awful this really was. How quick could you have something posted on youtube?
  11. You're right, you know. But for so many more reasons than the one you listed.
  12. That would be a much more valid point if they were still "whining" five years later.
  13. Your current obession with me is both current and obsessive.
  14. New episode tonight. Does Narziss' retirement mean he won't be posting spoiler links here that I agonize over opening/not opening all day long?
  15. I was looking for info on that, and found Joey Belladonna's website. I bet Neil Turbin would be happy to see Joey billing himself as the "original voice of Anthrax".
  16. Mass ave and Newbury Street? I spent a lot of money there (and a few stores down). If they have the "In the Aeroplane Under the Sea" book and you pick it up, could I maybe like borrow it sometime or something? They never stocked that one here.
  17. As far as I know, the whole chain is going under.
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