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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. It's definitely hard to pin a motive on Dylan's actions - he changes the "whys" every time he's asked. There's an (apocryphal?) quote attributed to Dylan - saying condescendingly about the Jagger/Richards that he could write a "Satisfaction" if he wanted to, but they could never write a "Mr. Tamborine Man"... Dylan might have gone electric in order to get some of that same kind of "status" (for lack of a better word) as the Beatles/Stones, but I don't think he WAS able to write that kind of hook-based pop song. I'm sure someone will disagree. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.
  2. I'm not sure if this is quite accurate. Evidence points to them being fans of Dylan from the beginning, and it was John who requested to meet him before a visit to NYC in the summer of 1964. From all accounts - they all got along swimmingly from their first meeting onwards. Dylan seemed keen on them as well, as he offered to get them high based on his misunderstanding of their lyrics from "I wanna hold your hand." He misheard "I can't hide" as "I get high" Likewise - not sure if this is quite right. Seems to me that Dylan, being the iconoclast, would have reacted against the view espou
  3. It's the running-in-place and microphone twirls, isn't it...
  4. Maybe you're a lyrics guy rather that a music guy. For music, Dylan doesn't do much for me - his songs (musically) are very boring to me, especially compared to the Beatles. Lyrically he's at the top.
  5. Do you know the tune to Yesterday? Of course you do. Think about that. Hum it. See if you can find a person who can't hum the melody. I would wager that the melody to Yesterday is in the top 5 worldwide recognizable tunes - up there with happy birthday and twinkle twinkle little star. That takes it out of the "is it good?" question, and puts it into another universe entirely - it's something so natural and primal and universal that there have been tests to see if monkeys could recognize the tune. I recently read a quote by David Crosby talking about all the cover songs the Byrds used to do
  6. Ah so. Another funny moment - I loved that Michael was putting claims on "What happens in Niagara stays in Niagara" as HIS joke, and then when Dwight pointed out that you could basically put anything into that phrase, such as "What happens in accounting stays in accounting" all the accounting people were like "yeahhhhh!!! heh heh heh"
  7. I thought it was funny - in that Michael and others were REALLY into it, and Pam and Jim were like "yeah yeah yeah, we've seen it on youtube. It's been done." What happened to Jim's tie?
  8. That was a great great great episode. I was actually laughing/yelling at my wife to turn it during Jim's/Michael's toast because it was going so terribly wrong. She was watching with her hands over her eyes. I love that the whole office was ready to score at the wedding.
  9. So, we figured out why we were missing scenes... so, yeah. We had been spoiled by the Sopranos DVDs because those were edited that you could skip the title credits, and it would automatically forward to the first scene immediately following the credits. We were doing the same with the Wire, but just realized last night that if you skipped the credits, you also skipped about 5 minutes of the show. So basically, we've missed about 45 minutes of the show. Fucking dumbass. So STUPID STUPID STUPID! We never noticed that a 55 minute show was ending 50 minutes after we started it!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuGwJWiQDKk
  11. Thanks - I do know him. And I've already seen him in his first appearance in an earlier episode, when he was speaking at the "users anonymous" meeting that Bubbs and the white kid from the movie Kids attended. Other scenes that I've missed (that I've read about in synopses): Wee-bey and others trashing Omar's apartment and setting his van on fire. D'Angelo and the stripper getting a place together. (My wife and I were like "um, do they live together now? that was fast - we didn't even see them going on a date yet"). There are others...
  12. Just finished episode 9 - season 1. The strangest thing is happening - either I'm somehow unintentionally missing scenes, or I'm not getting complete episodes. I've been reading the episode synopses on HBO.com after I watch an episode, just to make sure I caught everything, but there always seems to be a scene or two that I have absolutely NO recollection of. Example - I noticed that Steve Earle was in the credits for ep 9. I didn't recall seeing him in the episode at all, and then in the synopsis, it says that Bubbs encountered him while he was trying to score, Earle encouraged him to ge
  13. So Cowboy Poet, are you off the ledge yet? Big game for the Wings and Hawks tonight. I have a bet with my wife's sister, who's still in H.S. that if Detroit wins, she has to have a picture taken of her wearing my Red Wings t-shirt, and that photo is going to be used as her main Facebook photo until the Hawks beat the Red Wings. This is actually a carry over from the playoffs bet we made (which I won, but haven't carried out yet). So, basically she was supposed to do this all summer long, but I never imposed, because we only saw each other a couple times over the summer, and I was never ready
  14. I like topical ideas - and usually go as someone who died recently. Zombie Dom DeLuise? If I can get my wife to get a shitass wig, or even better - actually get the awful haircut, we might go as Jon & Kate Gosselin.
  15. He used to make me chuckle on MTV's Remote Control.
  16. Those kind of numbers would be career highs for him, which is much to expect from a guy who's 33. He's above-average at holding onto the puck, and he has a cannon shot, but he's not a play-maker, he's slow, and he's not very durable. He's was averaging about 40 points a season for the Wings, so maybe 40-50 points for $2.5mil is value.
  17. A friend of mine was at the game and left a VM for me - it must have been after Orlando Cabrera's homerun put the Twins up 4-3. The voicemail sounded like he was yelling over a jet engine. Great game, and good luck to the Twins. Tigers choked it all away, and the Twins played so well down the stretch.
  18. You're saying that Samuelsson is on the 2nd line or above??? Yikes!
  19. Demon Days is a regular guest on roadtrips. Love that album. I also love the Gorillaz vs Spacemonkeyz remix of the first album - great dub.
  20. I've always tried to figure out why some comedy ages well, and others don't... Belushi in a bee costume must have been funny when it happened. I'm convinced of that. But it's not funny anymore. Watching most of those not-ready-for-primetime-players skits is brutal. Were the coneheads funny? Were the Bigbutts? Were Lisa and Todd? Father Guido Sarducci is still funny, I think... Fawlty Towers is still funny, and I think I would enjoy M*A*S*H if it wasn't for the awful laff track. I still giggle at Monty Python's Flying Circus. WC Fields, Buster Keaton, Laurel & Hardy, and the Marx Bros
  21. Jesus, take it easy! It's only 3 games in! 79 to go! Long season etc.!
  22. Lorne Michaels left the show after 5 years (which I think is when most of the original cast left as well), and then Dick Ebersol took over. He left after the 84-85 season, and the whole cast was sacked/left with him as well. Lorne Michaels took over again with a new cast, and he's been in charge ever since.
  23. I think 84-85 is my favorite season, with Martin Short, Billy Crystal, Christopher Guest, Harry Shearer, & Rich Hall - they were only in the cast for that season. Lots of great short films in that year: The synchronized swimmers, Short as long-lost relative of Katherine Hepburn as hotdog vendor, the guy who glued the automatic-door-opener-mat to the bottom of his shoes, Short as the paranoid lawyer on 60 minutes...
  24. More on Cabrera. Classy guy... Please bench his ass!
  25. I guess I didn't realize Brian Burke was a genius until Jay Feaster explained it to me. http://www.thehockeynews.com/articles/28333-Jay-Feasters-Blog-Why-Brian-Burke-is-one-of-the-best-in-the-business.html Pulitzer Prize worthy...
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