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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Marney better not be overlooking the cranberry sauce...
  2. I have to wait until the Tigers either blow the division lead, or get stomped by the Yankees. By then Stafford will have shitty stats for the Lions, and the Red Wings' season will have started.
  3. September collapse?? Mets haven't been north of .500 since June!
  4. Ticket to Ride is my favorite right now. Mr. Moonlight is a terrible choice for worst - it features one of Lennon's best vocals, and the mellowest organ solo ever. And - a Buck Owens cover should never make the worst list of anything.
  5. *falsetto* Can you take me back where I came from, Can you take me back... Can you take me back where I came from, Brother can you take me back??? Can you take me back... just like that!
  6. I'm going to start with the one album that started everything in the world of music for me: The White Album. My somewhat square parents, whose main musical interested centered on Harry Belafonte and the Kingston Trio, had two Beatles albums in their collection: Sgt. Peppers and The White Album. My five favorite albums as a kid, besides those two Beatles albums, included the Fantasia soundtrack, Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, and Belafonte Live at Carnegie Hall... But, for me, The White Album was head and shoulders my favorite. The White Album was the first one I listened to on the first nigh
  7. dammit. I was wondering why some of the albums have alternate sales (new and used). Damned market inefficiencies! People snapped up the $9.99 price and are already reselling for the new ask: $12.99.
  8. I see Hard Day's Night as $9.99, but that's the only one.
  9. But only Liam has the ability to turn a single-syllable word into a three-syllable word, like "shine": She-IIII-un.
  10. Guess there's money to be made in being Patrick Kane's bitch?
  11. I'm impressed that Gavin pulled Gwen.
  12. I don't think it's impossible for a video game to inspire someone to murder someone else. The trigger to inspire murder could be anything. The White Album (to tie it back in to the Beatles) inspired Mr. Manson and his gang to do what they did. Taxi Driver inspired whatshisnuts to shoot Reagan. However, I won't go down the route of concluding "therefore video games/white albums/Scorsese movies are BAD and should be outlawed."
  13. Interesting... So, surely there must be something to lead someone who has never played computer games to play computer games - the entry door. But computer games are a dead end? They don't feed the curiosity to go elsewhere? One-way door in, but no exit? I suppose that accounts for the world of warcraft deaths...
  14. regardless of your non sequitir, I didn't say anything about career choices.
  15. Nevermind the absence of Billy Preston - is George Martin in the game?? The thing I don't like about the guitar hero/rock band genre is that it lacks most of the things that make video games fun for me - namely, split-second decision making, strategizing, and problem solving. Instead, game-play is reduced to the skill of pressing a sequence of buttons at the prompted time. A B C, A B C, A B [pause] C, A B C. I appreciate that this game will introduce the Beatles to a new audience, which in turn should encourage new listeners to turn on and tune in to (new) auld-timey music. Music is a w
  16. Huh. They've released two 30-second youtube videos, and the haters have already contributed to this thread? Well here's another one: Tourdates: PUBLIC ON SALE INFORMATION North America Fall Tour 2009 Public on sale starts Saturday, September 5th at 10 am 10-01 Austin, TX - Stubb's / Tickets / A very limited number of tickets will be sold sans service charges at the Stubb's Box Office (801 Red River Rd) 10-02 Austin, TX - Austin City Limits Festival / Tickets / Visit www.aclfestival.com for festival details and ticketing information. 10-05 Nashville, TN - War Memorial / Tickets
  17. The first being? And for what it's worth - that Hitler rant/humorous subtitles on youtube has been WAY overplayed...
  18. I'll be pissed when the Twins overtake the Tigers, like they always do.
  19. Oasis was a great band - "was" being limited to "covering the period through their 2nd album." With their 3rd (which I defended at the time) they entered a phase of bloated mediocrity that they weren't able to pull out of, aside from a song here or there (I liked Lyla). I assume that Noel eventually ran out of crib notes and song idea sources.
  20. Black Keys - All you ever wanted. Slow build up to the Best Hammond Organ eruption EVER.
  21. The lyrics read as if he ran a Japanese song through babelfish into Spanish, and then into English.
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