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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. When I was in H.S., mid 80s, Prince was a wierdo who was admired for all the hot poontang he got. Michael was a wierdo who tried to buy the Elephant Man's bones. Advantage Prince.
  2. Interleague play mitigates that, a little bit... Still, the 2-3-2 schedule sucks! Go 2-2-1-1-1!
  3. Ah. Is that the slogan of that decision?
  4. I don't get the reference. Explain please!
  5. Good question. Some article I read earlier (that I'm too lazy to go back to cite) defended Upton, saying that LF isn't his usual position, but I'm not convinced... Maybe he's not used to the wall going back further on his right side? Either way - a pro baller (and an all-star at that) should be able to catch a fly ball regardless of where he's positioned in the outfield. He played it poorly - took the wrong angle and then it was behind him. Perhaps he wasn't used to the type of spin/curve/trajectory the ball takes when hit by a left handed batter to that side of the field?
  6. other than Buckingham and Nicks, yeh. The Blasters
  7. Tallon canned Ouch! "Congratulations. We made the conference finals last year. Now, go get your fucking shine-box!"
  8. That reminds me of another TIME cover... Hopefully her career, post-TIME-cover, turns out better than Wendell Anderson's. His career imploded after he appointed himself to be the senator to replace Walter "where's the beef?" Mondale when WM became VP. I had the opportunity to meet Anderson in 2004 - a friend invited me to his house to watch one of the 2004 presidential debates. What a poonhound. He was plastered and was making VERY overt passes at previously mentioned friend. I was entertained.
  9. When I go to NYC, I always enjoy walking around Central Park, and I try to make a walk to the Dakota to give my respect.
  10. My faves #1: CCR then: Los Lobos Pixies Talking Heads Queens of the Stone Age
  11. he died because he didn't make a career in getting strangled by a purse strap, therefore he lacked the requisite experience?
  12. Miller's an entertainer. He looked at the potential of being a conservative pundit and said "there's gold in them thar hills." There's no money in left-wing commentating.
  13. Is anyone watching that Expedition Africa show on the History channel? Does Meriya have fake cans?
  14. Ranked by "I'm most likely to listen to:" 1. AGIB 2. AM 3. BT 4. YHF 5. SBS 6. ST 7. W(TA) I listened to W(TA) a couple times on the web-stream, and it never piqued my interest. I really don't like Summerteeth.
  15. Her political career is over - she has no chance of being president. But she'll probably have a very lucrative career as a commentator and pundit. But back to important things - was Seward's Folly represented in the Flynt-made Palin porn?
  16. Dumb like a fox. I'd quit being Governor of Alaska too if it meant $millions in speech fees, book deals, and my own TV show...
  17. I am trying to housebreak your cat.
  18. OK - well, your first example: Yashin, wasn't a front-loaded contract, and it was made before the salary cap was put in place. His contract started and ended with $6.4m/season, with a bell curve in the middle. And your other three examples are all outliers. I could easily counter with three all-star players who have had long fruitful careers (Lidstrom, Jagr, Roy). All three could have been nabbed with longterm contracts - at a bargain, but those guys are outliers as well. Bure's contract was, as I assume all contracts are, insured. And to counter your negative what ifs, what if the Hawks
  19. If they're going to sell out their integrity, why don't they just go the traditional route and write stories about girls with big tits?
  20. Immature and desperate? Why? Here's why I think it's smart. Hossa's salary is structured like so: 1st 7 years: $7.9 mil Next year: $4 mil Next 2 years: $1 mil Last 2 years: $750,000. So basically, the meat of the contract is for the 1st 7 years. If they had given him that 7 year contract, they'd be taking a $7.9m hit against the cap, instead of the $5.1 hit that he's taking. Hossa's happy, because all of the money is loaded towards the front of the contract, and he'll collect the bulk of it. The team's happy not only because of the salary cap #, but because if they decide to trade him, o
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