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Posts posted by dtram

  1. Probably no Quine and Lloyd:




    January 1992 WXPN World Cafe: Philadelphia, PA (date unknown)


    divine intervention

    nothing lasts

    Matthew is solo acoustic, a very chilling version of nothing lasts


    February 2, 1992 - Philadelphia,PA @ Trocadero

    Shares the bill with Robyn Hitchcock


    February 4, 1992 - New Haven, CT @ Toad's Place

    Divine Intervention

    I've been waiting

    when I feel again


    Does She Talk?

    Looking At The Sun

    Day For Night


    You Don't Love Me


    tape is cut, encores were likely performed, but remain undocumented.


    Video ! The band is Ric Menck, Paul Chastain, Ivan Julian and Greg Leisz.

  2. Slightly off topic but this thread got me thinking of the 1st time I saw him. I guess it was '92 and he was opening for Robyn Hitchcock at the Troc in Philly. The place was jammed at 7pm for Matthew as WXPN had playing a lot of the record and there was a huge buzz. I guess there was no soundcheck because Matthew and his band came out and kind of tuned up/jammed/made a lot of noise for about 5 minutes before launching into Divine Intervention. They then proceeded for 50 minutes or so to run through most of Girlfriend and just totally killed. One of the more exciting sets I've ever seen as the music was so fresh and they were so on their game and you had the feeling he was on his way to being huge.


    It's the only time in my 350 plus concerts where I felt the opening act totally blew the headliner away. By the time Hitchcock came on, the crowd was spent and Hitchcocks jangley Rickenbacker was no match for the Les Paul distortion that was still ringing in your ears.


    Saw Sweet numerous times afterward but nothing came close to that first time. Still have the shirt from the show with cover of Girlfriend on the front. Great, great album cover.

  3. Wrong




    You really like that tune? I'm one of the biggest R.E.M. fans there is and there aren't many of their IRS songs I don't like but coming after I Believe and all the other great tunes that come before it, that song to me is just a buzzkill. The Pageant sessions were defintely not one of their most prolific writing periods as the had to reach back to '84 for Hyena and earlier for Just A Touch and What If. Too bad they didn't finish PSA Bad Day at the time or choose All the Right Friends instead of What If....

  4. Been thinking about this for awhile and it seems every record I love has one cut that to me makes it flawed. Examples are Quadrophenia (Dirty Jobs) Abbey Road (Octopus' Garden) Automatic for the People (Monty Got A Raw Deal) Lifes Rich Pageant (What if We Give it Away) Being There (Kingpin, like the live version much better) Wish You Were Here (Welcome to the Machine, just kind of long and boring to me) and the list goes on. All of those are huge albums in my life but don't make it because of that one tune. That all being said, here we go:


    Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

    Brian Wilson - Smile

    The Who - Who By Numbers

    Liz Phair - Exile in Guyville

    Joe Jackson - Body and Soul


    Thats all I got for now.

  5. These are a little louder, but not painfully so (unlike the unfortunate "And I Feel Fine" set that came out a few years ago--I can't even listen to those discs). They don't sound "clipped" like the "And I Feel Fine" remastered greatest hits record, but it is definitely louder.


    I have the remastered Reckoning and the "I.R.S. Years" CD version from the mid-90s. The new remaster is a little louder, but a little clearer too. I mostly like it for the expanded booklet/liner notes, which is one area where R.E.M. tends to do a good job.


    I'll be interested to see how the Fables remaster compares to the old CD. I don't have the "I.R.S. Years" version of that, so I don't know if that one is any better than the original. Plus, Fables has always been one of the murkier-sounding releases.


    Note that if you preorder on Amazon, you are guaranteed to get the release-day price if it goes lower, which it often does. My copy of the Reckoning remaster (currently $26.99) ended up costing only $14.99.


    Thanks, I forgot that I had "And I Feel Fine" but that was what scared me off of these remasters, that thing is awful. They ruined Accelerate which maybe has the best batch of R.E.M. songs since Automatic with that crazy loud mastering too.


    Fables could stand a remastering and maybe a remxing too as long as it's tasteful; as you said, it is a pretty murky record. I'm scared to think what the remasters' will do to Pageant and Document as they are loud to begin with.


    I'll probably pick this up for the bonus disk anyway, I'm surprised they didn't include Theme From Two Steps onward which was played a ton on the Reconstruction tours.

  6. Huge R.E.M fan but have stayed away from the remasters due to a general avoidance of current remasters because of the loudness wars, and preferring the originals. My question goes to the other question. Are these just turned up to 11 or is it worth it? I know there have been some answers that they are worth but I'd like to know what is better about these remasters.


    Also, as an FYI, the bonus cut "Throw the Trolls Away" is actually "When I Was Young" which is listed on the original Fables inner sleave but dropped at the last moment. It was then improved to become I Believe on Lifes Rich Pageant. Why they call it Throw the trolls away is beyond me. Also, I got that info from murmurs.com so it could be wrong. Considering throw the trolls out the door is a line from Cant Get There From Here, I'm not sure why they would rename the song but........

  7. no question they know the market

    40-55 years old with hefty bank accounts

    Im not surprised its still selling, the prices are carefully calculated to sell at the same price as the secondary market-i.e. stubhubis prices-this is what is turning me off- its the beginning of unaffordable tickets so that LN/TM can capture the profits being made by resellers. I hope nobody buys the 1700, 900 and 500 tickets and they are empty for the show.


    end rant

    Im sure it will be an entertaining spectacle. I wonder if he has any of the original props from the 1980 tour.


    I'm 1/2 of your demo, 41 but I wouldn't call my bank account hefty :-)


    I don't think any of this is from 80-81, he has scarfe doing new animation and puppets and I believe the old Wall was only half the length of the new one and got wet sitting in a warehouse (seriously.)

  8. YUP $1700 for MSG

    Im so turned off by the prices.

    Can you say money grab?

    I love Waters and his tours when he had new material were great (especially pros and cons with clapton).


    But this is starting to feel more like a broadway play than a concert.


    I won't argue that some of these prices for the front 10 rows are crazy but we all know the alternative is that these tix end up in the hands of brokers and go for obscene prices anyway. At least this way you would think the artist gets some of it.


    I personally don't think it's a money grab when you look at comps in the industry. When I saw Wilco open for Neil Young in 2008 at the spectrum, the good seats were $225. Now I like Neil and all but that show was basically 4 old men standing still and playing 3 chords. This Wall tour is going to be on a level probably never seen in rock concerts, I agree it's more Broadway than a concert but that's ok. I think I heard 18 tractor trailers to transport and 100 stage hands per night. There is obviously a cost to that on top of the cost to develop the show.


    Also, I think they got the market correct with these prices, I was actually shocked they added a 3rd philly show. That shows that while we're all bitching and moaning, we're also paying and demand is there. And like was pointed out before, this is one show where you don't need to be next to the stage, being farther back will actually give a better perspective and you don't need to pay top dollar. I'm just glad this isn't Pink Floyd. As much as I'd like to see it, now we're talking $350 -$400 a ticket with much higher demand. I was listening to a RW Dark Side '07 boot last night and while Kilminster is no Gilmour, he's pretty good.

  9. good point about the Dan. as far as beach boys go, smiley smile is good too. i don't find pet sounds as enjoyable as those we've mentioned. can't get into dennis's album though.


    I know, I love Dennis' songs on BB records but his record doesn't do it for me. People on the BB boards fawn over the thing but outside a few of the tracks I don't think it's that great.


    I'll take Pet Sounds any day but it is a different animal than the other records. Liking Smiley Smile, have you checked out thr Brian Wilson Smile? Talk about enjoyable records.

  10. i love the gaucho album. the song gaucho is great too. also, love sunflower as well as surf's up. good calls. now, is that Eyes on without a net? that is a great live disc. i'm partial to the eyes in the grateful dead movie.


    Thanks. Yes, that's the Eyes from Without a Net with Branford, my all time favorite nice weather song.


    I've seen reviews where Gaucho is rated the "worst" of the 1st 7 Dan records. I don't see it, may be my favorite. I think Aja's probably a better record but if I had to pick a record to listen to of the 2 of them, I think I'd take Gaucho. Related exactly to the threads point, Aja has the critical acclaim but i think I enjoy Gaucho more.


    As for the Beach Boys, I could have filled the list with their stuff, especially the '67 to '73 period, maybe the most under-appreciated/under-rated collection of records by a popular band.

  11. We always called them "sunny day" albums. Records you wanted to listen to on and 80 degree day with the windows down.




    R.E.M. - Lifes Rich Pageant, Green

    Beach Boys - Pet Sounds, Sunflower (and just about anything else)

    Steely Dan - Gaucho (Babylon Sisters at 7pm with cool breeze, nothing better)




    They Don't Know - Kirsty McColl version or Tracy Ullman version, doesn't matter

    Grateful Dead - Eyes of the World 3/29/90

    Warren Zevon - Desperado's Under Eaves


    There's a ton more but that's what popped into my head 1st..

  12. I'm am still strictly CD for all purchases. I just don't see the point in paying for MP3's when I can buy the higher quality CD for around the same price, get the artwork and then rip to MP3 anyway if I wan't to. I'll buy an MP3 in the rare instance when I specificallly only want one song by an artist but this maybe has happened 5 times ever. When I want to listen to sepcific CD, I just pull it off of the rack.


    I did get my first ipod last month for one reason; with all the shows I've been downloading lately, it just got to be way too cumbersome to transfer all of them from Flac to CD, especially the Dead shows which ineveitably take 3 cds. Then when your listening you have to load all of the CD's in the changer, pain in the ass. Obviously not up there with the bigger problems in the world but it was driving me nuts. The ipod is a great solution to this, download the show>put it in winamp>convert to mp3> add to itunes> sync ipod> done and done.

  13. http://www.philly.com/inquirer/magazine/20100422_Sideshow__Jamie_Lee_on_mom_s_troubles.html


    Philadelphia Folk Festival lineup

    The Philadelphia Folk Festival is set to announce the lineup today for its 49th annual late-summer gathering, which will take place Aug. 20-22 at the Old Pool Farm in Schwenksville. The festival, which will be hosted by much-loved folk deejay Gene Shay, this year will continue to evolve with an intergenerational lineup, highlighted by a rare solo appearance by Jeff Tweedy of Wilco, as well as veteran blues and folk-rock heavyweights Taj Mahal and Richard Thompson. The PFF's image reboot, which began in 2008, continues with youngish acts such as Bonnie "Prince" Billy & the Cairo Gang, Erin McKeown, Gandolf Murphy & the Slambovian Circus of Dreams, A.A. Bondy and the Sweetback Sisters, plus returning regulars Chris Smither, the Subdudes, Iain Matthews, and Susan Werner. Early-bird discount tix are on sale at www.folkfest.org. Info: 215-242-0150 or 1-800-556-3655.

  14. Yeah, this thread needs more posts unrelated to the show.


    It's related because if the prinicpal in a band doesn't like a specific city, that could influence what they play, how they feel about the crowd and generally effect the overal performance.


    Don't lump us in with that other asshole; christ, it's the 3rd page of a thread where just about everything that could be said about the show has been. Thanks for the input.

  15. Great show with an awesome encore -- Dreamer in My Dreams, Casino Queen, Outtasite (Outtamind) (they played Mind/Site in the acoustic), and a "rave" version of I'm a Wheel with no instruments, just them having fun on the stage, singing part of the song while a prerecorded version with a few extra beats played on a Macbook.


    The soundcheck, as heard through the front doors, was stellar:

    Fool Such as I

    The Losing End

    Outtamind (Outtasite)

    So Much Wine

    In the Streets


    Someday Soon

    I Must be High


    Scranton was great, I put Montclair night 2 in the top 20 shows I ever saw. This may have been better. Jeff did a lot of ball busting in the acoustic set about the talkers (when you have a ga show where there are alot of people in the back with no great view, I'm not sure how it's avoidable) but when they went back to the electric set set, the crowd participation, specifically in Hate it Here and Jesus, seemed to energize the band and the show just took off. Sorry no, set list but they played all of YHF minus Kamera, Radio Cure and reservations, and if I remember right, 4 from AM including a full band I Must Be High.


    Got scared when they played Hate it Here and Walken early in the 3rd set that they might cut the show short but it really took off from there. I really thought that they would come back after that rave version of Wheel but they didn't. They did that rave thing because Jeff kept taking about there being a rave after the show.


    Jeff did this hilrious bit imitaing Paul Stanley of Kiss when he was talking about the pot smokers and then playing I must be high, can wait for a recording of the show to hear it again.


    I've never seen 'The Musical Box' so I might have to check them out. The Genesis reunion tour of 2007 was a major dissapointment and partly fueled my dislike of old codgers reuniting.


    Check 'em outm they're very good. The Genesis thread in this section has some discussion about them.

  17. just wait till you see the ticket prices!. the Oz tours he did in 2002 and 2007 where the exact same show, at the same venue. $135 in 2002, then $350 in 2007. buy the In the flesh dvd and it only costs $26 :thumbup


    be very very afraid!

    I'm figuring $150 to $250. What the fuck, you only live once. And if the production is spectacular with quad sound all the puppets, marching band etc, I think it would be worth the money. Aren't big broadway productions around $150?

  18. I was at that show in berlin in '90. It was quite something. About 500,000 people from all over the world. A very strange experience. I understand where you're coming from. I'm sure it will be an impressive production. I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite though because if Genesis announced they were going to tour 'The Lamb' with Peter Gabriel I would be shaking with excitement!!


    Lucky man, were you close enough to really see anything?


    I would be there in a second to see Genesis play Lamb too but I really think the band Musical Box has intimitated them to a certain degree and that Genesis doesn't think they could be as good as they are now.

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